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Show The thHHiti h a uwfal TOinWrj'iwi,' fia'tt" n y.hvetoi,6w,ypedn't atccwatlluy to. f- glybarBclgbbor nailer It. ' " ''r f ' .'if v , Two cenluriM ago jiot one la, orijinilrei worafocKjo, fty ywsgoiwt ajboyln ; . thouwntf wslVllpife, to, fiifoTijfcW , Flffy-yeaw ajoot'oBe jjlfl'l athdiUaad mside , a wollHi MiW 'efher, wothejr, Wonderfai lat. proveroerits in iht; WoBlerflW9i'-'!, -n vxt.llV!f ry- DporiJjtf akp ANAnciijrTThs.atmwarff certainly bnif wlifnVeri u notf-pfMltt'rfVo d; Hbeyi'p!e?;l,ur,ihev;a'mtii! tbeynre pirmitled to dp er,erythinff t&yf nlem ;'' -Tas Best JsvesTVEtrr. Pr.sFwnklini pcak-! puriS into his' Jt4, na wiiaan uU. a away t 4WU HPW'Ab. Miap pajiery: cfBUHvtUiB tif Malta ! tmdlly ipteaL ljfjn Partst more Uisa a mltllori (rsncs woih of brougtiUo warkat every year, ' ' , A story. totd :of a worthy; yonri'g Scotch ' clergyraai) Wfio Had Bretptctabfe ki In his eye, oad Vrho wi recBlly lo company wilh a Vfuir; alija witrta of - tho bldacltooi 'TCo'latterteiH dend'haf bBgia(i)!tidna to the revered nt)e-an nt)e-an as faHowf 'Uedb.airVt t.hrycoasi'iii PUjtj ..to h. fmlaitter nooj Ebf mon, to that yo preach . gud cemmon ' .aefiaB, and of thbdoxy Dloaa faah'yoar- head firammer;callanf,Vor i hanlte p'RMmweraerwoM dlnna;edrrynd the' 'pii'pit and the W'atJd ' were WUh' bolter when "hae Stammer was .heard. ;tell oflpreaeh'ye guje common , aenalladdlej bt'ooi)n afl'' thlnga 'preach-otthpd'oxyAv.-- ' ; lentiea1' 0Fh1ngfo)ifono abouiftopMSlajiwhen the'doar-keeperiaaktsd,' " Are 'you "ttl!pHviriEeimembr V ' iWhaf do ' fWnW,lir&p The reply w.aa. aR9Vrnprj?rmemberf Congreia , bfa fof!g:nrttlniter.'., f The itraitger replied ! that1 lie wai- a mfolafer "From what cdarfcor. ; cenntryt aaked lbe; official. Very gravely poifttinit upi the raugr,repired,From.IIeaveti, lini'iT0 h'ihe door-keeper wagglahly replied, "Thiagovernrfleatjat. preiVnt holda, no iatercourie ' with" Jhat-Jfortlgn., poweV' ' ' ' rfATAiuO! JDit fnra '-tertn a a,,the chaplain. aked:Ano;ofthekcrew thought thWwaa any, danger WeV replied "ihe aallpr: "Jfitbibwi as Hatd'aaJt dfea now, wo.ahall all M jabeavea iedrit. twelve o'clock to-nlht.t The-cliaplatn, terrified at- theeipresaioii, cried oU,S27i lofdfirbld!' .t ' ' J ? ..JiBiriwpKOTwMrzM.Ati Indeptmdeni a5PPe?, Ifvery necejsaryl to make: truth knpwn.1o4he pecbtejbUlrV editor realif iode.'' pendjnTpvuit h'aa a heart oif .oak, iiervea of ifoa fiud aoul r.damab ij4carryjt through: 1 rig ;firatattempt;w.H bring, "hornet's peat ibou u hia nlai $fU they do: not. atirig1 him to death, or 1- MifK19- wWhavto jiuriue htaWarch j with them , con tliiuII iwarmlng o'veVm ijnd te bBaeoa;aiiid.e' wVtlf oblltjuy.aud alaoder. Joh"n,birjcydws.'- - T ' "ThPhllsdelphla, Ledger; calcufotc that' it reqiilrei fifty million poundj o( water td cover tirenty-rlve' acres one "incif in depth, which It abbot the amount of wMer Jbat falli in a 'first-, ratfraik' " ' ' ' "J " .There ia something Inexpressibly tweef ahogt little girla. Lovely, rpUfe, jnnpceot, iinaiapecN Ingtull of Jklwipeas tobrd(br, apd evfrytblng. Tbye,re awM lltUe hum'in flower; diarnpnd J?W dropa on thebreatbJof morn; But when they grow bp aud pe to biooming'inaturity don't aomo of tbemrnake terrible ''pasajoa flowtu.Jhfnjh,."; |