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Show $es for every dollar of profit. In 3 the best of these years from the I stockholders' point of view, the ratio was four dollars to one dollar. dol-lar. In one year it was $22 to one dollar. These misconceptions as to profits pro-fits are at the root of many attacks at-tacks on the free enterprise system. sys-tem. Publishing the facts is the only way to clear the air and let all understand how well the masses of people fare under the American capitalism. Reports Should Clarify All Profits Questions There is an almost unbelievable amount of misunderstanding of how much profit industry earns and how stockholders and workers fare when it comes to dividing up income. For instance, a group of employes em-ployes of representative American Ameri-can coiporations were recently asker what they figured the average av-erage manufacturer earns in peacetime. Their answers averaged averag-ed 25 per cent. They were then asked what they considered a fair profit, andn here the average came to 10 per cent. Yet the fact is, that over a 20-year period, corporate profits in this nation averaged a trifle more than four per cent annually well under half of what the workers considered consid-ered fair, and less than a fifth of what the workers thought was earned. These workers were also asked this question: "Out of each dollar dol-lar paid in dividends to stockholders, stockhol-ders, salaries to top management, and wages to workers how much of this dollar do the workers get?" The average estimate was that workers get 25 per cent, and stockholders and management a whopping 75 per cent. Actually, over an 18-year period, the workers work-ers received seven dollars in wag- |