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Show miscellaneous; M Gdns, were inventedjb'y Swaxa Gerasan, about lha year 1378, andbrought iuto.aaa by the .. ' Venatiins In J3S2. Cannons we1elnvenfimn U :f-W anleridrdatejtliey were first used at the. ba'ttle'of v-JK Cressy In ;345. Iu Englaod they were first used f p ; JY at the sljge of Berwick jn.HOJ. Jttwa aol ujjtH ;'. W .1511, hoiveverj that they ?rerO ; caxl In Engfandr Jl'fl ml ' Tbey were used onbo'ard of ships by the Vefletls'a, tj' w . Ial535, and were In psa among ihe Tirlu abaut ;rl1li the-same' "tinie. Aa Mtjllsry company as; slituledln Borland for- weekly exercise In the ' I M yearlSlO. " ;M Prbte(ant thurehfrof vvorshlp p Parhihsra ?i Tk mulliplied of late; iSTt notice thatT k 'recent - ' MM Sitnrday Issue pf Gillgnani' Mes ieoger COTtftifl eight duTorent advertleejneaW cidiylae serrlee, 11 jWhich were to taljj place on8unday,jyhutjit W'jM Iter. A. Gurney English Church v the' Church T kfM pf Scotland, Wesleyau Cbapel, Coogisgatftnal I'm Worablp, Chufchof England Eaguli.daurcli 'Vm (Rue d'Agueaseau,) ;Amerlcaa, Eptacppal $3 Church, and th Amtrfcan Chapel. , j ' fifm STO-tx-cpTTiap .McWs-fVe ihavar jast '. fM. seen in operation says the Joarnsl de l.'AsIne, , ',!g'?'0V,, nwhl.ne.fpr cujtipg ston w, lav.sat- 1 If 3 d by a clockin&ker, of Feislsux, la th'i depart- H ment-Mf Jeaa Marie. This machine-liewe, . MM stipples "ind carves the hardest ston with - ft-d rematkabbj precision, Tha bed 013 which tha J?? atone to he worked la, bU runs on Iron rails, ' K backwards and f or waids, a may bsreqalrsd. ' l There have been found In England, In rock Sd which were depoaitedloug before the creation '9 of man, a fro;;' bones of inch sua as to Indicate i'vrf clearly that the animal, when alivs, mult have '' i M weighed rora 800 to 1500 pound. ' 1 |