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Show THE INDIAN COMSilSSfMER'S f; ' REFORT. jr Soidagkas the custom prevailed, ' that it seems to have finally become I - TriJ5eayjwpr ot tTtab, or wlla't is J- wfatfd&4y termed tlio Mbnrions, jj "are pro subjectajfocfta abuse and f , Sw ,artr. r jttrjr ha,bm counted I : fcbg tWafi, th past since the. ftftt ry t parsuit and sinnihilatioR k WiraM aaiMt tfew Multiplying ; ttfowV prd qV( be.nattonun- ;P-lib tiht cry apars to havd I 3 .Viiimii! aooawity. P ' vJkarwtetoit0 oet isiricate mys- ' '-.Jpiason' 5U?f eiilshco p- t.tJsi'IiirW Creator and his pxpn-wif pxpn-wif sail Viwly gpverd; natituwry r 'St&fciMlkftiw. 'MtttdpW rational, de-( de-( ..i4wiin.iTbe tfkele eeonomy o our r. - iteip'te i 'iMt;ptic. Wbda the wild .iprL,W'tlBiam and persecution ) ,pyr, atortaiXhaVe pawd ! byi tlw -atiVld, tfjifbtVi. f wwflarly in watfera whdre, ' i MiVWjcctot contro-ii contro-ii W tbeket ef .the: cdotet, Roaso ' . MqiiyirfHey Aoat far" 1 ciasloa., mtm m. DiMii, na ovr,- and -oopeK : :4 Vf' ,;;Sm,,flio, upipirosMp and - tao; ; ; ; s ttow:-' .feypQcriticl fanatwlsm : , ,( "f t varied scpU.P thc'Jowa ?ontpel-1' ?ontpel-1' ''t ld.aB unjust sentence f ront Pljatoandj t "'itvt6. this Baronaili. into' the"; hands' 6ft ' ? tWlteilecnicr'Jbt' nYaknd.!1.dReasn. I-riVes'f rbatt tto couV& during flio lhal ' , oc.oae Savwr assumed Wr rciRfi atter r : : v v tiHi eiixwB, and jocMifal Tier4 cs-'-" -walift 'eE tfce ancient Jtetnplqv-tho - 't vdutiMi, ui ioly tjityj and Ujo iIWdt;oar jfilention, wto, wo, ' altera. Bk'.tuo liUtory ' w , i&tiw jpepleitli whom if arci proud M8oela,td Booma.not.only. to par- fi- ? Igikelaifge)y'0 tho mp-$ramatJQ'cbar ' r" .-bUtor-BUt' also of tho religw-tragjtfi ?!k&' (JP.tcrnporarJes, and antagonists ' btine liiomsolVcs 'iptjr o' $J$Qai; ' ' $jSmi aad legal rtcsUon. we ilso -mil ! . 'iuil'va'thorpCo, 3ut,i!p6lhi- ,J ; " cat purposes resolve ,thcmsely,cs jrito: :. ; rigioua , crasadesi, wc .feci Sunder no Wa : : r , ptaaent, howevcri orwill not deaV-'. . ,1naiyciy in .qucstipui;d5 4 very Btrict Em , ccastica1 charactcri hufccomo to tho m auhject more immediately Vof ore-usl Mr 1 .fJtojourlastissuowocommentcdBomc-iLi .fJtojourlastissuowocommentcdBomc-iLi 'pW'dj' uPon thoreport 6f theSccr Jkjf ( Wttr3; o War; ; From him.wfllantici- $wjUnoin6ttcir- tjhan. wq rccoivod, nf- IZe uKyetcran crusaderi anlhia gloomy feakwcould hot fail "to cast tlipir j f Ipl t f;'darK 'shlMbw'f before "thcip..i.,Hi$ pbsifj WMg- j fC&PjL of jJ4cpartmcpi gaVoj ' t greater Jjlaimj .. how,evior' .feeble" 1- r'igh be his' rntellcct to-public dtten-1 WWZ. ;6Vflian th'iit q( .Greenwoodiio W$m 'is, bat the clerk to a;seaotary; AViience thti Indian- TComm&'lioncr V;.y . fedivcd.bisinformaUoii.c vCflRdition- the Indians in-Utoh,J-,r0: (Ji "care'but littler Wo havd no hesitation j ft i.-.;- inaymjg Jhali his infojrmant was 'either j t; iwilfulfalseTor. grossly ignorant. I'ho. ' veriest idiot of a-mouiitain rambler who M: had knpwnTItah f or twelvo'ycara past r . t.cpuld have given him better postings. J; - Frora even him ho could havo learned 1ft. ' ttfAwoHca citizens who first - planted. ,fhp flag oL their country here, Xm uifpuad not only Utah a blcak, forbidding iwCTr' vp .Qti foud tho abonjpbs in tho flSjjf' 'veryolyest' condition, of ! human beings. Nakedj loathsome and impnmdenl, tho fe grasshopper cricket and sunflower fur-Wip--:. iUheo .almost Uieir only substantial :t'-- h.iueals, and tho vermin Of their own cor- porcal productions werd thoir dessert. ' 'Xhebig game had long since fled beyond tlw reach fil their: ijint-pulBWd firrowa. ; ttS buffalo, haWgoft to: ol ifl tfe gretnpastHrei W PlatU'and Sww rcrf Tk WetWMaa sought oVhilU aid roV-tin:prpil 'And tho beat hkdfdand moW convenient conve-nient refugo in th brushy retreats of tlio deepj joiarrow gorges of; ths woun-; Itaiss. Tho less tsnturosomo antelope distributed theBvea. into imall herds, and, subjected; )o occasional -atacka,-aro still fodalrotting WW or lans .amLbcnch-lands. ThaVongrel breed of hare-rabbit is atill abundant, and fur5khe .spoirt.,antl fpod1 for white and red man j while tho wolE and its cross-breedtfox cross-breedtfox rfiam to prey or bo preyed ualiK'by alio owked by proper feelings of hu -sanity when, our citizens first came to TCItah, they shared ltlj .the original na? tives their scanty outfit. To them and tiiem onfyr the Indians aro indebted for tho covering of their,1 nrikcdiless aphtha few substantial weals of" good food they hafo' enjoyed. But, under; what obligations are wo to- recapitulate; Taets that are. patent. ta air who rwlsh, to iniTdr?!; themselYcsf correctly? From our first fiettlementr till the imbrogirojot urea wore 60waffy .submitted to head; quarters by, the JawiuHy .cpwrnissioned: Superintendent ol ' Ifidfau JV05ir ifaithful-.lyjand ifaithful-.lyjand reularlyf Tboso.is anil those ; 'figur sj.buld be fairly sptefad out befpra 1 thefeola?. If anynowTitiltfpeIi'4B, has. been dcovercd,wa would, be gladlto k'a& in Its lustre BripenhtehdentTpr- . ny who is probably now.sprcsdiisighim splf UpdiVthe VeSSttjic'ttfce'ft ofptalilri the hftila of tho great andcivilizcd,OHght to clilatoin. iifentd, Ho taYCdx-lively taYCdx-lively In Utah aad held mattyaKjgrandf c6uncti ;6f thp Jbrave's., Books4' make1 authors now-a-days;,. aad 'the- Doctor, .'sbouidbilsh b'ppfe. 'If faithfully whiten itvwould bp ' intercUiugi and1 would. bore ot rajgreat jurculalipnx K is probabiev.-.and expcctAd that tho , Doctor. VlUiJlurnf to JCJtaliana resume bis Saperiatendenoy, In $ueuim . notes of bis 'officiali.epdttet'ittte capitals If'Jie BaiyhavVientc.oi, faitly MaihoncBtly, be 'wiU be cordially cJWmeii Iwck. If he, shall havo done .otherwise;; it bfe sball have failed to cpr,-Yect cpr,-Yect tlio slander against us whicb are fmore'imnlcdiatoly connected, witlf'.uis fto--Apartment if ho shall have .neglected -dr, 'avoided to trtlje.Prjesrde.at.ana Seere-j tary of ,thnInterior"4hatMr. Greenwood, was mistaken, Prfthat yijfiilly or'ml-j iciouelyaiBisreprescnted matters;" if he' shaljbavbTnapy Vay ,pandiicd to,, tho Bpecul.ativq barteriof 'Moraoh blood lpr gold", and encouraged, "t)o Spnlinuancobf; pdrsecuiioni-lheik ho will niect, mslead pfa welcpmg'pnd jfriQttdly'handi su'eba reception in Utah as will be Tioff otijritc'ii? sant O 'liis. natural' senitivenessr' jWp ; inVst.n'ot;; bo Mnderslpod as 'jthreatcning i'tWppcipr vvith J&egersVtevbly era and boviS.knivosthos behihd.TthCithronp ,df.:modrn politics), Wp do'npt I u"9p".thcmpf coursp;we carry such things occasionally out of respect p fashion, asVwo wouId requosourailpr to introduce a lppg. Or short waist in our BurtotitV' 'ihb fec'entibrf we ihrdateh,' and we are' in, earnest, is -that popular; sbowl and;contcrap.t'tfia Ibig heart 'aad fino feelings, would ' strike; f'deeperand more deadly than vthe bullei J of a aiinnio or the keen blade qf Damascus; hvo' w'otild fain hope 'that Df .iEofncV' h f too much a man of prmciple to condescend iOjbowerjfodVfrpui'scn duty id'; honest' purpose for tho ;ake of ofllco'and salary iff . least we shalltac( fairly , with, thim. andaccredit himaS an'bonosofllcer uritirwe-find'piejpflti 11 Wlien Dr Fpriney Jhas Xtejoonsultatipn witli'. tho "President, there tiro a-fewmat-tera jvhicb, asau houestjnau.and ah;Out-I ah;Out-I spoken :democrat,iw -ought; to :suggest to him.' 'First in, brderVhe'should tell how" ourkindncss to the natives gave ;rcdit.to 'the American people ' for'1 kindneSs and 1 hospitality. Next,ho should toll how the superiority or the' aims of .thpltepubHo was assorted and maintained? by the ' ptouccrs ofdemocracyin. JItahri .Next, lie should remind (he President "that Shose "several .farms," retcrred to in tlio Commissioner's Com-missioner's teport,wero first instituted by jtha.cUizcns of Utab.under the. immediate direction of Governor Young, the former I Buperintendent. It ifj.bolis duty then, to inform the President that the citizens I of L'tuh have not only conquered the !M..T'i,': 1 .u.iV-'.t-i;;! ,Srr'i i- - iians.butjMicitlicmKndMctltess a't;ece respect aaSfear' tho jet of United States; and thai arsty wkhril its apleacKd appurteMeaa had MM in either effrfl Iarlher,tke.Prea" i(k l.ould be Mtrised by bin Vk&t dur-iaglferviepin dur-iaglferviepin Viih there had bee more depredations committed upbn bye Jand emigrants to California, than, during the prevlptisteaeatsj k which, what, is called "the Alormon hierarchy'prcvailed. I It-ilfUtettrTndiS'pud ,wlth iue6iT that ,the.presnctf jQf redSral trbops hiiSprbvokctl .sl'rifei instead of fe. troducing 'peaeo; - among; thcr aalives. Our last iw'p years' experiericb, has cbn firmed H. - 'Tho jnducembiits held out' to them in favojf of murder and rapiao.were strong evidence, that the kingdom ( or sation) was. divided against itself. Xel us come to facts, before us.of more recent dale. Daring thj past year.detachmeats Of tbe tftah Amy, were called out to, avenge, Indian massacres, aad prolcet the dverland emigratkwi. "WnAi'did th'ojr ae-complisht ae-complisht The Quarferrjf aster's and Commissary's reports will testify what was;accomplished .by way ;of relieving tho Treasury) of a groaning burthen. 'The natives raust tell'tha story of' their bwa ' spoilt., r !V ' "." - " ' ; Yrthp',rroy ,and its, .location , here. Hp (' that a, Utah), should have no fault to find It brings us mosey, and'its Wat' :lcr4' and 'flinkies1 bring us the I'uxtiirivt'os etceteras, of domestic comforts. Tp us itpresent3:no awful,terrorSi, If itdidv W.e 'would solicit its removal. To' be BUre.ita presence has failed tp ?elipve uST6f tiaUvo 'pupers.and confine,1 them tp their .own twildlirait But in. the sunken eye, the pallid cheek,, and. limping gait, we sec that tho liiddtn mysteries of civilization are at fprk,Vnd the exterminating es-: senqb is fast flccbmplisliing theexl)nction, pi theracp. , , Thojreraarka ofthe Commissioner upon theetorUal hdbbyt'hb iIbuntainMead-bwa" iIbuntainMead-bwa" iatfentiori from 'tis; as 'rjbll as fiia pplitc ;rccommenda.tSpri that 'maTtijik law"' ikould be bsiablished in Utah,'1 IJht wb had rMbt. quite, recover : f&d frcjin otorartylaughjlaiiih 'nptions-for. Mir,' Oreenwood,'when i'iu .spaceKwas wnispered in our ears.and w& cowmeats till, some fuiUre'driy.- , - rt OUR EASTERN MAIL. Without? the sligbtcst disposition io cUrdle tlie milk of. human kindness" in onr 6wrt being bF in that of others, by 'dwelling ori 'thp abuses to wjnch wo have rccn, and are ;slill' subjected in ourde rdendenco. on thearerit governmentfor ithgendral favors dispensed to'fcilizens ot; this,' great ' Unmn-r-we neV.efthcless," ccV-QUrpivps tinder' bJjliggUons'to the citizpns,of .this. Tenitpry.iwhohavo.hOn. ,bre'd;USwith. ' theis' patronagb) and who ; Ihayelbreathcd-fprour success '(heir kind estMsishtfstpIlnyb ' timdi.ucii,factsiifil to duly appreciate that parental kindness: i OfUini however,tin '.meditating over the measuro of bles'sins'thaf we" enjoy, we bannot resist tiw edneiusion that, were it not or the abusivp, plundering, pecula- ; tive propensities of intermediates between the government- and ourselves, much of tliat casicrn misyepreseiitation bl which we complain, and much of our plain talk ' that disturh$tho quiet ,of "secretaries-' j jWOuld be altogetber spared. t Wo honestly hones-tly affirm' tlmt "white, w5?,1 write, following longjiours pfcTpse rescarch in our minds,. . wo cannot recall . to remembrance the first aistanSe. (cnilered jfo us.'by ,ihgoyern-. ment of ur country which has ndt been nearly, if not nl$getiier, nullued, by ; something of rt;:disreputable character ; nsf ociatcd.SvUh its ' practical application , fo ,us as'acomniu'nity. 1 AVe seed not particularize any thing it has bbeh so with every thing where , Washinjgtpn nndUtah are blended, and . wo are satisfied that evry well-informed .'reflecting mind, will arrive at our condu- sica and feel as wo do humble enough 7 to bo still dependent, and ask for better i treatment.aad just sufficiently independ-l independ-l ont to talk straight Put our grievances, i twirl our Kossuth in tho air, and whistle i "Hail Columbia, " land of the . free." ; Burying the past for the sake of other i feelings than ctar own, we wish to draw attention to theprcscnt outrageous treat- meat wo are now subjected to on tho .part ' of our .mail .contractors. Taking one i route at a time, we invite the vision cast- ward, and to this course we are Jed .by , the recent reception here of the Post-Mas-i tcr-Uontral's repprt, which, together with the annoyunoc we have endured all win for bj? o Boiivtif our mil Mtar ' and tfc$Ioo, shifty? apofogiea" maie to excasinrjerWidjblic obligalie!---whlclithok vosaefsekh cxcwk;, wald boaotfing set PfadcTipea aad directthe'Heblio tiiisary. t j On atteiaiag to his present posltSaal, by th6 unlooked-for deiith. of his prede-icossoriiR prede-icossoriiR bWce, Post Master 'Molt was furorably reeeived by tbe public gener ally, and was py business mca compli-mcntcd1-aa eMcieat-'public scrvafll. RispreatlKtiBlcatpshat'ho lfft cnd?aVordWfully comprehend the -fofkassfgaedtohimin tho'TMlminislra-tion tho'TMlminislra-tion Pf that branch of public affairs; in fact, his repa-tthough largely inter spersed with figures and calculations ' whicXaro at best dry and uniavitiBg is", to us, the most readable and, interesting document that has, issued from any member bf the Cabinet at tho present meeting of Congress. There .is a plain-I plain-I DC 00, about it (hat. savors of truth and I withstands the approach of surmisings of cloaking too ' visible in other reports. With ibis favorable impression of the present Post-Master-fieneralwe, doubt not that some hints on bur -postal oper-: ations out here will be as favorably received re-ceived by Idin as they are freely and honestly given for (he honor pf goy-crnment,. goy-crnment,. a3 well as for the coHsfortiaad convenicace of the people. Without pre-tentions pre-tentions to "gelup"1 for each, we inyite both, the' rulers and the ruled tp pick out of .our artiolo what suits them. ' rThe post-master in his expose' ,pt 'the present financial position of his Depart-1 meat takes the ground, that, where the expenditure jH maintaTning postal' facilities! facili-ties! exceeded the revenue, that "burden should properly fall upon tho 'national funds', Op. the ..western1 'routes ho says:- j - ( ; , ''Tlie tXpndUutoi,for locat wH ier,vipe In tho , SUtw of Cilifof nia and, Ortgon, nd 4nC Utah itnd Vsihlngtoa Terriiories, duriag tUsp-jt yMr, amouated toOSjCffl 33;.yhtob, b'ingiledt6 1 tbe coit of tbo roat( aaroed gIv- 'a t6t-l o( ; $i,Qj)3ai4',lk -yhs.pp'puIatloaVu tuormouaf oul!-ydo-;uotvexoeed jli hu ud JSfljr thottwal -oufcftiksteibiUtte-a ; ifalMpiedttura I BoaVlnotttdDK;iltAgf:,nd coiiaitloasi TtwVre- -aaIoiog$l8,87J,J)3lMof maBrew VMOtiat d4a- bui"-ant:ii 'lliai fieartniintifurnfib! postal foollillea for thirty e-WUo? ''it people, bltrg la tU propcttloa f lm tban forty-ono cento for tsclr perOB. Weta ibe Jnliabltaota of tka a9Bnlty;ea-t oftlwillocky ,JMounUIn, served by iheDepartBifnt at tbanuno rata of expeaaiture wlik.tbbM on the west jtwauld wqnlre annoally OBhandrtdaad tweaty.tlx mliWoni tight bun iked aad. hinety-threo, tho wand thre hundred aid iwety-'foaf dollar- for Us aUpport, initrad of the $i4,0G4t9X 33 nowaefmlly expended' by k It was apparent. that the,whoJe fi-14 of poataJ.oparatiOBs ;ptttA no, point jfaore, br-ntly calllnpfor Cartallroeoi than thee Pacific routes,' ariil heac Ihe ectlorf Tn reference (d them, ifeem-Wl ifeem-Wl Bparbpriate, waj. taien ' wiih'out 'delay?' ke ;, "In another, portibn prthp same report it is stated, that ! , , . O'.llifl Iost;'ip!i!e-at)SaU tikk Cttyyletda- a revenue ' of bat- $70p,;iind yet to Connect 'that office'' wttirtjfta" Valley of toe"Mfsiatpp and' die Pacific; thhi' department expended during the ria-t ve"ar S320.O0O."' ' ' Oniha.changes in our mail arrange.; rnent8unp!er the heading pf "Indepen-dence' "Indepen-dence' Salt Lake City, and Placerville mails,"' fi'e'furnishes' another interesting item: " . ?Tjta connection w ith the Pacific wai formerly a sonlhty . service, but.ln conaequenca of the .threateBedrebiUon of the Mormon popula(Icn,lt was Improved, to a weekly mall, at an annual compensation of. $320J0OO--the product being but $5,4l2 03i. The object of'tliii: lroprovement i waa to enable the. Government - to communicate regularly .and rapidly with the troops en-aged In active military. 'opelatlonrlo '.UUb. TranquUlty liavtrg been reatored to'iihat.Terrltory. and the Department having b-ea ,asBred by 'the Secretary Secre-tary of War that a "wee'UlyjiaHv was no'ionger nefaed f'uiapurpoaeaj)f.;tka'Coflrnmfint,a re-ductloa re-ductloa to a semi-monthly sertice wai ordered to take Ucapn'thSOth'jJuna last, wblrh, alter making the most liberal allowance to the -cdn-"traotorirwlll aave to the DepaMment $115,000 per annum.'?' " &'"') Hn a tabular list of mail routed in'jthe' " , " -v. - , t same report, the postmaster sets down, the compensation tq the contractors for running the weekly mail between this pity and St. JosephiMp' at $190,000 per annum. Deducting ibcrefrom the SU 5,-jOOb 5,-jOOb "saved to the'Department" by the change .to a semi-monthly, we havo the present contract at $75,000. We have licard 880,000 frequently named in that connection, but "that miglit be merely; townjtallcas. well as the other report that the present contractors still claim the $190,0Q0.tbougli they have been notified otherwise and been regularly refused the mail fqr the ''Express wreek." Taking aa a reliable fact, Postmaster Holt's statement of the present compensa-; compensa-; tionat 975,OO0,and believing him incapa-, incapa-, ble of being hoodwinked, cajoled or even t lwW'ithU10rcrortcd''floi.r ear-ka, 'rrauoale" kind of commission busiaaaa, or asjfee Prench say coKceurfckidn:of eperMn,we will restcofttcated wjkh lact oee-i-tliat wo HnderstaHd preSat ar rangMrents for the compwsaliolref m e altera asail contractors. Before W tkh-1 ing off to the other part of thosubject,wo may be, permitted tb express our judg-raent judg-raent on the figure Of compensation and that is, tho contractors are well .paid. Mr. llolt matBbrbblwarb of figttireS and facts presented to Kis predecessor, 'Aaron V. BrdVri, and presuming that ho sincerely desires Id see his Department ''return to the prlaciplos on which it was conducted, ia its earlier aad better days the, days alike of its independence, its, efTicienoy, audits' rehov-a,! wP will repeat a, very few facts that bear repetition repetit-ion aad facts that should never be per' mitted to smoulder ia the mud hblo of oblivion. , Preceding the changes referred to, the, conducting of the nail betweea Independence, In-dependence, Mo., and Great -Salt Xake City did not exceed 923,000, per annum, it was some hundreds under that sum; but for roundnumbers that is Sear enough. Up to this last named coatract.our eastern mall Was" a,lperfcc disgust to 'everybody.. It 'ttrriyedj(at,the convenience of its con praetors, and. was as littlo Regulated by schedule time as its contractors were regulated reg-ulated by the prin"6iples of common, bonestyjri, fulfilling tfb' bbligatibhspf their pontract. ,HpW,'many wail -bags Went down 'rivers, JioW many were Caphed and never resurrected, "how many were burned and never accounted for,, are' be ypndourkettj but that 'many went iti theeo directions is a,facl patent to everybody.. every-body.. Irregular-.majla) and destroyed mall matter had all been endured.a brighter brigh-ter day had ddWncdj hopo. iri better times$egan,to cast' ormcr lad .parage in-; to forgctf ulnqss; but,- alas,tho salisfac tion iathe.Kiroball cbntracti. was short-lived, . lJr;K,;;bad' not; only carridpT. the mail yithiaj r thrpugh'ljoys' in" :days frjpnV tins ; cIty;Wjdcpeiiderice, SWiThis was, no t bigatfempi.for a' name; but'was.tiie fore- runherlbf ihb'accbmplish'mehbrthe;cal- .culate'regiilAr jtjyejy e;ry ays' , trip which' most assuredly would.havc .been realized. Of cottrse.thisWaatbo'good usage for Vf ah --all iht. etceieras mil6vred?.and after passing; pas-sing; from sum to sum the. modest figure pf $75,QDpiis the fixed,fait.for)Ur;8emi monthly -nail,, . , ,. Wo never' wereparEimbntous in ouif own affairs, and' aref'riot' npW dispbse'd tp get niggardly ovbrt the squandering iof ' a' f core of thousands,, or more, ,by .Uncle Samj but on hearing, the.cry pf retrench-racntj retrench-racntj and knowing' with GenernlrHolt that.prorcss'andnbttct'rbgrcss spiriVptpurhgo nnd c ing. ajsp .that ibe;0gli.l, tiling can;bu-jlOne: to theVadvantoge?ol,cverybo3y -but- pe-culatiyeconaorantj: pe-culatiyeconaorantj: wcjvphtuh; to ngain ventiltttbHlusrsubjoct. " T"' , -The petition ofiburJatqLegSlativo As sembly, .to Cortgressr-for ft .daily mail service from-the Slissouri to the Pacific,, need not bp Tcpulsed or Vushed under the tablp by the tcrribje array of figures which a calculation based upon present contracts would ncbessarily presentwc therefore invite the, Post-Mastpr-Gen-cral's attcntibn fb facts "whicb our Jion-orablc Jion-orablc Delegate is prepared to furnish' ;-facte;,thei possession:- ofwhichy would enable an honest Cabinet minister -and "chief "of Department f to .'make, radibal changes .n, t the, prpper quarter, tp.lhe benefit pfthe yrestern. 8.t?eer andTTprri-tories andTTprri-tories ;nbw' misrepresenled, and.'alsb to the' honor bf'General'.HbU asah toneat Wan',- in -whbsfcpfobity' the! soereignep-iplp soereignep-iplp ofliinatiorihad-ponjBded. .. ' ".KeAyp'ripth doubt that .vrire-workeref at:1 Washington have this last winter, Win precediB'g'wihters,' sqen a terrible aniount Pf Vnow storms on our eastern routp, and a.iupusanddjulculUcs and obstacles. to the performance of -con-j tractors' obligations.-4 We can only as-j sure Postmaster Holt that any? Btich' story Is mcio JiiJijea kind pf classic' name ..for a mixture of buncumbo and humbug. All fudge, Mr. Postmaster, tip truth in it fiilow has falten, of course it has. Itvulvays" fell in, winter;' but. this' Tviriter still, )'ess tliau in many others. But how has it. been with pur mails? Our mail .matter has .neverthat wo .know of, come all into tho city for months back.. The present contractors start from &t. Joseph with all the mail matter .rHUe.,weJiopp,so, and bring it aa far as Jlbbky EidgO i.e., wo hope so, for of neither of the statements have we any evidence, and our faith is weak in any 'isserUpm U4 qujSr. SltKr I Bidgo, a, Similes froJcre, thi temeumcf a iewfBr sacks (it-offlpny . e letter: th. Im pf ike ilk Jl0 ' . irtr, left rtre i the coaBieaee of I coi.trly cxS Thjj, I with, all its incbaveaiencp aad the asnoy- I ance ot receiving a jumbled up mail, : H mgbt bo supportable, but it is uadesi- ' ' able, aad the impudeace. of the thing fs, - I there are pre-tre-wiMrw'tr-l abuse, we. supposo iHi set dawaas g00,i enough for uslhatnhp JRbek Bidge '- station is crowded tmim.u B ;wh1ck,has bees waited, fa-; hew riTmtl, I after month. , At 'diasdhr' -tfttlAii lEi .. B hearer here.ls il. trperfatse thatalarg , I sackj-bf ,aial liaattc--aiIiM weeklies, I and magazines the. choicest of tUe ca-t H lies there open aad is wed bytery lounger about the flae, ad by any Wk traveler going easlj who has1 ymi gpt te .H impudence and dishoaesty to Ve&ch om ' I hi hand and sappTy kWlft tlm' I or false? If Ihbiter.f we have bees I i imp03cdi;uppar bthoU' who lave , -M tesUfiYd5l;thaf Ceykaxp! wftaeifitl - I Wkat wo herd sUte; fal t 'Wfjjfr I mer bfe reliable ahdy-wp' sieeely. I believe; that it is so, we bail for ihe Pbst. I masters aeibni liiHtledress. "Srq . I thing wo. arb yelfily cerlafaef, that so I person, gets, all his' mail matter from the"; I east, nor anything; like that which Kohk: I subscribed, for, and on tho honpsty oftbo If pub'lishing;4rms n, the east xbwgald b ' sox tojhrpw dpbts, here lsnptue ia .. 1 dodging tho fact -the inbabitantsof - I Territory have been .and are now shame. . I fully abused by the outrageouSopraUoas'' , I of mail contractors, and this article has- I grbwtt ,.fntp--nnything that anybody. chooses tp call it. It is r'Ueaillhc toae;; I! frpm bpginniBgp((pndit andif 's&eapral If Holt haS any doubtiithereoa the writer' H : veracity-an'dl'rciisbtlity "'asfit' jbuirn'slht m 'canbbj ;csfablisltbd r ftlenealcrj la. H ' Washington . thW that ayf j.rgap I; mightftrtp; .shuffle and'by H flimsy t .eiteusesx. For 'the) presenfif'Wb K huyb'said epougbHvhen'woa - excuses ;:Wb Jnavb'eam?for iisufaon-"ap- V pearance, herpes not pniy4LinsultingJEqhe I '. community ;but.istrcslity could bemado I the basis bf alfeerioua bhaTge against . lie I prcacht.waii WaUMtoral'j4 I |