Show JOHN CLAT WRITES HIS IMPRESSIONS OF JUNE IN THE WEST Crops Finance Sheep and Cattle Mingled With a Bit of Phil Phi Philosophy sophy and Some Y V Word Pictures John Clay Cia in Clay Robinson Cos Live Stock During the last lost two weeks I 1 have seen seena a 11 lot of the wont west By y the west I 1 moon mean beyond the Missouri the plains the mountains the tho Salt Lake valley valle and en toward Boise City Everywhere there is isan ISan s san an ocean an of green the corn com Is s peeping through in n Nebraska the rye rIo r e is In the ear car and anti there are vast fields of wheat and Iud oats waving in m the summer breeze Every Lvery vr acre alre of ground wet sodden often with water In Colorado as stat stated stated ed cd in last weeks Report tho the first cut cutting cutting ting tinS of alfalfa in but half halt a crops crop but the beets are coming through and oth otherwise e farming operations are going ahead successfully successful In Wyoming Utah find and Idaho heavy hoo rains have he done much nuch damage dama e and have killed many a lamb Iamb Lots of newly newl shorn sheep have hare perished under a load of wet snow but the won coat of green grass graS i will make fat lambs and great rollicking heavy beeves After all is 18 said find and nd done it la is an ill iii wind Mind that blows nobody good Yesterday morning we got cot up at 33 3 to t take a train from Evanston Wyo Vo Voto to Salt Lake City but with a perversity or of fate or bad management or i t all al it what you like the great engine with sixteen cars behind it pulled up to tu tnt tit platform at nt It wits was a damp cold Old morning blasts of snow filling the thea th tha thear a ar and nd whitening the hilltops hilltop a sad sort rt t or t gritting in the merry merr month of June Junet Juneo No t o Jolly sun greeted eted the morn laura only the glistening orbs of the thu lights in the saloons saloam brightened up the sad aad sorrowful and dawn awn The engine snorts and Lacks then snorts again in angry mood 11 nd id moves a way away wa toward Beho ebo canyon A raging river runs by b our aWe aide we leave leavo i for or a bit but Join it and then n rop rul swiftly down Oaten OiJen Jen a man mantle mantie mantie tie tle of greenery greener or hiding the town Fa Faun FaU un 1111 U above aboe abo are weird mountains mount their side ldes with snow their peaks aks white and andi i dJ 1 with lark dark clouds play hide and anil andt t ek k about them You Yon enjoy enjo a hilt full course br akia t at the depot depota a good on one it is and 11 ul Veil ou ul w away to the 1 it Us s 11 in dl Mormonism Shores of Salt Lake LakeI Lakey I y pass down don by b the side of the theat i at it Salt Silt but that I 1 admire the 1 pleasant casein hOllies and the well kept faring arni Itt tl t border it In iii the gloom of the ibis driz drizzling e the gho ghostlike tike trees add addan an Ii 1 e feature to the scene scent On Ont Onta t tt ta vu Va way town the th mist half halt lifts it stilt lies ll on a the lake lala a soft dreamy sort of air that tun turm to hank banks of vapor vaVor on the mountain sido c and then far away are J ut in profile rofU the sun lIun flashing tn en n t snow white fai fal al y scene that makes you of December D or wild days das in inMan Man h when the storm king kin revels in 1 r and dances up and down the ra Ta rai nES i flea nes ES and gu guI it that he lie claims as home as we raeh fadl the tbt city it is 18 bathed in ins s i lioe a sting in ill the air still left the beautiful of the temple against the i sky K and the o of oft t n hills beyond Not ot Notre Dame nor the Madeline nor the classic cla l ic lure of if Westminster ter ever impressed me ate atei mehi f hi i mu h as the gia lines Jines of the build g over oer Ve wh h th tb angel Moroni holds hold 3 J sceptre It is i a classic in stone and andrae TIP rae a n pearL arl of pre great t price in a setting f c m rte tc mountains and a weird lake lak lakes s n it lt bathed in inn a warm gold golden Id cn en glow the lake a sea of fire lie and ana tHen tHenn n v K 1 tI goes to sleep and andt t ti flashing northern lights with wilh mellow menow i it ii n the th muttering gathering gloom Last Lat I Lt it t least starlight ht you ou rp ne n It boft iott radiant moon steals over reit relt re t ni in im the mountains coming from front foff torf f oft Untie lan 5 to bless the ac scene ne e below Sheep Industry I Suffers Last k in writing of the Oil ber pan pane c I 1 said it was WitS more or less lesa I and sentimental in the west But that statement should be l failures of any an moment took I J fo te 1 t tle te e granger gruger r ug on his hie hi farm still went i ad il and is doing so There is this d e however this year he can get 1 bb bor r in abundance His ills crops crop are com corn cornI 1 I t i forward in excellent shape grain m cs have been good and are likely like ti t tip remain so Wt Mining interests have been n affected seriously and in places like Salt Lake the bad effects are being felt Den Dent t rr Cr r is prosperous while Salt Lake is dull dilli rue fhe cattle industry has not been affected i r f is prosperous and more active than a year jear ear ago But Iut the sheep industry has suffered enrel After half halt a 8 dozen years of rat a prosperity a turn of the tide was Cj CUi gue in this line of business and while th tb t h great panic in the east last fall may ms have precipitated this change still our were riding for a fall The Thet t peculation in sheep was just as active actie in mn time tiie west vest as oS i were werf the bulls hulls In Wall Wallstreet Wallstreet all street The high finance of the east was fortunately fortunate left out and generally spook speak speaking lug ing flock masters did not no get out of tir depth Still the low price lWi of wool and Id a th prospective prices price for mutton ar tf tre giving everyone connected with sheep what Is popularly known as a touch of 1 feet fee t Added to this th l there has hall been 0 it Keat geat eat expansion in the land business in Jiten f ten n the most mOlit successful and progressive sive 1 stockmen both in the cattle and sheep heep business have tied up a lot of money in real estate tate either to protect I their ranges or for tor or speculative Then there was a t great natural expansion sion Sill that came from immigration mie me especially in Irrigated lands and the con can consequence conSequence sequence Is that a vast ast amount of ot money mane has been tied up Ut Economic Cleansing Cle Fire This Is jg especially true of Utah rtuh and Idaho where the land expansion is very vel noticeable Consequently the tIme local banks are aro short of oC deposits loans are hard to tomake make muke and shipments of liquid assets in inthe the shape of oC cattle sheep and wool are forced by b circumstances Cattlemen have havo ha nothing to complain of but the sheep men at present values will be hard hit lilt The rho of the west is just as blue and pessimistic as he was radiant and optimistic a year ago alO They are passing through the tho economic econom cleansing lire fire which every industry has ha to HO face The consol consolation atlon is that they are better prepared than In l Most of the wool from Wyoming has been consigned to casern points but Utah and Idaho are prepared to sell and take the market value In Idaho successful wool sales are being held and lust lost Sat Saturday unIa at Payette In that state clips sold from froni 11 U to 14 H s cents per pound or just about 7 cents below last years prices For the better class of oC wools the tIme demand is IB evidently Improving a little During May of last year yeat Boise banks received over S for wool This year FO so 0 far scarcely scarcely a dollar has come In Sitting with Mr Ir Moore loore of the First National bank of the above city he showed me rae a check heck saying That is the tIme first dollar account of wool I 1 have seen this year Cash however will roll In now from this source and anti help hell out banker mer merchant merchant merchant chant and flock master but hut with this difference It will be less than thuu 70 TO per cent of the amount credited a year ago aso Boise as a cit city looks flourishing I like its broad streets ts shaded with glorious foliage its well kept lawns dotted with massive rose bushes rich with flowers it looks a well groomed place and an it should be for my m friend Bob Aikman Is one of the Ute city dads and devotes much of his time to watching and caring for it |