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Show II1W'0F: iriiE "LAST SESSION if$ a! 'AN1 "ACT 1 Declaring ctrtain thingt to It praptrty. tpuifcing ' r-rfM ttf""! 4fini2 A ""Off M 1 toxmng-iUy phtuitiifn; and providing for '. stdreif 'ef'any gnnancaJhat tuoy brltt from proa;edingF under, thti.aft, j . Sec.'. He eiiactetj" ty .lha Governor and "OgttUtlte Atacmbty of-ths Territory of "Olab: T.W" ,Pron wbo lmi tnctu()J,;oriDay lmt-after lmt-after wclose, a porlloif or iiortiont of utiplalmed eovernment land, or caimd-irio be dona at his txpeuia, or baa purchued, or may beteofter pui ch9e,'aucli neloiurr: orrrected, cauied to be ereoled orpurchaied any' b'ullditiji or other'lov' provemtnt. tberedn. or may ireater.ip fo,'.t hrby declared to be the lawful owner or (he claim to the )Onfglon of siicli (sclosed Uiid, and.) be lawfulowner of tha loir rjyeineuta ihere-on ihere-on and. thereunto appe"rfd(ni(g; and he shall be odemfd and held -io all legal proceeding, and In all rights and dolngi peitaftUBg orreleilng to lheafortaldproprb'i ; 8ec.2.-;Tliat owner of aay rjperty specified. Injbo.fpresojjog itcttpn, la, hereby authorised, 1 la .order-toTeboerpoMeiion' thereof, toreqaeii,1 -wltioitpro:eitifqtnn-C6urt or wffiter thereof, I W1'j'ic2?,,bl', ,"r,flV r sny.leputy of either of ' aid ottlcfM, tb proceed forthwith to remove any ' tperfoij.iiind Al8-.0ecta who, hair unlawful on forcibly nwseitlonof m,M nropertyr or to re-; movaany'teaant thereon or therein, wlien said taoaiit alia or refuse to fulfil any or tha term of lus contract .wi It ownerPT wjfn tbe Ue pf ajld tenant has rxplred, or wfiyii Mid tenant is waatifijpr olierwia damaging the aforesaid properlyt or whonaatd tenant lue undeiletaaid property or any part thereof, rOnltiry to contract con-tract pr ajalntt tho txprrased hi li of tha owner, or when aald tenant ahall use ald property or any part thereof, for any unlawful or diiordetly i purpoee, or purpota not iptcificd in the contract jiSai&fiMmi :nd, thaaiaMcosttaMt OraJierilT, orijepa. ty ofeiUier, 1 hereby reqatred and eoinowered to take at least two person with 'Ma, audto at QaWV,c?& uch cduraa and rraourct , shall ;be reqniilte to remove Iho, nforesald. perjonandhli effecU, irt unlawful. nd forclbl po8fslon; or to remove any tenant and htief-fecta htief-fecta when fri potetsion '' hereinbefore ipci-fled, ipci-fled, and .pUeetthwa lb full ind pjacable pofilonoi bla property., Any alieitttor other officer rrfaainfj to, dUclianjel'thi.. duties a 're-qiifrpd 're-qiifrpd lnjhla;.aptidn, aha1lf.on ronrictlon thereof; there-of; be' fined not'txoeedlnp on hundfed'dojlara. Sfc. gb.buldflny peraoh.la trolaWuUf yio' leal posaesaion of property o aforeaald, or nay tenant; ddein himself igRfieved byUhe actWa t4'i. thi act, of any owner, of property, or of HHjrfconstabte, ahrriflr.or deputy' of either, any cbuttbtBg jurtidlctlon ta hereby required aW empowered to hear and adjudicate the complaint of the aforesaid "penion or teiiaf.v-," - r i"r '.'-' ' flA,'i',Ul.')tV"xEtji,J .' frtiideniirtke Council. ,'r,; ,v ;.''-voitifTAoK,i4 '-' h5, . .... j, .Wdfer. of thtJh ;u e efMnrtHntalimi ' Approved'Jan. 2i, 1SC0. s "v ' i.'t''Ai'CcMMNotr' t-rf -.tj-fi-l ' -SrSlif - - kc: ifBi M'itkfit'nlS'Sni egUlativewemhjyVot .th.Tirit9rytof,.Uih: .TQial the offic termff. "Inspectofi, of PenUeu-,ttarylytSBreat,by;'aa PenUeu-,ttarylytSBreat,by;'aa act WniffitlWiw tha li(.reafler.b,eketyled, .ffloard of phecloifc of the l iOtah;Penl(entiar'.vrt:t.v-"; " t: . " Sec.:Ji;,TPeiilteniary shall,. fie, jnderrihe ' feontrourayoVrdrthrtijdfe baiIect4o;,bj!:,.thflnfvateyef theLeeieJalve A!LV$ VlW H,eir ? W 5r elected M juallAe'dA'(8ld;dlrectlr-haH,r.befor'o ehlerinB i.qpn tbe dntlea.of IbelrpiBceiquahfyj byetvt'e Ibonda WtoSec'uriiy'to.lhe.pe , torybiUtJt,Jiv.thB peiituB of bneJliouaand dollar .each, .conditioned tha fallbful perfor- ; matico of the 'duties of lli'etr bOide, to bi approved " ; by, Sod filed, wlib.lUa-auditor of publle'aecoiintiy ; "?)'?.i!h.'i-,B?i,'e my.,b'liicreaiod, when inithe iUdit6i4juigmeht thtf pubHa fiobd rtqulnTf. . lif-iSeciJ'Tliere ihallcbe' elected rinaallyy-by; the. jolntiyole of. the Leilaltyer Aaaomblvi a 'WarHerfiTvhpiKtetin'tif office shall 'be. one year, and ut.tilihia-mcctuaar ilia.l be elected and qualified!, aald warden ihall qualify, by taUlnc 'and 'ubacrlblnff'an'oatb to' faithfully perform the du ies ot.hla office werdlig tolaw, nd etre, bond. In' the penal Mtp.of tett thpnjanattU torinaellon secptidfthisleot.',! . . " . ,Sec.,.t;..yUa direqtora,,hall',appoint one; of, their ftirthbet'prestdejtiof tHa'bbfoa-mtjo-rUy .t:wh9?A-Lfofm.qi,tMa0rllBlnji.thev hall,.appo(ut.a Jlerkj oyeraeera; guarjlrajd all ' otber neceMirV .officers; for tho Peuffentra'ry.'not 1 iHfwlsa-p'rovWed forj'andualhijerjbBS ssiap-.pointed ssiap-.pointed ;may be required by, the director to t Klvobond, with security, to: thft-peorif? of the Teritfory of Utah, which bond shall bo'apprqred by, and' filed' with, the auditor of public ac- - conntt; -t-'V j.'-., : .SecSLrsbsllbe lha duty, of the director to vlait the "Penitentiary a often -a' they "may deem Jt riaceawry; tp examine; and-lnquire inlo connected.wiib ie goyeramtnt and 'dlicblln 'thereof and to sriV:iieceary dfrec--"!f to tha warden Telatira.to, alt matter per-taining per-taining lherejoj apd. rnay, require., lhe;cohvct," who may hereafter be convicted, to" labor outside out-side the,, wall, oaf anr.'pubHa5r prlrato.worka; i and when thus employed, cause that they be welt secured and 'properly guarded. Sec- G. The directors ahall at all times have free accei to all parts of the Penitentiary, and may intpecf all books, papers, documeut, cbm-mnnlcatlons cbm-mnnlcatlons at(d correnondenoe pertainioe thereto. ' v J8ec'7.'Tli directors shall aonnally reporfto the LegiaUtive Assembly, dwluglhe first wqek of its itsifon, the condllioii.of the penitentiary, tha numberofconvlcU, their condition; also for wh.84 and how long they, were sentenced, specifying speci-fying how inaby are frrltorUl,.the fijcal affair, nd.all the avail arising fYptii the labor of con-victs, con-victs, and an approjtjmate estimate of tlje mrans necessary to defray exp?iiaea for'the ensuing tear. ,e9. The WDrden shslI receive and keep all 'n'Osous duly committed, and pot allow tbem to bold converfotion wilh any. pcrto'n, eieept hi bis, or tlm petenco ,of aoma oilier ofTwert in 'charge, and sea ih'at tha sentence of each pilion-er pilion-er ia prbperly exerted, and tbatihey be'dlli-gantly.roployed be'dlli-gantly.roployed at.lhe labor esalsned tbein, "Sec. 9. In case any cbnvfe'i or convict's shall dft'jr auy, violence or resislan'c to ntiy btficer In charge, or. do violence ijo any. piher cbnvit, attompl'to do lfjury'ttf thebuildhigsor'appurfe-nanoes'thsfeunto thebuildhigsor'appurfe-nanoes'thsfeunto belonglrig attempt to escape, resist or disobey any Tavvlul commands,, the officers' "ball defend themscIves,"enforca' the observance, of discipline Accessary to secure the persona of offenders, and prevent any such og-gretslonj og-gretslonj or arca'pa of. any prisoner: and may punish bem at diicrelbn "for their misconduct in ucb manner as ahall be prescribed by the board' of dlreefou. J " ' fcCt 10, Wbvr any cpnyiet shall bs la- . gaily dlrcharged, Jhe warden may, by the con-ssiii. con-ssiii. of the director, 'furnish for said convict ;clotbing, not exceeding la value fifty dollar ,and ; ! money, not eiceedlug thirty dollars, as"'may by lha directors be deemed proper and cbtuWent -with the emergency of the. case. Sec 11. No person shall "commua.Icate "or d- I Hrer to' any prisoner any writing, message or f package, without tlelniptc,lloa and approval of j the warden; aiid any' person So oiTendirg, uponj conviction tbertQf.ahall ba'.punlshed by Imprison-, mentjuol exceeding aix month?, or by fine, not t exceeding or.o hundred dollars, recoverable') before any edurtJiaviDgjuriadlcilon. Sec. 12 11 aDd feroale prisoner sbairnot be f kept In tha same room, .and fomales shall be umlerthft sofmfaion ota suilablematron. S'O. 13. Whenever any prisoner escape from; custody, the warden shall use all due diligence for bis apprehenilon,tad for'this purpoae. may, uijder the Instruction of the. director, offer a. reward for his arrest and delivery to the warden H)f tbnrnitentlry. Sec. 14. In case any eontagloua disease break ' out among the convicts, or In case of fire, or other j casualty from wMch danger may ba apprehend ed, the warden may remove the convict to some ' safe and convenient place, there to remain In bis i charge until sad danger 1 past. J&h No . phMuewbr fcraeWyor.' ;' Wu f.if !?iJg''1 Uf0.-tb feftltenliaryfef tha W Ml use of any prUoner.unteM prescribed forhlsbealth ,u ffl'ML w',nri,a,1"8' Warden, tba-quaatlty andiaoMltv t mlwK of thelltuor to be furnished? llv'nae?Wl,y . Ijll Scc.l&jrbttMaraerllilbvpclwtr3ld'8iis Bill and b, e;l, defend, and be detiaded. ta hb A ll'f bffica!capaly,tfall'eoart.ofa fM. to direct all persons .employed; a MfrWri llT guards, .,lat.'nVi dBP & s.and 1 '4l,t by ihe cohscnt of, th'Vllrctbr,lte5:gp66iTsi dMty,;forwhb!ffie.rttclSheis.repi i ' 4 MM ,den a,,d direclp.and shall record H precept by v $mWi LW,j,wor.s are conmitwd. and keen .regSter ' lr i!li of ach cbhvkfhl 'Mme.'a.vWe of li" i mfS particularly .descr iblng- bt petsou. d faioc' al copatlon,andbaIl.Vccordthtfmforr'tthlcb'be ifSlSC tytni senteoqedapd alt 'cb8lrl;ind baie , It mt m ter deemed essential by tha dlreelor. 'v -IiilU k.'9c'.:18.VVhei)etelr' uaittbpli xnior 1WB& about i w'IJ?'a,a?jvebr)v(,blpg. ;. Mm Ing to. tha Pealte.dtafy, be to commit any miSw- IfUK' .fuLact, upon .SypSttonrjrremlAaJtthersyblo . appertaining; ai.y officer thereof ,1 'authotfas'd to M dmmohiXifficienrpeilrrtW'fat'rt x. U such danger is apprehend, for theiurno Dt Jifij repelling such contemplated inrfeaJ(AMilr- ' pBBf son refusing or aejjlectlngstbuysaldiBijMiis, t, irKl or any lawful, cimmands'of the: offlcttWclSg, , llMTisr hall.bntPWfjillon.vlbevbe-.lm VMjkii exceeulng tlx months, or fined, not eiceednw on - ftWSTT hundred .dohaw, by1iirry!eqrt bavlng ijaMHon. Jmlli' u BeoaVATheaudlpf pabllc cesuutat.isBr" y fcSf?fU byauihorlied let Iju Wstftiita ba th lerrHoruil - - FI .;trfl'MUry .for,tha,sHe9f tb;sn,bUdpyt . Wm. or other persona employed in penlteptwry Mtvicat' " ' 'iwM, also for tool; ..cloibtogiltBrhicuf el W aitier iipoessary supplie to lie jnouat.wbldhmav.b . lsti3v :Merd-fy, tli'i dlreclp'ayinleuVn 1 1 1 ftf! :Wowy,rlA traayppfprtilir9iratt Wmiil f11? pnrposen' provided,-. that. nothing. herein 1 m& 'ihall d coristrn-ii't6 Jo'riify'ls'i,Tni war. 1 1 ,.r8V3(i 'All laws and parffif! lafeatlna; ' Mltfr .witKthtoactarBfbsreby.repeMaiiXatu anbv ;MWr SptalrtofjM'UoutepfRtpttuntalhtt. 1 S -'ppfotTd j.no-iBfi ' fi:- " & : I Rytajwg,, certain acU and afprppriatinq , moe '' ?m&k to lotate and optri d road front Cfridt Silt'tZU' .81.iIW1y!tl..y.;tfee ' Lfgialullva AsjeniMy of iheTerrliorytofyVtahj ,1V : that ' nn:ct entitled .,faii act for the Improvemiat ''Wt of Dig ICnnvon Creek Koad,'' approved Febra. ?aUi ; ry lGtl.J852; and alsoanacVflntltled anct to l. Incorporate lllg ;Knnyoa! Kosd Cpmpny,?pi '' -Bl - proved Juriuary P, 1855, be,and tbbsassaara SK hereby repealed. "-. ,, '' - .- Intl :: .c rt The TerrIltbrialt-or' 8tte RoialCom- 'JvM misjloner (( hereby authorised nd required to ViW I locals a road Jnn the raoaffetslbla root from vffi : Great Salt Lake Cily, by-way of Jlg JCanysn - MMs . Creek,.! b the Valley of tha Weber, Oa thatadst tUft , feasible! ronto.to, Urldger, -and to open tha same ; apJf by contracting with persor.a to; the best Interest fWfl oftheTerrltory, for the completion Aereof by if a the first, day , of December Bext,'and .to,report ? a C his doings, under this act, to Uie-tegrjlallve As- M SJ .Sembly durfBgJhefint'.week ctlU:aext.aa8l IjW j sasmoir. ; . i n? ill K-See.VTfoa nm.o?Uirrtq'ti1ina &hnk Mlii hereby appropriated outofaiiyjBoneyi'la,. , lM E Territorial Treasury for ib purpose pecli!eda , ;fV tbfa act.'and the auditor of public account shall ' Mi issue bis warrant pon,tne drafts of the" Tern- jlffl toffal or Qtafs Itoad CoramIroner to any amount t-afF not exceeding the sum, herein appropriated. t'Jif Dasrrt II. ytiwV 1 Ml y' Pntldentoftht Cmncax " Aw, . JoukTavi-o. . ffffij - SjKaktroftheWiutfofReprtttMathtK- ' " '.T Approved January 20, 18OO4 i t:4Jy , , A.Ccuuino, t v'fsl GotnnoroflfiaTerriiQfjf taJ |