Show 1 4 4 LAKE c Desirability I ity Th Tl desirability desir of transact transacting ing your yur nur banking business with the Commercial National Bank Ban should strongly commend itself to corporations fInns societies es and individuals individual It is recognised for tor its strength th competent management promptness cour courtesy tesy and careful attention to toen every en I detail Your account Is te respectfully re invited lay fled Capital I 2 1 Surplus J b Deposits II When visiting Saltair Lagoon or orthe orthe orthe the Salt Palace Try a n i bottle of American Beauty Beer It is the best I THE SALT LAKE CITY BREWING COMPANY A first thought is of her table While bread the only thing she must serve she knows that it is as important as anything on GJ her menu why she insists on when ordering flour THE THAT LOOK THE BEST Are Ara not always the most moat mo t expensive That Tha tint fine tnt appearance apI comes from hu ing them regularly REGAL CLEANED REGAL CLEANING LEANI G DYEING CO Main First South and State J I II I ONE OF THE OLDEST REMEDIES IN N US USE UTERINE prepared blo by The I vIa rg Co ol 1 t 1 t 1 I Chambers St SL H Y During the th past 60 yea s this tale well tried trl remedy has bas been used and ane an recommended by many experienced physicians and nurses nunes in all aU cases of ot female t irregularities ties and weaknesses They know H ft I neTer falls Wis ails to CO 0 completely cure no matter how severe may be the ease case Suffering women should experiment no longer but begin at once with a bottle ol ot this Your Tour can an supply It II he docent doC write us U at one once Our carpet cleaning is guaranteed NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING CO COr r T Kodak Finishing Salt Lake Photo Supply Co Malt Mai Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs Several years rears since e my lungs were so badly affected that 1 1 had many hages writes A M II Ake of Wood Ind md I 1 took treatment with several physicians without any benefit I then started to take Honey and Tar and my m lungs are now as sound as a bullet I recommend recommend mend It In advanced stages of lung trou troa ble Honey an Tar rat stops the cough and heals the lungs lunga and prevents serious results from a cold Refuse sub substitutes substitutes substitutes F J Hill HUI Drug Co The Never Nev r A man who Is In perfect health so 80 he can do an honest days das work when nee flea necessary essary essar has much for tor which he should be thankful Mr L C Rodgers of Branch ton Pa writes that he was not only un unable unable unable able to work but he stoop over to tie his own shoes Six bottles of Fo leys Kidney Idney I Cure made a new man of him He says sas Success to Kidney Cure F J Hill Drug Co The Never Neer EXCURSION EXTRAORDINARY To Chicago National Republican Convention June 18 Niagara Falls PALMYRA PALMiRA tho the HILL CUMORAH The Thousand Islands the St Law Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence rence river Montreal SHARON Vt THE PROPHETS BIRTHPLACE Boston Denver the Democratic National Convention July 8 The arrangements are being perfect perfected ed for a delightful trip by railway and steamboat leaving Salt Lake City I Tuesday morning June 16 within thir tda limit beyond Chicago allowing ample time to visit all places of ot Inter Interest Interest est eat Side trip to the Hill Cumorah and Sacred Grove Camp Meetings at Sha Sharon Sharon Sharon ron June 2728 anniversary of ot the Prophets martyrdom Fares including Lake Ontario and andSt andSt andSt St Lawrence River Steamboats for forthe forthe forthe the round trip including side trips about Persons intending to Join this ex excursion excursion which Is being arranged by Junius F P Wells should forward their names at once to Edward H Ander Anderson son Improvement Era office Temple Templeton ton building Salt Lake City He will furnish full particulars DO NOT DELAY D LAY 5 See Sree Us Now Ab ut YoUr Wall Paper or Of course you want the best We TV have the goods and the workmen Wi W V will wilt do your painting too W V A DUVALL Both phones W 2nd South I Delinquent Notice NEW YORK BONANZA MINING company com pan Principal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account a of ot assessment No 14 H Hof of 2 cents per ifer er share levied on the day da of May Ma 1908 IMS the several amounts set opposite the names of the respective stockholders as follows No No Cert Name Nam Shares Amt AmI mt Hudson Bros vz D Coughlin Sheets Thompson 43 SS 86 E Byrnes 1000 Sheets Thompson 57 7 W V W LV Armstrong 1000 W W IV V Armstrong 00 1000 W Yo W Armstrong 1000 1026 M M Miller 00 1000 1185 W tv V W Yo Armstrong 1000 1278 W V W Armstrong 2 04 1287 W J Browning IS 13 38 36 3 1379 1579 P H Riley 1000 1424 W V W V Armstrong 1000 1632 M Domenge 1721 C E B Johns 14 25 1755 D B Hallisey 52 1 1773 H K Burch 18 IS 36 1795 Mary Mart Alger 18 36 1874 I 1 SOO 1945 1045 J S 5 Walker 83 53 5 10 1966 H B Cole Co 1000 2022 F Irvine v 2116 J A Pollock Co 1000 1010 2152 21 H II Rooney 2215 Lee Jung 10 2216 Lee Hem US is 2348 H B Cole Co O 0 28 25 56 2444 John Lowe 00 i 2443 2445 Child Cole Cola Co 0 1000 2522 T Egan 44 41 BS Es 2533 J A Pollock Co 2661 E B Conway 4 2665 E M West 21 2668 2665 Meyer Meer Joseph Josepn 2650 Meyer Joseph I 2691 Meyer Joseph 2696 Meyer Joseph E 1000 I 2719 J I W 1000 roM 2755 53 S L 1000 2784 2781 E S Fisher 42 SI 2516 E P Evans SOO 2545 R 11 S 1000 1060 2857 Nellie Mosby 38 76 6 2853 2858 Nellie Mosby 33 3 66 60 2859 Nellie Mosby Moby 76 2561 T H Paull Paul BOO I OO 1000 2270 W V W Armstrong 77 Zit 2851 W W V Armstrong 1000 2887 W W Armstrong 1000 mt 2591 F V Dankowski Danko 00 1000 WO J 3 J M Wheeler 1000 2931 Co 1000 2967 2 7 Co 51 Q 1000 2968 2563 Co EJ 51 8 1000 2900 F o A Evans 1000 2970 F A Davis Dals 50 5 1000 2975 A S Campbell 1000 2990 90 Badger Bros 1000 2991 E D Miller 1000 2993 2995 Mrs Irs John Poulson 00 2997 A J Straton 20 O 40 to 2998 Carrie Sutton Button 2993 2003 Mrs Irs Annie Kimball IOn F o R B Davis 40 80 SO 2023 A L I Stewart 33 w 78 7 30 Co 1000 Co 1000 1060 11 2009 2000 O Co 1690 1900 s Co SOO roo 1000 1800 A S Campbell 1000 Is Co o 0 Co 1000 1600 G 0 H 1 Matson MaLon 00 1000 31 D Oldham 34 SI 5 JIM Co SO 51 WOO 1000 Co 00 1010 1041 Co A SQ 1000 1060 A C Thomas 1000 Co 34 05 Thompson Browning 71 il 14 Co 1 2009 2000 00 I Co 1000 I M 00 Mei SSI 3 ei Co 1 38 21 00 J 3 D Dals Co S ill 0 1009 HOO Co UJ JO Co C 0 mayo Cu Co VA 10 Mrs H 11 Edwards S M II Howard 53 25 55 80 sao Armstrong Kidder 40 lQ RII J A Parker 4 E B M II Budgett 31 tS 0 J A West e t 20 s F p T Noyes Noes 5 1000 ioco SMS Co 1000 1600 MO 0 Anna Olson 1 ao W 2000 Anna Aims Olson Oleon 2000 W F Calloway 00 Mrs Irs M r V Rogers SK Ml Wro 10 M 1 D U Joseph Joaeph 5 I OO 1 1100 1000 09 1000 A L Jacobs OO 1000 10 3 g G L Eugene Eu ene Giles 80 1000 1011 Iii Eugene r ugene Giles OO 1060 r Eugene Euene Giles 33 0 S G 1 Paul 61 T S G Paul r Mary Ilary 48 40 93 Brokerage A Finance Co ECU Wi 16 1000 W Brokerage Finance Co 1000 1009 2000 S W Platt 2 J 3 Matie atle 51 1060 1600 C Gebhart 1003 Sl R Gulver Culver r 1000 Mv JO 3 R n Gulver Culver 1099 1000 Oeo 2060 Sheets Neel Neal P Bazakis MO 1000 1010 2919 T 1 Egan 30 1000 And In accordance with law and an or order order order der of the board of directors made on the Sill day of May 1946 1 so 80 many man shares shar of oC each parel parcel of oC such stock as may be necessary will be sold at the office of the company No 12 East Second South street Salt Lake City Utah on the day da of June 1905 1008 at the hour of 2 p in to pay the delinquent assessment thereon together with the costs of ad advertising and expense of sale J H DEMING Secretary No 12 East Second South Street Assessment No 32 WABASH MINING lUNIG COMPANY PRIN PIUS PRINcipal cipal place of business Salt Lake City Utah Notice is hereby given Ien that at a meeting of the board of directors held heldon on the d y of ot June 1908 an assess assessment ment mont of ten 10 cents per share was lev levied levIed fed on the capital stock of the corpora corporation corporation tion payable on or before the day dayot of ot July 1008 1908 to W Mont Ferry Perr secre secretary secretary tary tar at room 20 Atlas block West Vest Sec Second Second Second ond South street Salt Lake City CIt Utah Any stock upon which this assessment may ma remain unpaid on the day of July Jul 1008 1808 will wilu be delinquent and adver advertised advertised Used for tor sale hit nt public auction and un unless Unless less leIIS payment Is made before beCore will be sold soldon soldon soldon on the 1st day of August 1908 1903 to pay pa pathe the delinquent assessment together with all cost of f advertising and expense of sale Bale W MONT FERRY Secretary Location of offices Nos os 5 22 Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah South Swansea Mining Co Salt Lake City Utah June 3 1903 1003 To the owners of stock in the South Swansea 6 Mining company In pursuance to the action heretofore taken by the stockholders and the board of directors of ot said company and the sale of its property for stock in the Swansea Consolidated Mining company you are hereby requested to present your certificates I cates to W H K Farnsworth secretary at athis athis athis his office No Atlas block Salt Lake Lako City CIt Utah on or before Friday July Jul 3 1908 and exchange same Bame for tor order on the Swansea Consolidated Mining company Tor for stock dividend of ot equal number of at shares of the capital stock of ot that com corn company compan pany pan C V WHEELER President W H FARNSWORTH Secretary Dividend Notice THE SALT LAKE SECURITY Trust company compan has declared Its regular semiannual dividend at the rate of at seven 7 per cent per annum payable on July 1 1908 at the office of ot the company 34 31 Main street Salt Lake City Utah to stockholders of ot record June 20 O 1908 1008 F E GURRIN President F S BASCOM Vice President JOHN JOliN HICKEY Vice President PresidentE E D WOODRUFF EDWARD HOME HOlE HOMER HOlER R B C GEMMELL W A WILSON EDWARD Directors DRUNKENNESS CURBS CUBED A positive and ane per permanent p r manent cure ours tot foP t drunkenness ne U 4 dru addiction I Branch parent house Dwight Corre Carre Correspondence confidential I KEELEY INSTITUTE I t WL I Pi t h J 7 y J i ASTONISHING CURES CURE BAILY BY MY NEW SYSTEM FILLS MY OFFICES FROM EARLY TO LATE WEAK WEIK j DISEASED MEN i MEN IWEN Cured Secretly I Cured I What hat I want Is 15 men who have tried I do not claim to cure a cue case In a few tew tewIn fewin in vain aln to be made strong again I desire days das then take weeks to relieve it and to explain why and how such a case can months to cure it but I do claim and an anbe be quickly relieved and speedily cured by t can prove that I can cure eure forever lay my method which can be done in most diseased man r an who will wili come to ra me in Instances in a few weeks at longest and andin time Ume My M ty method metod to M I lad and ad h has baa hasin in any case for a small outlay of money mon Y only been ba based 4 as such after y ar ra of at most I trial and a vast experience I SPECIAL PRICES FOR FOE A SHORT TIME TUdE ONLY OThY A CHANCE FOR FOE THE NERVOUS DEBILITY Cured by absorption no pain The en enlarged POOR Cured In a few tew weeks week Improvement from veins are due to mumps bicycle the start starL If you suffer sutter from lose of or ox horseback riding disease etc ete In time Obstruction from tram to to 1 energy and ambition feel tired when it weakens a Il man mentally as well as you arise in the morning lame iame back diz dia dizziness 41 ar I coce I e from t rom S l 1 0 to t 0 physically I will cure you ou for tor life or spots before the eyes eye and feel teel f you make no charge char from j to sro are not the man you once onee were I 1 will win Nervous Debility from 35 to 20 00 cure you ou for life lite Wasting sting from to I 10 TISSUE WASTE Cured by absorption no pain no loss of ot when Discharges from 5 to 10 time Why suffer sutter longer you OU can Either er partial 1 a I or total be cured in a few f ew hours h aura at a t a moderate m od era t e Ulcers UI cers from rom U to t 0 SIS I overcome by my Absorbent A Pad Fed for weak dis diseased cost Call and consult me Inc at once and andI Blood Poison Polson from JM S 10 to 30 20 eased men Call Calf and I will w III explain exp lain why w II y I will convince of the superiority of New System you Treatment nt over oer any Falling Failing Hair from JS 5 to It ie it cures when all aU eLse ele fails falla A friendly my other method meto d Pimples Pi mp I es from f rom 1 70 rn to t 0 15 chat ehat dont will delay oost t you nothing Call CaB at ono onoe on 1 BLOOD POISON Eczema from tram 10 to 30 Bladder Ailments from 5 to 1250 O URETHRAL OBSTRUCTION Overcome in 90 days day er r no pay Symptoms toms overcome In 7 I to o 21 days without Kidney Ailments Aliments from to 90 Cured by absorption ab in a short time Ume no chemicals or TI rt suffering from Prostatic Ailments Aliments from 5 to 13 pain no cutting no operation By y my ulcers sore mouth month tr ur throat falling talling hair method the urethral urethra onnal is healed and bone pains come and I 1 will drive the entire system stem restored te to its healthy poison polson from your blod forever by my SALT LAKE PEOPLE KNOW state No failures no pain or ot 1068 of o oS Vew ew System S t ern T a tm en t SO WELL OF MY ABILITY time tl me meDo THAT THEY ARE FILLING MY 2 Do Not Hot Patch latch Up UpI OFFICES BY THE SCORE CALL I Diagnose by Exclusion EARLY TO AVOID AVOIl RUSH AND I Cure Forever HAVING TO WAIT No Mistakes Made Hade Medicines from to a course Within any mans reach Dally Daily 9 B a m in to 8 p m in Free Consultation Sunday hours 10 a m to 1 p m SILT SA T LithE LAKE INSTITUTE Head Office 5 South Main n St Separate Rooms for Privacy c Salt Lake City Utah I S S S f a Notice NoticeS S SILVER KING CONSOLIDATED MIN MIS MINing ing company of ot Utah room t Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah There are delinquent upon the following described de stock on account of assessment levied on the day of ot May 1908 the several amounts set opposite the names of or orthe the respective shareholders as follows No of No of Names certO shares Amt I L A Amsden 26 G 00 J 2500 OO Mrs Annie Hogan Began 2 S 15 19 1589 9 Julius Baer Bur 7 2500 R T Burton Mrs Mary Iary F Mn Mary Iary F too Mrs Mary Mar F Fr 60 X Mrs Irs Mary F 30 2500 Mr Mrs Mary ary F w 2500 00 Mrs Mary Iary F o 2000 Mrs 18 Mary F 1 F 20 2000 2060 Mrs Mary F 20 2000 Mrs Irs Mary F OO Mrs Irs Mary F P OI JOO 2000 C W Goodale 1000 Pat Hegney 83 Israel Hurtig 42 IN J L 3 4 Benjamin Klein 1000 H E Kennedy 20 O Jennie March S 30 O 2500 2300 Clarence Mayer 5 iiII 00 A C 31 James P Quinn O 2500 Julius Rosenthal MS bas 1000 Emanuel Simon 12 li Daniel Simon CO 12 1 lS 1 Mrs Juilus Schiller 12 Geo Gt Jr 25 2500 X Geo jr jOO Geo jr nOO 1000 Coo Geo jr lii 1000 Goo Gee jr 10 1000 Geo Gee jr 10 1000 Geo Gee W V Weber We And in accordance with law and the or order order order der of the board of directors made on the ith day B of or May ay 1906 UMI so many man shares of oC each parcel of such stock as may ma be necessary nece essary e ar will be old at the office of at the company room 40 Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah on the day of ot June 1908 1008 at the hour of ot 3 p pm m in to pay the delin delinquent delinquent delinquent quent assessment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expenses of sale ale G U W BROWNING BROWNINGS S Secretary Atlas block Salt Lake City Utah Special Stockholders Meeting TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE Faust Creamery Supply company compan No Notice Notice Notice tice is hereby given that a special meet meeting meetIng meeting ing of ot the stockholders of or the Faust Creamery Supply company will be held at the presidents office at the Sharon building No 67 57 West Vest South Temple street Salt Lake City Utah on Tuesday the day of June 1908 1008 at 10 a am am am m of said day for the purpose of rati ratifying ratifying |