Show TRANSPORTATION IN CHINA Coolies Co lIes Pack Males s Donkeys Pe Pc Peking Peking king Carts and Mule Litters New York Tribune Consul Wilbur T Gracey at Taing T ln tau writing of transportation methods in China says Exporters should take into consid consideration oration that goods intended for China if It transported from any of the out i ports or shipping cities lUes must take one of the following methods and packages should be prepared accordingly accord In For Forthe Forthe Forthe the river district the thC overland traffic Is greatly supplemented by river transportation as is 18 also the thc case c rc in I Iother other parts of the time Chinese empire but I all goods imported imparted into China must mus ul ultimately ultimately come down to one of f the moles modes I of transport explained heroin herein This is the tIme greatest means menns of trans trant transportation i throughout the empire A bamboo or wooden pole is slung across the tIme shoulders with a burden to each end e d or a long pole lle goes to the U shoulders of or two coolies or more with Wilh the parcel hanging half halt way between the two In southern China m this is the only means of transport The d mah being hotter in southern China Cinna and IM the the coolies having less strength iu n t quit q it so large a load will bf hi tamed carried a v i in m northern China nor will th the ace covered In a day da be so grea t tA A Shantung coolie enolie carrying Ji load aJ suspended from the two tO ends end I of f a p 1 slung over his shoulders fan caR l arry about SO catties cattles pound pounds or 40 cat catties catties ties tiCs 53 63 pounds at each end Packages Should hould be no so made that they will as I nearly as possible approximate this weight A coolie with a load of pounds can travel about SO 80 1 11 27 7 miles milesa a day and costs in Shantung province approximately 50 cents Mexican 22 2 cents gold a day Two coolies will vIlI load I carry a sus suspended suspended In the middle of or a pole slung between them weighing pounds They will carry carr such a package a dis distance distance distance tance of about 28 miles a day and cost 22 2 cents gold a day da each The cost a pound a mile for transportation by thi method is therefore about the same as when carried singly but a larger pack package package age aKe can be carried The best size package for one coolie is about that of a case C SC of kerosene oil or say sa Inches As A square or oblong package Is usually preferably pr to ton any n other shape for transportation In China A Chinese wheelbarrow is 18 so ar arranged arranged arranged ranged tha t the Ule wheel wh el which Is about 3 1 feet in is Ip the time exact center of the barrow protected by h a rough wooden crate crato making it necessary to place packages s on tho the two outriders on either side of the crate sizes bos of packages are mien ruch more adaptable to transportation trall on these the c barrows barroa barro and andone andone andone one of the tIme most moat convenient is the cases In which two tine or kerosene kero ene oil oU are packed ed Six Fix of these e can bo be packed ud on either side fide of I a 8 barrow b making twelve cases eases In oil all allA oilA A Shantung on pm man will carry carr a load loal over oxe the usual se country roads TOlt weighing from 22 2 to pounds He III can tra travel el with wah ouch uch a n Iliad lood o ov the a erase roads in iii the tho dry dr season about 7 miles a day and Md costs Its from 31 conta to 37 17 a tty a In rainy weather the tho distance wul wm be a loss less Two mon men with a wheelbarrow wl 11 carry C rry a load of from to pou They can travel with this tris loit about 27 miles a day and amI cost coot from 28 2 cents to 33 cents rents gold emch ch cb Two men wen with a av at v t to tn which u a small donkey Is attached will carry a load Ioa of nr from CO ta to tOJ pounds and will at travel tr 1 about 27 7 i miles mIs a day dav davA dayA dayA A large puck pack mule ca can i 1 carry cirvy a 11 load of If from to pounds It oun ein travel about 33 miles a day d Jr and nUll f at ut 33 31 cents gold a day A donkey with a it pAk pack can n carry carr a load of or from 26 to 33 pounds can travel about 33 mUo a 3 day da and coats 28 cents gold a day dayA A large Pekin cart with ono one large nile can carry a 11 load of from to pounds pound and can c n travel with a load 33 miles a day at a cost of 75 cents gold a day dayA A cart with two large mules mutes can canca carry ca ry a load of from 1200 to 1333 I pounds and aud will travel 40 44 miles mile at a acost acost acost cost of from cents to gold per pE r day A cart with three large mules can carry crry a load toad of from 1333 to 1860 pounds end and can travel 40 miles at a acost acost cost CORt of ot from to gold per day dayA A cart with four large mules will wilt carry calT a load of from 2000 to 2600 pounds pound poun s and will travel 40 miles a day at a cost ost st of from to gold a aday ada aday day da Mule Iule litters are also used to a con eon considerable considerable extent throughout Shantung but practically never carry canoy cargo carBO ex cx except such luggage anyway all as nay be accompanying their passenger They The will car carry carl carI ry l I ono or two passengers or three on and can travel about 40 miles milesa a day da at a cost of from to iG gold sold a 11 day dEl n |