Show THOUSANDS Of VISITORS WILL Commercial Travelers Parade Today Promises to Be Rec Affair TWELVE BANDS WILL FURNISH THE MUSIC PROCESSION WILL MOVE FROM COMMERCIAL CLUB SHORTLY AFTER NOON 4 4 H 4 I M f t s r f M M M 4 Weather today fair 4 tUne 4 LIne of march U r C T parade 4 4 Those ThOlf who wish wh to see lee the parade 4 4 of the United Commercial Travelers 4 4 4 this thi afternoon and at the tho same paine time 4 4 avoid the crushes at crowded down downtown 4 4 town corners were buy busy yesterday ye 4 4 arranging for Cor the use of windows 4 4 In the buildings akin along the line of ot 4 4 march As the parade will pass pas 4 4 through several streets those who 4 4 cannot secure windows window and other 4 4 such points point of vantage can eaR find 4 4 places away from Crom the crowded points 4 4 at which to view the passing pa p 4 4 4 geant The line of march will be as 4 4 follows Beginning on Second South 4 4 street and West Nt Temple street th 4 4 column moves to Fourth South street 4 4 east to Main street north to South 4 4 Temple street countermarch to t 4 4 Fourth South street east to State 4 4 street north to First South street 4 4 west to West Temple street south Muth to 4 4 Second South street east to State 4 4 4 street south to Third South street 4 4 and west to West Veal Temple street and 4 4 4 4 dismiss 4 4 M M 4 M U 4 M H HAll s sAll All the details of ot the arrangements for forthe forthe forthe the big U L C T parade this afternoon were completed last night ni ht and now roth ing lug remains but the Herculean task tuk be before before before fore Grand Marshal Emil Lehman the division marshals and aides to set the th great pageant moving on scheduled time tim This will be a difficult task owing to the number of ot fraternal and benevolent societies hands bands floats automobiles anti and miscellaneous vehicles to be properly placed and started The head of the lt will form Corm formin CormIn in West Temple street meet in front froat of oC the Commercial club and the divisions will willbe willbe willbe be orated formed in nei neighboring streets so t th tha they may fall In line Hoe in proper order a athe as the pageant moves away along the line of march At the head of the th procession wilt be the mounted police pollee followed h b by a platoon of patrolmen en on foot toot After these will come the grand marshal anI lint his hie aides on horseback Grand Lehman will wUl ride a splendid tray gray anti ana ant bis 1118 aides win will be equally well weD mounted tG Following the grand marshal ma l will be Governor Govern Cutler and his stafa With Leary In fn the Lead Then will come the first divisIon islon sion un under under under der MarIul J C CLeary Leary Tins will be bf composed compo ed of ot various commercial corn frater fraternal nal and benevolent orders nearly all of I them with Interesting floats The second division under Marshal Iantha I A AG AG A AG G Malian Italian will also be made mide up of man marth ii ing In organizations and float floats The third division under Marshal B F FRedman FRedman r Redman In hi addition to the riding rifting sni ilni nd driving clubs of the city eit organizations and floats fleets will wW h ha have v some SOllie of or the Inter Interesting eating esting pioneer societies and relies relics of b hr by bygone gone days in line The fourth division will be made up of decorated automobiles and vehicles Among the twelve bands ban that thai will fur furnish furnish furnish nish the music will be the Fifteenth In Infantry Infantry fantry Cantry band from Fort Douglas E Al At Although though this tb band ie is not composed of un union unIon union ion musicians t there will be no objection by the members of the other r bends bands to Its participation in the parade Police Will Be Watchful Every arrangement has hu been made for fr forthe forthe the protection of the crowds that will willbe willbe willbe be in the streets today to witness the passing of the parade All the police detectives and a number of patrolmen in plain clothes clothe will win mingle with the spectators to keep a watch for forthe forthe forthe the gentry In addition to this ambulances will b stationed at three points point along the line of march so 11 that they may DC tH quickly quick called in ease case of ot accident Arrangements have also been made fur for forthe the prompt summoning of the fire tire depart department department ment meet in case of tires fires Superintendent Hunt of the Itah Light Railway company stated that he be would have ten inspectors along the line of or march with instructions to do all in their power to aid the marshals of the parade In M l avoiding blockades lie said that tw had made satisfactory arrangements with wit Grand Marshal Lehman for tor the moving of the street cars along the streets that will be followed by the procession Ball Bali Game and Bike Races After the parade will be the baseball game between the Provo and the U C T nines at Walkers field fieldIn fieldin In the evening there will be bicycle ble le races rac and sports at the Salt Palace a musicale musicals at the Commercial club for Cor the th thI I visiting wives of ot the commercial travelers and a smoker in Armory han hall hallIt It was estimated at the railroad offices office fI yesterday esterday that at least 2500 2 visitors from Ogden will be here today for Cor the U L C T parade More than 1090 1008 are expected from Provo and Itah county and about SO SOfrom SOfrom OJ from Bingham There will be proportion proportionate ate representation from other cities clUes and an towns convenient Co to Salt Lake lAkeith With AVith ith the numbers attracted by b the out Continued on Page P 5 THOUSANDS OF VISITORS WILL VIEW PAGEANT Continued From Page 1 I ins ing of the Eagles it is believed that the estimate of oC the U J C T committee that tj e will number persons will wilt willbe willbe be exceeded e Fisher Harris Harri secretary of ot the Commer Commercial cial club asks ask II that all aU visiting members m e of or the C U C T register at room 19 Com Corn Commercial Commercial mercial menial Club building this morning Each Bach visitor will be Driven iven a card caul admitting him to all aU the privileges of the Commercial i d h while he is in Salt Lake 1 t The visitors and their wives and ami friends Cri will be given glen a 8 reception at the Commercial Commer i dal cial tal club this morning from 10 16 un til noon Members of ot the Commercial slab dab and the public have bae b been en n invited to the reception |