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Show iiiM-. Sfr fIEb wot notorious y Mfe- - jMr3eoW," answered jhe; llr rfswn arawoB-by jtistice: the kd wfE; Med to say as more than bccsmti a HI f-r "What, then," exclaimed he, HIS '!weW yi.hve tM;mi'i: fi.r reign kI- -'Wvyll?; "ofy boS that craclty- -"' V , ejljt ,to the settlement of tho J?urftaaa4B ' :K REBgIaBd,U.ey formed parties or the ; " ''.teJ'i fa&?vas called, he"Io v y'.,f .4.1 vcmiitinr sixteen nen;,,rnitJieIr - .t.'? 'profifessHlemctVUK scverill lulioqk?, C"" .'A th.IadwttMimt, aalhey adniBcedi fiild- ; J- V e' anddiscovcrcd that they had .con-. .con-. ;: s LBa,"tf Com "tog buried in the 4ffi&Krtt&, their, "curiosity; atrdrM V,v v 1 T fPflf-lllwir t Wiw thoBght(a(yaIu lKaeaawftj6B,;whle others, who ate- it la fcraw stati id Bofc re1i it, Bad ? . ' mt0ae- bf notgn-V". H WfjBiKliOwever,. som jmi Iak the , Bf")iBg,Sauteto,afrieadly la- -aC ' .iMmnkA them' iri thiWuUure " - ifaH'liyifyPWWy We'- w'enna'of J ; J -Mjtbew.iatrwBrfrtfni, Iwalit " . jtf4f' :.V. " EV wMtfsia Sultan Amuratbi Met ! ' " - :&HA spriiico, havingidd, selfi0 to m&.'2 s ' " -' Bagdad ancU takeh?it, ,gar orders for Wfg?f. -' 3 pBJBg thirty thousand Pei'Bians to llirt -.KJ5 FfljBg they, f had sub- lH;1 ' . ' BBdJwdTdOwn: thei nrmAmonff mj$ jjttraler of thesa wnfortuBate yiciima a. 'na;BuiciaB: Ho beBOUght itho ohV Kffli' i er?wlio lad the command to sco the rMfc-l Bultaa'a orders oxecutei.tc. spare him miWi or f10 Kle; ngu'tr,bo pcr- W& it?v?Re?to thfmperorhe Wm4 QpHifc4lged,v'witli hisicutrealyjanrd; fbeiDg brought, bcfore;:thov emperor, he, mwSs i -wae pemiued to exhibit ;8pecimetnof I literti fliike a musioianr iV'ilomorhj fittt jre,,Tprffi;r strings 'ori"cads JBidc; and": MJ . ' fceosmpaHied.it wit& hU Voice , lie sang IK&U S..ff.of Bagdad, and the" tri&mph rmufa(h. jlSo' . pathotio tones, and Vm'f .txu1Ubg dunaa,which lie dfef frqm ,tho w$Pyi ' 'iwtnwtttntvijf-inc'd ta thd alterBato plai-: fe1 tlvenesa an boldness of liis ;strajn3 rt.' rendered:"the "prince unabld tb rtsirain fff. A Uie - softer 'empfibB W his souh v-He iil p veaaBfJoiVfo pr&c4dBntij, over- llllfi " 0f4, with arpBy8 melted Jam MVy, '':,0f 'pity, rid. relented of hU iffi ' erUrintenUoh.-.,: He spared the prisoners fv" irlioyet; rma!n6d "alive, and. cave tifem JHDH IhmitUbertyT- m Ifwar, t f ' WMA:: rite'awo,&0fciriook on We biigh't ijlffe';-. tidori It Uxthfa, right ; side;? The, times flMf- iJ!fy'4fVutit'wiU;Mlte'thi5m,'no TOT wr;a gloomp.,and sad,cpunte WS$i ' aance. -It w. the sunshine, 'and k not tnii fifii ' M?f?.--w." arduous ;whiCl R I mPhr-.m: fill -.thoheartith1 iffe' Si 'u You have troiibi Ifasm ;,1t;miybe 80 hate others. None ;5efomihem, J'erhapsJt T VeU f and tone to life--rfortitude and eniirnnii lfiJSilH9W;neverW6kul her? was. nothing to disturb, the &rttee i3f the ; oceans It la.' tlitf diity -of all ner. Mm.entM carf, without andVithin the;.jind,,:abovaBU, hey should Jbok WfiMddo of things. Whatthough itf ngVdolqok a liftle. dark? Jho lane Will tiirfl,aad the night will end ia brod rights itself, AVhat it ill, beeoawa well what wrong beeoisiec Vwht. ifen are sot waae to kwg down either heada or lip, an4 thOM wko do, air fcow, that they .e:itrtiifro. atlis.ottni coaaaic st-R-w: aad right. (Thereis More yiitae m one sHbcam th'w a wholo kem-phere, kem-phere, f ekda fld gkOM. -Therew fore, w lefeat, look o the bright ide of thiBM. Cultivate what s gel-ot the cold an repaktye, the 4ark and tao- h - y. 1 1 - TotrnxMs tzc HATTi. Hay tl has been "PW' the curlyheaded, Jranco of 'he West; and with respect to wanricrs, the defiaition is as just as. it is witty. Po-UteBcssjpervades Po-UteBcssjpervades every class, of. society mHaytii it is as prominent in! thb'cabi'ris of the.morna as iB tho parlors of the eitiesi; Enter retail M6re"'fo parchase BB range r a btinch of banannas ad if yo do not first salato the. Wi4-'fWfytk Wi4-'fWfytk will regard yq bs being do- j aciBt.in good manner.. o,.alsoi, wlicn yo leave, if you do as thc do is liny ti, bb ast bid Hergood day. Breechless pyaeall their comrades moa'Sicur. CoUfl try fpjks.aever. meet, without atcqarteow salatatKw. It is rude tq ak Buy; oae a question ia the street or on the road, ahtil yoa ioudh yotfr"ht;BBd say 'onjhMrt Wwtur;" . JLadiejikHs.whea they me.t; j so Mmetimes fld tlie Bien-wwith men! r I neV sHBBTitted'in my own person to, this panion, Mr M . was oaco kissedrby a rqugh.faced geaeral until his cheeks, I W.'iHkeiwr.efpiB9:ffHc4aur. hr.s.X. T 1J M B Alabama; slaves Mder I heaot'when;f?jrayti 'll niust take care when letarVtfo Ibb States, or I'll Cad myself lfftiBg yb'at to every mr6 on wf -plan'fatioftl' tfhp irtbu.te wajidcsei'ved oaefot we'are Wrbari -ass intkiarespeei as compared-witHaV' tians. ri ' '1 . a. . .'a' 'V'- : |