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Show writca.us froml?oJnt'of Mountain West" that Iwp fctfillewtof Mele: now tahgiir.: uiv.that yicmityJn,a. state jot starvation', and that piany others had. died ftojtianecr wa tit thoitoclt ailudediotW"lhq bobs ia the cUynwd call . their attention, to Rumor :.-r-ltisJvow;generauy rumored that tke satlcwhip;of. thc;arroyof Jltah ha been' accorded exclusively, to tMflrm of Itfingston, Bell "Co., .of 'Mr city, This, -if true, Which, has considerably that, 'inpearande, will mate tf fyefy consider? able differenee';in :tho Tjusiricss operations ''' Of tlie other 'BUtlcrsa -Ayashington is. a aityjianireprWrig - is "ft'great instituttohj J-i'ksJ'h-'i sr-i-;?-- 1 EcurflKOn-Monday evening the 6tli I liasV. we're agVecahl tlie -1 "8orelaparaacp'P P.eoP 1 ed over .the inountainsi ' but as, madam' 1 luna roSel: higher: Jberclpudy .majesty. 1 diiclosed a'TehuViful'.4eelips6, which, "at $ 1 minutes past 7 o'clock .' obscured -0-830 I difffherdisfcVallowi ur 1 -fice!l3 BelV-'Ater'-grcfticSt ob'sdura 1 UotftKe'.,,.uppor-deep":waS.nnh$ually il- 1 lumluated'with;the 'numberless stars of i various magnitydesaltoether presenting 1 me of the.aost btcrestingjcenes-ins the I itarryJheavens.that we remember to have 1 evert seen? . I I So'ciii 'TJ&TTv-iXasi Tuesda even- 1 iagwe attcnded'ittivery fine party in the J Social llall of thisr city; under the, inan- 1 agement-ofjvMayori.Smoqt, and Marshal I Utile, 'assisted Jjy a'Wmmitteo of six I other ;gerillemen Presidents; jyoung, I Krab'alKandelK His;0&ccellchcy Oov I cruorrCumming. General Stambaugh.nnd I 'the "honorable JM:?lJernlMbcl s- were hb I chief- guesis. V, were; also much l pleased to mce there' aj'number of the I! feadin'g gentlemen of the cbramunity'wUb Hheir families. ?rhe walls of the'body of ho H lledl were; tatefpyW11 ah(l ftho I stagey was "transformed tinto,a, drawing robm; with ovrycoWehiptfcoi6rlnbfge and Ute-artte'twi iHall was converted into a. dining room', the walls ad 'pillars' 'ofCwWch.efe covered With mdunlain evergreens and everyjvfiere around waved the stftfs and 'stripes' I "presentihg a'rich ioup -if dll which was 1 httje expected' by our:, youtside" guests I in this barren wUderiiess. during the I evening;the company were' highl v; etcr- talaed wiilvchoice! 'Song from "-Messrs. I Pttlder.'Dunbaf, laiben and Usworlh, I andjjrith duets by Mr; .Kay ' ana 1drs.L.. I Uavrkiaau We feel assured that .every I person present enjoyed Unvaried enter-I enter-I taibmenU j provided by the managers. I Tho Hulls were tastefully and agreeably decorated; itho music was rich and in'-' ! j!sprjng,the supper,vfts everything hat ieould hesired aud lfe gentlemanly managers and cbmraityee.. were ' Unremitting Unremit-ting 'mthl'ir attention whenever they could, coptribut;to the comfort-. ofV the company. - - t Asoiirati'PlttTTi JJeirig'favored with an invitation, we attended anotber-r fine I I Thursday evening, at the same Hall. It was a fine affair and second to none. "-i- T. 1 i-T'-.-t ii 'i 'm i i 1 ' i ." ' V"' '.' 'i, )l Mr. Maibori dijti himself th$' cWd his usual urbanity and onse of , ordyr' and propriety entitle,, hftri ;tpAas a floor mana-1 ger, Mr,, Oolightiy and hihclpi ic(.th basement gave ,us treat at a reasoniiblo figure by way orsupper 'tliat'wd'cSfe not to seo bottcred! at any time;,- fof the accommodation of thd public, these nnrllL-a will, we understand be continued for a AAnd cqrely hgper jtwcontinU-nnco.pf jtwcontinU-nnco.pf the mtiocent,hapninesa,of tho past j .week'.;'"- . r-3' , 'j ' ,SBysjrtiiE3,--Last eveniDgthefriisndsqf Pre'st.' Joseph Young gave a party compli-! mentary to him In the . Seventies' Hall. AV$ looked in( for afdw rainfttes. and foftd tiintit was afine; affair nftd .notn, vtii-worthy vtii-worthy compliment to'tho,go6d, Jionest citirdn! nnd man of God irtt;Whose ;tfABie it'was given',,- , - -' Fmis; JAt Oamp Piorn.OnTucsday Ja4t,abOut 2 a,m. the sfable$ 6f1he,Calir fornia and S,.D. .Mail Co; at-Xfamp Floyd were discovcred .ofi 'Jfiyey by some' gentloi men. attendiuga' party.'- xhoy.' gave, the alarm and imrried to tho ;spot;'and. with iaiich. dilficulty feucccctlod "in savifig .it. portion' of thagr'ain1. The";6re scemadto originate in ohe bf1 the 'stalls .'Itmusl havobeentherwofk' of an; incendiary;, as there" was' an;tli:'entra'nco:vVTnador to ; the stables, by .tearing off one of ih'o -boards, :tho headstalls; wefo taken. 0. '.air Ka horses, and a compltter sett of Concord stage harness-stdlen from .."tlie premises .before lb?; ,fire;"wft.'Hpticed.' "I'heshar neshoinilince,. been, returned, ;Svith thi) exception-of some halters andjine9 Mr,' -Egani, the agent of the), company.was.int ihe'.CampaWhe 'time and scj? .imm'edj-afely .imm'edj-afely 'jo) wbrban viho.fcrcdtibn Of .btliei; stables khTch;ardndfcbmnle'ted .U:;-m.-' ' aV |