Show I SOCIETY T TOne One of the most beautiful of home TV eddings of this week was that of ot Miss Irene Lakin formerly of this city to Frank Mason Payne the th marriage having been solemnized last evening at 8 at the home of Mr and Mrs Andrew J Gorham The service read by b Rev Elmer J 7 Goshen was witnessed by about fifty of the old friends of the Lakin family the only member of ot which who was present was the brides father J H Lakin who gave her away Mr tad raid Mrs Howard Lee whose mar marriage m marriage r took place Monday evening in Denver attended the bride and groom and the music for the wedding the Lohengrin and Mendelssohn wedding marches was furnished by two close friends Miss Esther Allen and Miss Matie MaUe Hall The brides gown was of white chiffon covered with an exquisitely exquisItely beautiful work in white silk tulips while the yoke and sleeve trimmings were of ot filmy baby Irish lace The entire gown was sent by bythe bythe bythe the brides older sister Mrs Percy from Eastnor Hill Hm the home of the Sommers family in Eng England England England land Rare orange blossoms for lor her veil voil and corsage were sent from Call Cali California fornia tornia by another sister and these the Her bouquet was a shower of white roses Mrs Lee wore her own wedding gown of white crepe de chine with princess lace trimmings and also carried white roses The parlors where the ceremony took place were all decorated In pure white whites syringe s the waxy blossoms forming the background and a canopy for fur the bri bridal brIdal bridal dal party In the dining room pink roses adorned the table and the recep reception reception reception tion hall was in the deep red roses Following the wedding an informal re to reception reception caption and wedding supper was the order only the same close friends who had witnessed the ceremony being pres present present present ent Later the two young oung couples left lett for tor Glenwood Springs Colo Cob to spend their joint honeymoon on They will all live In Denver Mrs Irs W Yo W Armstrong was the host hostess hoste ess e yesterday esterday at a beautifully appoint appointed ed bridge tea The tables nui bering thirteen were arranged In the card room on the top floor of the Bransford and later tea was served in Mrs Arm Armstrongs Armstrongs Armstrongs strongs apartments The rooms were all gay with the summer flowers great baskets of deep red roses and wall pock pockets pockets pockets ets of white syringa giving a summer air to every corner The tea table was especially attractive with a bas basket basket ket of deep red roses for the central decoration above which was suspend suspended ed a smaller basket of feathery feather white wild parsnip bloom Red and white confections added to the effect and the same idea was carried out in the re refreshments refreshments refreshments when small baskets of red berries were on each plate The hostess was assisted by Miss Ber BeN Bertha BerUta BeNtha tha Uta who poured at the tea Miss Marion Miss Lorene Leery Lear and Miss Louise Sullivan The winners of the prizes were Mrs Alex Alexander Alexander Alexander ander C Ewing Mrs C R H Pearsall Mrs H Vance Lane Mrs J J T Rich RIh Richards Richards ards Mrs Mr A D Cleveland Mrs Irs Wil Willard Willard Willard lard Morse Mrs Irs F E McGurrin Mrs C Ira Tuttle Mrs A S Bowers Mrs Irs J J J Broughall Mrs Irs James Finlen Mrs A J J Hosmer Miss lIss and Miss Mies Leary Lear A number more friends were Invited in to tea follow following following following ing the game v Mrs Irs A V Y Calahan Calaghan entertained nearly a score of her friends yesterday esterday Ht sit a luncheon at the Country club in compliment to her sister Miss Van VanWyck VanWyck Wyck W ck of or San Sn Francisco The large round table was beautifully decorated with pansies three great bowls of ot the flowers being used while loose pansies were scattered over ovel the cloth Besides Miss Van W Wyck ck there were present pres nt Mrs W Montague Ferry Ferr Mrs Edward Ednard EdwardS S Ferry Mrs Heber M Wells Tells Mrs Irs Arthur H S Bird Mrs Irs Ernest Bam Barn Bamberger Bamberger berger Mrs Irs Louis B Miss Annie Mrs John Frank Judge Mrs Irs Union Worthington Miss Katherine Katharine Judge Jud e Miss Migs Katherine Ged Geddes des tIes Miss s Gertrude McGrath Mrs Irs Don Curios Crlos Roberts Miss Dorothy Doroth Kinney Mrs Irs J R H Walker alker Mrs Walter G Filer Flier and Mrs Irs George Jay Ja Gibson Miss Mias Irene Short and Miss Preale Clark entertained about forty Corty of their friends last evening at a class reunion the affair being in honor of Otto Pe Fe Peters erg of Northwestern college and Ralph Nelden of oC the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy both of whom have won honors in their colleges The rooms were decorated throughout with college pennants anti and the members of the high school chool class of 04 Oj were the guests In Inthe Inthe Inthe the hall bali the familiar old red antI and black was as hung while purple and white dec decorated orated the parlor and red and white the library In the dining room blue and white were used Those assisting were Mrs Irs W V A Wood of Los Angeles Angele for formerly merly morly Miss Lulu Short Miss Lyne of Kentucky Miss Nan Short and Miss Maud Clark I s Mrs 1118 R It C Hill was waa the hostess yes yesterday yesterday es esterday at a rose luncheon given glen for her lur friend Mrs Ir W R H Warren of Grand Junction Deep red roses were us used d in the decorations of at the long table which was covered with cloth of Cluny lace luce over the t e red Cut glass vases vaso filled with the roses were used on the tho ends of oC the table and great bowls of oC them tilled filled the center The guests besides Mrs Warren Tarren were ivere Mrs F L Oswald Mrs George W V Putnam Mrs H C Edwards Mrs Jack Reeves Mrs Irs AV iv Y T Benson Banson Mrs W V E Lake Mrs Devereaux Mrs Andrew Howat Mrs Lawrence Geen Mrs W Y E Critzer Mrs AIrs Miss lIss and Miss Mi Margaret Gibbon Mrs AV W V P Cooper Coope was the hoste yesterday at a beautiful yellow ellow lunch luncheon luncheon luncheon eon in compliment to Mrs John S Bransford The table was all in yellow a n lace center piece over yellow satin holding a huge bowl of or yellow ellow roses Yellow shaded candles in crystal can candelabra candelabra delabra lighted the board and an yellow ellow favors were at each place The guests to meet moot Mrs Bransford were Mrs Irs Ern Era Ernest est cat A Greenwood Gref wood Mrs Robert J S J Hen Mrs Irs E T Harvey Mrs Irs H J Schultz Mrs Irs J W Edmunds Mrs Walter Valter George Tuttle Mrs C M lI Bell Bali Belland Belland and Miss Lenore Samson Miss Margaret Harris entertained a dozen of ot her girl Irl friends yesterday at a luncheon for tor Miss lUss Lesley Woodruff and for Miss Mabel Burrows of New York The girls were seated at a round table which was most artistic with its It deck dec decorations orations of ot pansies and ribbons in the pansy shades An immense In Inthe Inthe Inthe the center c was the base for a cut cutglass cutglass cutglass glass bowl of or the flowers and a d pansies were scattered over oer the cloth Yellow Y ilow ribbons tied ti d the corsage bouquets at each ech place Miss lIss Margaret Miller entertained half halfa a dozen of the younger girls at a l luncheon at the Country club yester estor yesterday day In compliment to Miss Beth Dun Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar bar Mrs Mahonri M 1 Young and antI her hert Tn M Mlle tIe tic daughter are re with Mrs Youngs J mother Mrs James Sharp and will be beat beat beat at home with her until after Mr Ir Youngs return from New York where he lie goes shortly Mrs Irs Roy I 1 has gone to Ne No Nebraska Nebraska braska to ap spend pend nd the summer with tel rel relatives atio f 4 lie Mrs Williams and her daughter ht r Miss Mis lU Williams are here hore from Chicago and andare andare andare are home for the thi sum summer mar at No S 2 Ken Kensington Kensington Mrs Elmer B Jones hap ht issued invitations invitations for Cor a bridge tea to be given at ather ather ather her home a we week k from tomorrow Fri Friday Friday Friday day June 26 6 si Mrs HG H G C McMillan and anel her daugh daughters daughters era the Misses Mildred and anti Bess Mc McMillan McMillan Millan will give a tea next Tuesday afternoon June 28 I Ie r n Mrs Irl Jeremiah Seattle Beattie and a d her daugh daughter ter t r Mrs Joy H II Johnson will enter entertain entertain tain tam at a bridge tea at the home a week from rein Mrs Windsor V Rice will entertain today at a luncheon at the Alta Ita club clubs s It of Mrs Mra John AV iv V Delano entertains at bridge this afternoon at her apartments i n the Bransford Ie c k Mrs Frank P Swindler or will enter entertain ent r tain tam at a bridge tea today at her home Ie Mrs F E B I McGurrin will entertain at a bridge tea at the Country club c next Thursday afternoon Mr Mrs Daugherty Daugh will be bl here herf today toda from Portland to join her sister Miss Dorothy Kinney for a tour of Europe Mrs J T r White of Shoshone accorn accompanied panted by her two sons son is at the Wil Wit Wilson Wilson Witson son for a short time Ie v Mrs Murray Schick and her small son IOn Stuart have gone to Boise to visit friends for a few weeks week George Forrester Forrest r has returned after spending a fet fert weeks week in the north northwest west went t Miss Miu Irma Irro Eberhardt go goes to Kan Kansas Kansas I sas Sf l City tomorrow to spend pend a few weeks with friends dk sat Ie The marriage of Mim Miss Ina Card to Hugh Brown which widell took plaus day in the temple was followed last evening by a small and informal recep reception reception reception tion to the Intimate friends of the two young y ung people at the Card home on Fourth avenue |