Show SUBMITTED TO IDE COURT Argument in the Case of Uncle Sam Against the Anthracite Railroads Philadelphia June 17 HArter After brilliant addresses by b Attorney General Bona Bonaparte Bonaparte Bonaparte parte on behalf of the government and John G Johnson of Philadelphia rep representing representing representing resenting the seven railroads named as defendants in the suit instituted to re restrain restrain restrain strain them from transporting anthracite anthracite anthracite cite coal eoal from mines In Pennsylvania In which they have interests both sides rested today and the case was submit submitted submitted ted t to Judges Dallas Gray and But Angton of ot the United States court for decision Both the govern government government government ment and defendants will file briefs covering legal points raised during the arguments Mr Johnson in his address assailed the constitutionality of the commodities ties clause of the Hepburn act under which the proceedings were instituted and decried that authority which seeks to centralize the government and segregate the people Mr Ir Bonaparte in answer to Mr r Johnson confined himself principally to a defense of the constitutionality of the commodities clause and asserted that the power of or congress to regulate and even een to prohibit interstate com commerce commeree merce meree when hen It was inimical to public Interests could not be successfully dis disputed disputed disputed |