Show REVIVE PLAN TO RESURFACE MAIN Promoters Now Wow Concentrating Their Efforts South of First South BRANSFORD ON THE JOB MAJORITY OF PROPERTY OWN OWNERS OWNERS OWNERS ERS SAID TO APPROVE Resurfacing Main street from froni First South to t Fourth South streets with as asphalt asphalt asphalt has as been approved of by a ma majority majority majority of oC the property owners abutting the three blocks This information was vouched for yesterday by b a city official whose knowledge of the situation is sufficient to make his announcement authoritative tive It was at first proposed to resurface the street from South Temple to Fourth South street but the notice of oC Intention for this Improvement was decisively defeated As S nearly every property owner In the block between South Temple and First South streets protested It was was decided to eliminate this block and to resurface the re remainder remainder remainder of at the tile street The administration is working vigor vigorously vigorously for this improvement and Mayor Bransford and others are Interviewing property owners each day da A petition was started yesterday and Id It Is 15 under understood understood understood stood that more than enough property owners to carry the proposition pro n have already pledged their support According to Mayor Bransford Sam Samuel Samuel Samuel uel one of these The pro protest protest protest test to the first notice of intention was signed for Mr Newhouse by b his agent as that gentleman was out of the city When he returned he was accosted by b Mayor Bransford who asked him the reason for his refusal to sign According to the mayor ma or Mr Ir New Newhouse Newhouse Newhouse house declared that he wanted the street to be resurfaced especially In front of at his new building and that the protest was made by his agent a ent with without without without out any authority from him The mayor also alro declares that Mr Ir New Newhouse Newhouse house said that he hc never would oppose any an public improvement of at a legitimate legitimate legitimate mate character By those who profess to know the thu situation it is predicted that the prop property property property erty owners between South Temple and First South will join In the move movement movement movement ment as soon as they see that those in inthe inthe inthe the three blocks to the south mean business The petition from the property own owners owners owners ers between First and Fourth South i streets will no doubt go to the tho council I before the end of the month mouth and if a majority of the owners sign It the re recorder recorder recorder corder will at once be notified to again publish notice of intention for the dis district district district as redistricted |