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Show TOO LATE Horrible ON THE LAST l,A0 DAV. That Oiaunru Procrastinating Individual. Thought Mi to aLjc C HuCrUri JOYUSNESS. Cunviiiccil She Struck Heal Bary.un. Had TO'1 M hi" In- uni- giound RtLt. Y HttOS. Prop. it . i i't oi inf i.:..ii ll.l,iX'Mi was lluwimls mi jii.ih., ,i. Hike "a lull lit I wli.k" Ilf, i l.iiiic- . ilh-- i III lilt morning. mill uiiiiox' i). tuna hi) ilid he unit. di l:mii Ihiri) in in ii in mu,ri, ;lll li "umlri In Ha kin mn in s it out util, "Hu. it a.'1 .mij mu pn'tirular iiccasim, was imlm,-,in hi riii 1. lit ihtjniif in Mill :iii fx'i'iil Ilia: his i. in n:i.' a tr piat-iirajoke ,,. ;. i, b) placing liifti in m, 'uni. i.,; bin'll in sleep In a 1 In :tu il.iuu j, i wo. r. slrclrlu.il In in,aim kii ai lur In lii'helii li riiic liiiu. anil in a hi pycured pasacil titfcii his ii n tisloli. III!, raising hi- - Ii.iii.K :i ',.f: d. while biii.- - of per-pi..n iool on hi ghastl) brow. Tm- - :!ic Iasi film hi I - dm lair fur i in I: , ,1 ' - : - - ii I' ' il.:- .ii i "flu i.. : It! in pi.i .i ill. ii;i , A i i h iV - .iii) i i Ill'll u' i I v :t ' i l! Isl ft I SALT LAKE mmition to furniah Cream, Punches, UTAH t t tur. J. Thcv will i.iy you more lor tour I Pnnltry than you cun get hv peihlliug J Drcsseil or Lite Poultry. c : Yon Can Pure Ice Cream. Sherbets. Water Ices. Frame Pinhtmgs A Puuches 2 . ! 26 Richards St. let tin m kiit your Ihef ami hi ilil in colil storage for your use. Stock will weighed up in it dressed form and mat lie taken out us reipiirril for family use. UTAH . X Co-op- l Kays-moue- . t We Guarantee a ClMlk t theop-li-rtunit- it 'o-o- p. i : 1 1 Utah CO Pels, from up. Ir.uli Linoleum, 6 left v.inl. ifhi n Chairs, ,yc each. OP SECOND KANO STORE : , i 1 llor-de.i- li-- ' : r.VWfWAVSSiWVVV!AV.V.V.V.V.,.V.V.V 4444444444444444444444444 . Aristocratic, . died. suhVagaries ot Weather on Ocean. i.vi W. .vmlli Temple Street II will lake ail experi 10 rieemiiii for It inti know tin v.iUu of Cliamlier-Imu'- s HOIlle id III' tiigiil'lfx ill' tile M'ii'lu r I'TAIt .siive you would never wish to SALT I.AKH CITY coiiilltloiis on the ihi an. t 'ei: a in f the some are Here lie it. without III llli-ililll!-are SjHlf ' liseuM-s lot which it is csjiecially known wick mi-s- . finm an iiiii.ii'.mii lie t.iluii'ili: sure nipple., chapped hands, euuse. iitil 11 r ill ii miii. Ill Lorihern Iiiii,..- - or tin At lain it, .villi burns. I'rnM bites, chilblain, cl.rotiic A positive and if H blow, iimi lierits. ini'l : ii ci.i; son. eys,, itching piles, tetter, salt (cure i he rheum and reems. Priie ;.S cents of In ! ci Hi- - are I. now lor DniiiU-micsjier uust)." Il is this eiilisisteliey of six. For sale by I'ariaiiiglon Coop. II., rherei: no CUSsedliess. tile elialiilily lllul luii.V ' 1. Co-oCenterville 'lietleld tie. Ls'li.lie , duei'tl 011 Idows. ilia1 lisid tu enas at their own lioiUi'K. AllVor 11M .'lilliiK uiuiiirs to able tin id liilluitl-inin the hack, lltn. resjioiideiice strictly cuidtiettiul . pains Hill i:i these days ' si' .imiiips ism. lie mat I ntioii in t.t Address, laick ltox 4S0, or VI K fainting d not 10 the pussetigers are KH11s. ill'll - ni 01 constipation, KEEI.Y INSTITITH. 3.iW. in siii-I- i eomlliious. South Temple I Salt, LitkPCTij Tia makes yon listeisl! well. A.s cents. L.li'L ' V.V.V.WAV.V.W.V.Tf.t.V Cheap Rates East Via. Colorado Midland wpll.TJiei : I 1 Var. l Oru nkennceusrsed. ! "DyKje Drug Co. 230 S. Main St. ike Cit Salt -5- UK. Utah lisgion Yiil WANT ; ' '. Railway. On May . late June gA-2- ivi.ili m one 44444444444444444444 Most Ancient Coins. fare plus two ilollors for round trip to Chroiiieli UMiiln's dia Tli. I.ni.-Chicago, MinnenKilis, and west thereol. illir Limit Ictolier 31st sloovei sallowed west li . mi laiiimui of copiM'i a n i" ili' aloii. liine of A'x" ill ilium MissiHiri river. For further vi."i 1!. I ' . will' ll Ai'liiin write L. H. II tiding. Ocueral Agent,' .X.'giim. iii"l ii. ix'x iiuiiii-nii- ii i ii Salt I.akc We will arrange all details lln: iu ii ::..i of your trip. ioill of A ' chi... I. Hill llli-i- l il rli.i r s: .Min . a - till nitiM :i ii ruin.- - of l.yii.l J I li ii, ,n:l ii i i ) . iili! 1. 11 : 4 4 4 -- enrm-biniiii- I fun,eii'li1 LOVERS: f Ilium inji.i i Bell of Suit Lake City h is commenced giving leswnin on the piaii mid the organ, ami will lie in Farming-tiMiks I.i.ii : I li. ih ,i ;i !i. Tb'- iu h of ;iu Pet in nobl iilid ?iiv. v, -- i mli'ii lu'c in 'll" i:i! u .roue if N yilia. r; i l.iia.-whic- 1. Im: iici'iit i.lul 4 4 4 4 4 4 ' ii ' ' I Now that the Sjirillg ol.he 4 year is here, you should hie u KODAK alioiit the placi U tiike iictures of the iinjn.'c- - 4 meiils iiriuin l lie larui. Write fm kodak catali);ue 4. i? i PHOTOGNAPIC GUPPLS. BELLE PHOTO'S UPPlYTT. a F Third So.. Suit latkeitv rfiii- 1 - m i: livi rytliing First Class. Sample for Commercial Men. Term Reasonable EZRA W. LAYTON. Proprietor. Hrt-au- s aliirsM. n r.ivr IN 1IUt 11 K 11 ! wr Irate 1o inAnir In nimiiIut i'hiK l j Ilenco. Of i:l. K KI-- iHir ri km u our piss: PUORU. flrat und Uifd u KKAKflN o Illll im .me i niicd You tail ut w,id iihii NT T(M!iUK IntHiiHliiiMtl ip. (t Ml tlii imfi i.iiitsii)( tliul With lln nii )u H.K ttn ) me ctiiO you, wui iMd diiiiiiiMi WraA- l',nh.H.,i 'Ibi aiiina I,'! rsmi. nrriiia!uM Ikj i is j I,, ,a j i Kdiih. tutfiiltud-l'in I VoriiKv i. It i mii I'lruMt iMssiidfi, Kirkr iwtuiui urv. rh-1.- i iifiiiibiiNiw 111,- d lNnin, and all A i u ii IHHKANt.N v Lkill iu lilts inm-li- i( I Jai WKAkNHK ,. Ifrtli'K h us T maii , Uik: wuihUyn uml & SHORES, Expert Specialists, DBS, SHORES Oil tviiiK uaiatsg W. When Cured Pay U'vcnrcntti IhltftUN WB hhii: u. 249 , p in. Rvanliifs m in. tu 14 Main ttrret. South m:s.. a . s . r . ... DC ' 4 4 1 -- t 4 luxe Tuesday and Friday. 44444yy4 4 444 44 44 441 4r4 this of themselves desiring to avail Aii oi women smart today, chance to take lessons and become proficient in reading uml execution, mav Know how to bke. wash sing, and to play: leave their name and addles at The OlEN ALL NIGHT. Without these a wile is N. L office. Argus iJl.TCKliST AND I'll less slit lakes KoeLy Moiiiit.iin Tea, I,. II. Ovialt. WE HUNT ROB STRANG S! Eagle's Cruel Sort. Tin giildi'li eugli MiliielillU'S cajv Conte airl see .air Sun linnnet be I ore snnu, fur y0ti lure ptarmigan alinuM. We have iiislwhut you want The mei'H pleasure of d lug so. and are right. J. D. Wood, and tlie prices then has a little gatin' with it linkIras prey. Soaring to a :nat boichl. LADIES' DINING ROOMjl : it drops tin ptarmigan from its talYoung Lapp's Start in Life. CONNECTION. on and sou is away a If byitm no at is bom a As si m us a Lapp huh to him. This tentiuu to i : lieu, smlneiily swoop- lfimh-i'i- ' BOTH PHONES. ing earthwards with terrlflc speeil. II. ii'imh'iT is liierail) his star: iu life, j ' lii-i- l it has time to before sslzcs the for mu on!) that d er. hie all its 27 MAIN ST., SALT LAK1 fall to groiiml. and soars upwards lo young- - ami as tin.1) grow up all their until tintired. uiK'ration child. ili'i-to ;lu belong repeat young Country Idle. When In- - is of ace iu- lias plitt a ln-rof bis own. Tills eiiHtoni Is of Paper, Paints, Stains, Varnishes. much grout er use to him than if every Kalsomine. Etc. mint, uncle ami cousin lie had in the tin- heaviest & We are pleased to announce llial our wmjI ; presi'iileil him will) eoiild tin il.ev silver spoon 5 Fsist first South elegant new store GENERAL BLACKStfTl street, is now open with a full and com- - j plete line of all the newest and most Keep the little ones healthy and happy. ideas in all grades of paper. Their tender, sensitive bodies rc'iuirc Carriage and Wagon Wor Hollister'! Department ,,1,., healing remedies. Complete 1icture Horseshoeing & Repairin, full lines of paints, varnishes, japslac ami' Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them! i in When j and other stains, enamels, etc. elrotlJ, an,i wen. 35c, Tea or Tablets. j town, we will be pleased to have yon L j oviatt. Satisfaction Guarantcl r make us a call, whether prepared to buy i or not. Come and get acquainted with Favor Requested. Woods Cross elseUtah. before stock our purchasing us, and I: is an Interesting fact lhai it was . ill I mil i where, Every thing bright aud new. C. " at'l M' reel 's East 1st South St. S. L.C. : lin '.hai Ih. lid'd I'oniuiiM'il the ,ui-II. Rodel. si.iii " (1:1 In- muiui'.m of tb' iiiodm-.ihio qu.iin: uo-- . ion of ill,- ".l. Snuff. Take Londoners iu a ai:S'Mi'd join mil:. IK,, Is a cmitnim habll Ii,' C'h.ir.ti'bli Musi--(il- l "Tli'- -- is'v.irus elitM-e- s lamdim nf the certain among iim - illlav: o1 lio sol'll,, it- fteeis ill 1:1111b,'ins IHKii. It shows 10 vim' with l.isips lids liidi'-mu xpeecll. pallid iispi'tt ami l. Hull in Kislmiiibli! ' nsi'inbling ili- .) tupioms of day to (be m an- iii"drod to . The s'ri'i't. l 1:1 her. The piiirtiie the moipliiii come without their swiuds." wntm-am! enmiiiou among especlully Raoc Mai OCGIGM un ohseiviT snvs that women in t!i You lile Hie lie! the isdlee conn Q MlPVRIGNTSC. giving rurreut the prisoner's dock in a skHMif AiiTxnswn.lM sswnisi.inar with liiinnle ton take it. A gen'.b' Msitiiing 1,11 mr will have tlp'ir hair frsn whcir " tiptifa t i lani'TMT citi m,v. rnii,ii'n t contain which tl, w mth, til's the curl ,uhi and hlmal with' liisirii'llri',iiinitsiill. msDBnnii l4) IMd, in-- , i Idi'il mnHM'r ( Mil". I'Mli'iii lnki-1If B 1e.1l ple.Mwe in take Hidlist- - mil pinch Of snuff needed fur u.iisula'inn. j Ihnsieli Bin,n cbmln l n.iliir, Wirumn, it's livl, Mi.rntain Tea. ; cents Tea ,, M. dvi itt Tliree litlle mlcs we should keep. (1 T;l1lIl.,s To make life happy and bright.. sni1iiniptrinMi-srs'- l ptiktr lrrtnr-mum- , ni i.l unr Sinial I mitf smile in the morning, smile at noon, Dun'l Unw the chicken in think l"U ,fl'all iiswntIP. Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. have enough eg::. Keep hvdiiig Ii ,,M MUNN & Co.3BiBrkr. fft.w ork tivmit's Ilnunliiiits'r.Vti S' 11 Iahiuia,,u. .L. II. nvinlt every MU'. Tllh XtiVA 1 AI.K Tu. und j, "Tilings Different 4 , i TO MUSIC : 11 1 plturs Ro-iii- i in t Ti i W Dll. Wi lmv( I'l'itpii'iur ki!i in rurinadlHiBXIC diM'sR iv imti'iihinf uianf viilunsir KAYSVILLE HOTEL 11 1 lAIkt Mun IHM MIOItKU. lOvliuHiiiia'N fiiHii rp'iitf e. eeti Ali. Weak Men h-i-k--ki- -K- ESS 1 u .i Homo TrMiwMt Currs. Hrlir fur froo lln If you iin nut mil a)wpla CootHltoUdH Krss. If vott niffr fnnu any r ilia paAiir4Ps or diiMK ihumhI lit itftiirtrini'K pibpei or mr s 1 i i'lipii .tlllll. eii-eh- 11 In Kilv Ommim. P, 1111. in keeping with the time of tlie year, you should purchase your High Grade Ameri enu and Imixirteil Perfumes, from Yan I)yke, who also a full line of I)nigs, Notions, etc. Aa 111 - Niim. Lltrr, lilunliirr lin.-;:i:.-.! iiii-i,- : f fcfe: To Be M DUE WE TREAT f . t Packing Company Stock Yards f 224-22- h - e j tI Sauil Knjrilmaii, Mgr. Phone 7941 4 S. State St., Salt Lake City 4 . d. BROADBEflT lu-l- n e lv. J 190 Youngs Cai j , - 11 prc.-i'iiic- d - 1. i - Peck - Atkinsn I BELL TELEPHONES IN SALT LAKE CITY. 18000 Be Telephones in Vtah. 33-3- j i : - hm-piln- l 11:11-- 35000 Jtah. "Montana.. Idaho and Wyoming. 240000 Telephones reached by this company and its connections East and West. Be rA 4 33-3- 5 , 1 - Snnff-tiil.lii'- .' - QUITE A CIRCULATION! Took a good many yean and costjs gooo dear of money to build this - .Xiti.-.i- - - mti-kl- up. 1905 added more telephones than any previous year. It looks even better for 1906. iii-t"r- iii,,-iii.- 11 '' 2 ? 1 ' . s ffm-w- Scientific Jfncrica. i . . I- Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone Co. . m i New I wid , New 2 Uirii-ya- 1! r? i: si.-in-'? J tllVCS liikin jf..IHI Up. flOTII Ileiltl Up. Kangi -- , ! 1 mi i.jv, up. Foliiir -- - our Stoves ? j).li y . : : l.viiylhiiig that is raiscl :n the or on the (arm. all tin- way from s hologna sausage to a line l.eel, veal, or ling. j; County people arc: our Special Patrons. .in-- ts Sell f,D aH)is earn mums J2:i SALT LAKE CITY. - 57SIJ Hoes.! Buy and We Better Afford . To 1 factory and Other in m Dou't lartlier ,lo kill ami dress your lings at home. You can drive or. send them down to he dressed lor the 2 market. Highest Prices Paid. S 1 Bountiful i . Cream Co. all l.eki. The Prize Winning Stallion lin's OmuiIm-- Kill Your 3 Aiiiiiica J11627, will tliv season in l'arui-- 1 make tho of Land Idaho, Opportunity. cough reine-ltintiti There is no slate in tin West that has the first appearance of them symplimis. Turin,, $10 and $12. SO. than lias Iilahn, ami it counteracts the eller.t of the rim! uml $1H In lii.ure more no ronnty in Idaho has hriKhter pros rest i ires the ryxleiu to a heftllhy fiiiuli-pecitoliil color, Y loli hi has a market lur turn within a ilay or two. hor sale hv than Fremont. lleaw lutiii .iml well proportien-ei- l . A iiimlel ilraft horse with II. Sin Hi eh I. eveiy tiling yon raise as-- plenty nf l'anniiiuni y I aelion. Don't miss in circulation. OsliornK Liirson, ville. t'eiiterville of getting gooil colls. i have iarnis anil The Iatml Men, Phone 98 N LON PIERCE ranches rstiRinR in sie Irmn 5tof..,. An A!arming Blonder, acrea, improved or unimprnveil, ne.ir iiviti. in Imis u muml i St. , In r Mtnil) mnl let! Anthony KexhurR, City, cisitnl Sugar Established 1S81. 'hi Tin In.il'l. tile famous ICpin Benrlt, also in ihr. ilnie in KTi'--'h I Itii'iiii: ; I: "In Te'on llaain and Jackson Hole. They ,, ii : ; ' ill ll.ai ili-- . iilal UllllOIIIK illL uml in locution von ee to please guarani -anioi g: e.uiM'il .tin! oliic.-in a Sugar price. Cali at their ?hili:i :i ii: In I lelul'ii'- - '1 hii City or Keshurg and they will tin ni ill in. i wiili ;i til ;il iieeidf t;r Tim1 eM-liwatchmaker team to show you the riuiniiy. ini' :i:i-in- g inn. Imwi'1" do ii.OMi. di i Teton Busm. ami Jackson Hole, .11 till InillM' Mil' .,l"l sound. I Watchow, (Clocks, JandU Jawslry FREE of charge to you. SIiE OJTIKKS It 'iin::is Mill sin had lierll under Repaired and Warranted.! liiii'S 111111 m tin IF YOl" WILL, Bl.T J'KI'r TUI. LAND j' ji,..,! error. i.n ih:ni':h MEN FIRST. ago. uml her niiiue. Prices Lowest. iiuiietit. who wa.s L'i.iti .1 .1 u 'ii When Wants Your Chickens. - Kecley Ice e. tin tongue the eity. in CITY, sieo inn" I M'lnl In . THIRD SOUTH STREET VIOLON - mi iiuiils IAUCY BRICKS .yii-itoii- reannee.iluii.'' t j; . welfi-me- lea P. MIDGLEY, L. - iii county Irieudu 19 LAST See Hum to Break up a Cvltl. It in.iv li. u Mirprise to mail) ! riiii.l-ttHint a Mvrrr cold fan labrokri, up in mu1 or tun 'Mill' 'aii.v i nf a Cold an- - i ill v. Tin: lirt Inml cams'll, it irofiiK- wntriv .lisrb.irg'j uml n thin white rout mg fiom the nn-- u 15 i IViit' !; till! I'.ivi The Drug Stores, Weddings, Parties etc. , v ; i I T Ici-- s ' i 'I.-- I I , i '('ll I -' - ii ill a Iasi etc. to Mtiendsnt 7tah PacKjng Co. I Bill 1981 Retail 1mVi-- i ili'ii ii an We iii ' i h. in 'j S' ii iu! i Is i ia1 s ii'iii c m! i.i.-l.i'- i 1'iioSK aga. I'atNMMCk1 Wholesale ; i v i i me ill. i i i ::i 1. PHONES ICE CREAM t . '.i hi tu.i iiMilllil. !i ..I ,.u; i 1. Mil., !: l! 4 V ii !i ,i i i i -i- : I. I !' .( i Wi!. i kI'j , is. .,n- i ii. i.D.1 : I'-'- - l i i' .tV.'ii.l i? iL CHARLES SCtBOLUT. Prop Cl for traveler. i.ij4 in inn i iii- - j; . Vienna Bakery by the day, week or uiontu. Xtpsinr Mire on reasonable terms. lull, anil i ; i.- BOLNTiri L LIVERY STABLE Feed and Stabling ; 5 |