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Show THE doin' lariiiiTo ol Dixie land produce iihal - i Ifil inr a livelihood, ami innkc icry lilllc cllorl at finding a markrl fur llii-i- r product ; In fact I heir i tin r.iilroail i no inarkcf unt near at hand. Do we all apprccinli' our lat to able location r Minuted as wo art. lr ritir nl Hu j t wit'll till- two large-- t Is Mirsilili' u ilie-idial it nut State, in ami citio wrallh large grow W'lmt w oliall also prow" cl Inr Hie limit, tin'll, hlmll wigrowth nr Davi nomili ? "alt I.akc i.'ity now is lining recognized ax tue ... t. As till' l leading f'ltv nf till 1 look will ii'siil. iiS Gnpilal gfows. I. lin Will Ini' li.ii;ii' ni'ur ai in they go miiiiIi near tin' -- inciters? Not If llii-nt u pleasant are in hoine. Tlii'ii. Davis county, being iiraetii'iillv a suburb nf the nictroii- nits, will have tn take cam of a pro- pm lion of the influx ot new residents. The people of I avis , as a l, Imnest men are i rule, COUNTY ARGUS DAVIS MANY ; nt-f- ithmsiied every Tuesday Farmington. Utah Publishers ) P. FELT A SON D. P. FELT, EDITOR. VERNON FELT Managar. subscription prices: i Our Year In Advanrr.; - - - Sin Mlltllllk -I hi e Mouths . l.l.lt III.' in ..1 IM.I M i'..n-r- II- iSlHi.. I'.ilKl-l'i- J At ..I - - - - - ISallHf tanu.uirtiiH. a. W I. CM a,..,lllrl Mali. uii'li'r ill.- LABOR OF NK1MII PAT.MKR. LOST. Odd Experience of a Man Who Once Wrote a Book. lii-"1 tin ii total." said a tuaii of 'XiiTiinrt-- . "iliiir ii m urn unusual ini'll in piiii! ii m il i liifiij;)ii and mil nvi-iimniiniis nl unc non ami uhwIht, only m It ml alien tin)1 luul 'hoao tliiiias in t iistiiiminii in ho ia'- nad lOliff ('lift'd IliUi tin hiiitit i.hoii- - l.iu, vu,ik.,. mu li ,mu'l.od I rr I j i to' tofli 41 H41 14,l Issin-- into-n- i had s on hem. mu s. wi'h a I I I lunl .. h ih E. Uouulirul Exchange. Ullice, c 'W Atlas Block, Salt Lak.-- . yjenilier ol tin: Bar, U. K. Sup: Mining. Irrigation. & Corpus- - : e e in oahuer. OSCAR C. DIXON, j i ..v I i. i. Picture Frames, tOciii Taper, Wtndobu Glasjr, and Furniture. Lourt a Law M, D. I PHYSICIAN SURGEON. (jtfii-i- hours: ' 7 AM. t' v A. M. I'lione 6S, I" 4 : M. i SAY! 4 . 4 4 i 11 ! I Why Not Make Additional 2 per cent? 6 Per cent Paid on Savings Deposits ft I -l X liard-iieailm- i!ii-iIii.- Ii.li.-s,ii.,-- r X . . Its:..--ai- l W. Merrill I WESTERN LOAN & SAVINC8 Co. I CAPITAL PAID IN JANUNRY PI A NO Part. IT I a-t- e. This, in our opinion, is one of the most important transaction for ultifur heen mate good that has thn avi Ixirdcr of the within brought he to heneliU vast The eoiiuty. The rich derived are incalculable. For a Dig Crop PLANT I soils of I avis county will be made ; to produce three-fol- d iopnlatlon wHl Increase; ami an era of prosperity will follow closely in the wake of the completion of the plan. I .and values will, a- - a matter of course, advance; amt produce from the ilelils and farm will In greater ii a e d lawyer. ; h I'uueral Direc I,i-tor and Collins ami Caskets of all kinds furnished. j RAYhVll.l.i;, UTAH. j .. The iiifniiiialinn that the anil land . HOLLISTER'S nf Daws eiuiutv are In lie muile In The people of Farmington are consul- MoiMtSi'l TS3 gQg(y fjCtf like a nw!,'1 slmiihl "ilossoni j A s kt Bus y F- . , e.rr1 very seedy, but we dont took at it , ttsJhh B.y Ini hailed with delight h lln- - ili.etis t r. Irisp QoMra BrVik anil IUxsS'. k snsellk! for of this progressive comity. The re. Kiilis-I'iiuiSrw. I,.. laugh at one Us-If .ill,. Sl.iiji,li liou.-i-ll:u'ku.'li.'. It's wirt, as given in The Am. i s la- -t M.HintSlii a of ll'ky inetiire the future, at IH MO it I IT. li. Ulifns I'ainting Fraxjfc apit- week, state that a company W'l UJ in: In.' H liv, inv hov. Tlx, . tako they say, WIDEN NUGCEVS fOit SALLOW PEOPLt aMs have secured option on various Instructor in Music. tracts of laud in Davis enunly. the A N O OK SA N purpose being to inlall a enniplete j2i Wxst First North St. syrleni of irrigation and thus re. laiiu A LA K 1: t.'IT . I TA 1 1 . S the vast area of land now going In ... UTAH. ft i W. TATLOCK KrsnUnce. harming ion. 111 I DA'RTOJS KAYSVILLE Farmington, Utah. lli.-i-l at a si'i'iiiid liaiul honk Hil). I iiiekeil u i from among a lot nf IjihiI.s ufli'ivd live celils I'iich nbc li'i.l bnre a till) ill l In very aurds tin I Itad decided II t n in Inr I lie lillc ol Illy Ink. I,' and the opening senteuee In this lunik was almost id. ui leal wiih ihai in tuy own. had hud the same "ttiiini'hiidy Idea lluii I had winked our so long, and had written and jmlilished a linok alsnii ii fly vcai's liefui'.' " I'.-- y;a. TflepUuiie . ii'H I Pawnee Com. He will save you ; already fiuiiii'eii oiu'i'. aril-ini.t hunk agil I had i all hui com plcicd. And 'lien nin- - day. siopiiiin: 1 JOHJ njBLIC Beat paniesof the World. r j oiw Kejaewiiu the moiirjr. ! auimcier LICENSES i i , YEARS i 40 Eatt Pint South Street Co. G7tAIJVfr&. SEE 2.y R. I.. POLK. PkKSIDEXT. I 0iTV. SALT LAKE CITY. J and Warehouees So. 3rd Writ St. x SEED DEPARTMENT 59 E. 3rd South Street. loth Flumes 1505 Salt Lake City. ORGANS BRAND NEW ; ! i 1 617.620 DOTJLY BUILDING i ; Long Distance Bell Teirplioin- jy. : IIKANUIKS (HillK.V, liOlbK, ITKIILO. Circulars Adilressvil and Mailed. 1 VhitaKer Makii-.ctiumksi- DOMESTIC CIGARS BLUE POINT PERFECTOS 15 tOhHoKer cents, two for 25 cents. Valla x, 13 r g W Third South St. ,1 Preei. "alt LaAjt City Just What the Word Implies It iudicate.i Hie state ol the tension at glance. Its use means lime saving and easier sewing Its our own invention and is louud only on the White Settling Machine I ' We make all Grade Tnsiofi Indicator Is I Sometimes? Dallas ,i aina Kind ro-iii- i.c r, rmle aiul 1'i.iu vii..u:il Lists Furiiished. SUSTAIN HOME INDUSTRY. tfi (3L he Lagoon Road ead Ache CIIKVKMNK. , tohe ,,crefulebuyerl"n&.M!',Ve!,,l?.y!? catalog. appeal H.T. We Invite You to Call. White Seeing Machine Company . 89 West First South St. ISMAA-.- -. Salt Lake City, Utah. w. tmwwmw - mwmwwm. :- REVERSIBLE disc plows. Utah Implement 1 n 'lli-iilit-fil- iii ompany. in T Il wi-r- t. ibi-in- . sil w-- ni - J J AW.v.',sn7g38e00988egei i ;:i 4 AT COLOKAIHi Sl'kIM'.s $49.50 ! s and Field The Aie.rs lies liecii ngiluliug the VOGELER SEED CO., Salt Lake City. holding of a county I'air this year, ami the proHsitiun has met with apbodies proval In all the rouiiiipn-iu- l ol lln county. Hut no active move ha- - yet I made. The fair should Burton Coal & Lumber Co. lie held in Scptruihcr or early in in volume. If we shall do anything in k.'tnlicr. We could go on in pointing out the Ouc lieltcr act mutter, we had the great results to ho derived. BUILDING LUMBER, can see at a glance that such a plan promptly CAYTOh MUSH COMPANY A committee should lie named at MATERIAL, PORTLAND i just what Davis county needs. UAMAIh ST. SALT LAEE CITY Water iu some parts of the enmity is once to formulate plans and arrange CEMENT. . for exhihitiuiis. This hind the work scarce. a As cannot result, very Exhibitors must within that district is practically BOTH TELEPHOHCS 808. With w a ter near at hand, valueless. prepare for OFFICE: 68 W. 2 3.. SALT LAKE. these tracts of laud may lie niade prize pump-nurture- d, I Hie to produce not only necessities of mflflaike & 'Ogden Railway. animals must he taken hank account. of care prio life, hilt also larger fsIMON BAMBERGER, And with more money in circulation with theValr in view. All this lrest & Genl Manager. time. the community Is more progressive, Salt Lake Hat Factory. The first thing to tin dune, and more ambitious, aiul Inducements lime Table in Effect Nov. 26, 1905. riKO TAY1.0R, Proprietor. that without delay, is to name a arc given for new enterprises. Manufacture the hand of mail of energy and foresight to lake The Akui s extend LEAVE SALT LAKE. of the can' of the work. This be SOFTI AND STIFF HATS charge fellowship to the promoters I&ju. 11 a. 111.; 2, 4:30. 6.30 p. m. We suggest that done by (he Commercial clubs of the new enterprise. from the the plan be enlarged to include aU county. Representative LEAVE LAGOON, o a. in.; 12 in., 3. 5:30, tlie arid land in the comity. I,and liaysville. rarmiiigtou, aud Bountip. m ful need Commercial of iu is should meet irriganear Syracuse clubs, Salesroom, 24 Fist First South St. ESTABLISHED iSSg" Factory, 166 V. South Temple. tion, laud near lumitiful is also a early a possible and start the ball Commercial & Sayings in need ; in (act, it would not lie rolling. With an active leader, it is i Tel. 1S71 x. Salt Lake City, Utah. dilliiitill to point out tracts in any only a iiieliiiii of a short time before i l Bank. part of the county that are patiently inicrct in the hair will he manifest A Perfect Skin Food For irriiu all Hie of of wand parts CAPITAL, wailing for the magic $200,000. comity. t .eiilleiueii of the t'oiiiiueii'ial gation to make them smile and Yif 'FSrmstrutig, president. Dainly Ladies produce for their masters necessities clubs of Davis comity, let ii all beByron Groo, Cashier. lERCIAL BANKING IN ALL are something like imsi Face and enjoy incut of life. gin work at mice. A ucccftil There Cream sold in Davi county. A LARGK ITS BRANCHES. the scheme lie hurriedly Fair can lie had ; Hie iieoplc of Davi NUMBER ARE WORTHLESS. May A FEW Per Cent Interest on Savings SOM li GOOD. SOME pushed to completion, iu order that county are enterpriKing aud indus- DANGEROUS. IwjSUi. Accounts Solicited Satisfactory AND ONLY ONE BEST RETTFR, the great benefits may be derived trious. and will rally to your support; THAT IS 'MOSS ROSE" TOILET b Guaranteed. as a financial proportion, it is a CREAM. IT IS I'.UARANTEI) to suit without delay ! you, OR BACK COMES YOUR MONEY. good one; therefore, all that is lack- TRY TO Bl'Y ANY OTHER ON THIS A PICTURE OF THE FUTURE. FLAN ANo HEAR THE EXCUSES ing at present is ACTIVITY. hall rolling, geutleiiieii ; MADE. Start the It will NOT make 'Iiisz'' uu the face Juct tell 11 of the beauties of I it is up to you ' I it i not gummy, nor yet watery con-- I iu Italy, and of the wonderful sky tains no mineral or acid, and WILL KBK1 THE SKIN SOFT AND WHITE. Egypt, aud also of the beauties of We are in rcer!it of Hie April-M- av It is prejiared hv T1IK FLOWERS Switzerland ; hut no oct ha sung issue of "The Western Home-seeke- Tt HLKT CO. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, li si 1. it will interest you to A HOME of the beauties of Davis county. now being published in Salt a Ixittlc hv PRODUCT, and sold at 25c fctw tliui it e.an lie stopiicd Only a poet ean describe Davis nidi l)r. Miles' Anti-l'ui- n J. D.'WOOD, L'ills; LakfUity, having changed Hie pubFARMINGTON. UTAH. county in the summer time. Far lication oilier from Missoula. witliont anv bail aftcr-el- s, Mont., be it from us to attempt siieh a ami this without dan-- p to Utah's uietroolis. .The magof Torfuin" a drug Jiabit or licriuleaii task. However, one azine is tirt-ela- s in every particular. kt ing your stomaeh disnr-- r. feels impelled to make an attempt Article 011 various intcrci-liiiaud Tlicv gcd. jmsitively con-- ti at writing poetry when he breaths no opium, morphine, co-- n timely topic are contributed bv well-- 1 the luxuriant air, and listens to the ue. chloral, ether or chluro-f- i known writ 'i- - of the Wed. Tin- birds warble in the trees, ail the ni in any form. Hr. Miles editorial matter is especially com- - j TEMPLETON llli!. Pills relieve pain, while iNiug softly coded by the Jj SALT LAKE L'lTY. UTAH. mendabic. being the work of .lames j an i leave a sense of relief. breeze. Wonderonly summer's gentle A. Metcalf, an experienced new- The leading school of Exfukssiom T c reason for this is explained ful place for a home, is Davis counpaperman. "The Western Home - , in llic Middle West. OltATOUY, by tlie fact that headache comes ty. We think few appreciate the seeker" deserve unbounded ucce . ELOCUTION. PHYSICAL Cl'l- -' in in tircil, irritable, turbulent, advantage and unsurpassed beauties Its brain nerves. Anti- is to Hie West build TUBE. up purpose DBAMATIU ENGLISH, as fully as liter should. I ills ifootlic and strenglh- ; ; Wn , which is certainly a laudable mn . apt SI,AKKS1KAI;" kl"? " I lave ewthese thus ever nerves, of the removing you thought and Hie promoters should he on- - I dred branches. a man or huincs disadvantages Prolessioiuil and General tbillure rouragrtl by all enterprising propie takci fanner labors under way down in or llie Wt--1. Miles' Arill-riil- n Pills by extending liberal ; . ourses for Udie, GcntliMiian and and f Dixie laud, off the railroad, ami I tl!:il I nothing tluit will j Uliildren. paironage. enroll INipiU may at MSk tqikil Tlii'i will euro tln-o- t only sparingly settled? In order re o'et nr sielt ANY lime. in I few mlnntss. , Have you lieen Iwtr.iyed by promise to visit the metropolis, irrr residents tw mis a t. and tempvTam-nGET THE BEST. AND SAVE of quack, swallowed wlir.n my rdisloniilly Save pills and bottled there must have money enough to tr Ini complt'trly grtkes TIME AND MONEY. medicine without mull except a damJ l 1 can ik, miles aud scawly carry them 2l)u return, cuSlahi ntyw'1 thiw tiim-- s I ul- THE METCALF RECITALS aged stomach. To those we offer Hollj hiko ill Aiiti-Fnl- u l'ills. and and enough to pay cxpeusc of the ister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cent. Dramatic and Lltorary. For all! tw; niU't it'll rltrl; t away. It I re- pAkiihl" whl u smsiiing effect tlofjr L. H. Oviatt. trip. We in Davis county pay t;o Ocoaaions. 5 F'J; '"",7 nliu-rvi's.KAB- 1Mu cents to reach Salt Lake, and return FBEDRH'A. METCAl.F,O.M.. Or. Mllss A it . Pain Pill ars sold "It the same old story" but "its" by I lie same day. Farmer here have fresh ffT,S2!a,J,,lk"h will guarantse that 1riiifipal of Oratory every day "tiread" that atop the j 5!- will It If beneHt. Pjcltgs a ready market for all they can wwry. Try it, rturn your mensy. MISS UUISKELI.A 1IEBUE, you'll find it will pay. i loses. 2J cats. Never t bulk. told ' produce, and practically at their At Oviatt'. i'r'uu'ipal of Ilivsii'al Uulturr. JJtles Medial Co., Elkhart, Iml I J MGR Oarden V06ELER S PURITY SEEDS ; jJ Wholeitala and Retail Office They are llic lies! that money can buy. . It, I, 1903, S4BO.OOO SIL T LAKE CITY, UTAH 4 Slit Like-uiv- . Sole Agents forC Utah and Idaho. f'Khl o' left hsa.l Plowing around the land, or revets-,,iJhTwi- K all oneway. Our kiIvs of tils plow are increasing each year, and we have; vet to bear ol tlu- - first man who has seen it run, cnudi'iiiii it or ray anything except Ihal it is the Ik'siI i.hing be ever saw m a field. Prices iiotnl on applica- - UTAH IMPLEMENT Salt Lake City, . . GO. Utah |