Show GONE TO HER LONG REST Impressive Services Over Remains of Mrs Hannah Conder at American Amer American American ican Fork American Fork June 17 The funeral services over the remains of Mrs rs Hun Han Hannah nah Conder who died at her home in the Second ward Monday morning were held heid In the Second ward L D S chapel to day at 2 Bishop J H Storrs in ht charge of oC the services The house was very appropriately draped for the occa ocea occasion occasion sion slon and the floral offerings of ot friends and relatives of ot the deceased were very beautiful A number of speakers offered a n few remarks each eulogizing the use Ulie ful tul life of ot the departed She was of ot a kind and loving disposition and beloved by b all who knew her herShe herShe She was taken taken taren ill III some months ago ano and was finally taken to the hospital at Provo Prove and underwent an operation for tor tumor of ot the stomach hut but it was found out at the operation that she had no chance to recover and that she could live lIe but a short time She was brought back to her home homo about two weeks ago and I has been steadily getting weaker until I death came to her release Interment Inte ment took place in the City CIt cemetery Judge Ebenezer Hunter an un old and r respected citizen of ot this city died at his Iria home In the Fourth war morning after atter an illness covering the past Jast two months of old age and general genera genera debility Mr Hunter was yeas vas born in Edinburgh Scotland February 22 2 1831 1531 He joined the Saints church hurch In 1815 1513 and labored as a traveling missionary in Scot Scotland Scotland Scotland land for tor a number of years and immigrated immigrated ImmIgrated grated to America In iii the year ear 1863 coming com comin ing in to Utah directly and located In Amer mer merIcan Ican lean Fork at which place he has resided ever since with the exception of ot three years spent at Alpine He was the first music teacher who taught music In this city and was leader of ot the L D S 8 choir for twelve years cars He has always taken an active part In city affairs having been a member of the city council a num number number ber of times and having held the position of justice of the peace for years which office he held beld at the time timo of ot his death as well as deputy fish and game warden for tor this precinct He leaves sixteen chile chil children dren grandchildren and seven and numerous other relations and friends to mourn his loss Funeral services will be held beld at 2 today at the Third ward ard chapel ch pel |