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Show 1 Unknown UOCflU J4EUJS Mrt h.iml I.on willi Wim-ga- r a Imuncing T Ml is ( 'liew ing the rag". unle i -MM.IICII HIM i: I'AIXT. We Imve luid u fien e u inlet, only few days without rain or snow falling. Its been a haul te.- on Iioiim- paint, whether it on hist year, the year before or year' before; ami it' that house owner; ami painters are rhewiug the rag" mile" It was This is the way we tell it, ready to use immediately. MM.OIK. l.'J.'i (tin1 hair gallon lx IN LOG lx, girl hint lady meet. Miss Jrsste Barkdull, alter upcii-huseveral (lay in Farmington, is avail) in Mathews ol Ogden , , ri- l' - . , , , 1IOUSKCLEANING IN l.tiisecd oil, Now in Full Blast! Is About 200 Pairs of Shoes at Prices that Will Startle You. Read the Price List: i Farmington. SYRA- CET YOUR - OR AT SALK is to make room lor our Spring Stuck ur Low :i 111 .ateiil leather slmea, for men, wotiu-n- , lmya, girla, anil chililren. IX Gkl-AVARIETY; PRICKS RIGHT. All our Spiuig Good are si lling at RKMAUKAB1.Y IX)W PRICES. See thia for Bargain: Till lire I Mis. Finnic Gregory - KicIimhImHI ur mei I - lieing eleam-and will would appreciate orders Irmn nil lur iniin il- - new -- pring ailirr next Davis county JVieiids who are in need of apii"ir S.i di.ii It, Ii.mug incixvd a new coat Ililes. All styles and sues, newest if :i riii-- li .uni. a- - an iiili-riiin teachers' ami scliulais' billies; features n,. wall paper edition, large lyie SYKM'l'SIMay J1 The recent International Red Letter hihle a -i d as an l am- max liexample I Leave orders with Mrs. Kiclianl- - j having I In- right tiling at the right son, first door north I,. 1. S. meeting nine in i In- nglit place, ami (linugli it house, Fariningion. a -- light trust. tile damd age a gin ,d wheat rrup - imw ax- on i In- Sand Ridge i n'i'i,il ( iTi I'xl-- May .sYKM - 'p'-nd- i --M Medicines, Spices, Drugs, BIBLES FOR SALE. and Family Remedies I Three Pairs Gloves for 25 cents Ten Bars Laundry Soap, Home Made 25 cts. AT- - . LEAVER DRUG COMPANY. w. r I - i.A.id I se-cialt- - n- - uni-lie- hl.-ic- I S 'LT Li O. S. I Depot I hr trains stop. E C.TY, - - - UTAH. Patronize Home Merchants! Commercial Farmington . & Mfg a- ei S l i I'SI-- . (irnimd for near the jnur-I .i -inlay and the I" have the huild-ii- i' and readi fur ne this lit new -- ill'll I iii u.i- - In'iiken mm k will In- pn-li- cd I Max J1 1 I Big Show at Salt Lako. For thru- - week thr New Grand llieatn- - li:i- - lieen crowded to the doors ! by the Kllicl Tucker Muck company who - for thin- inonl'is came to Salt Laintwo new playa wn-vm-l- i with special vamk-xill- i each act tines The New Grand will lie oien every night willi a Wednesday and Saturday souvenir matinee lor the entire summer cents preat summer prieea obtainable. tlie playa senting For uni ot town (nitrous seals will la: reserved and held liy a'ldressing the request to the New Grand theatre Salt Lake City, Utah. arc headquarters for Shoe, tlie beat on the market. We also carry a full Mock of Flour, llruu. Short, mid (.'hoppci! (lorn. Lavt mi Flour is the t on tlie market. Wu lu-s- - ! J. D. WOOD, To Davis County Ih-s- I niiitiful Ruahing Business. Tlullakery is kept very Imsy in i Tiler t stiiply the trade xx llieli tliey have su I ucqi'inul,..-,- . A SON. A kirn was burn in .Mr. aud Mr- -. Alma II Hardy last Sunday. .Mother ami child doing well; father juliilatil. Bricklaying Begun. llrickl.iyirs emnuii'iieed work mi tin- - I'.icking plant last week and expect it will t lie lake aliutit forty days to eoiitraet. m- - ciginli School Examinationa. grade pupils took tile examination last Friday aud Saturday under the supervision of Mr. .Maiming of the l'lnuui school. F.STRAY NCITICF. Stale uf Flab, County ot Isvis, in the Farmington preeiuct of aaiil couutv. I the folhave in possession my estrav animal, lowing described not claimed anil if which taken away, will lie sold at public auction to the highest cusli bidder ut 0. L. Kiibiiisun's corral in Farmington Precinct. on the 1st day of June 1906. h! Ihi hour ot 12 o'clock M. One som--l horse uliout 15 year old branded O G over V on left thigh, IOO over M on Ml sluaihlrr and slit in right ear. One black horse, branded liar over 7H on lelt thigh, alout 6 years old. Said estrav were taken up hy me in said Precinct on the 21st day of May 1900 l I.. ROBINSON for Farmington Precinct. Ioundket-pe-i At Opiniona Vary. The opinion. e,,u eermng tlu- tomato crop are varied Nome think tlu- prospects xery good, xxliilc otliers tear tin- - liligln again. As a result the acreage is generallv living reduced. - - MARRIAGE LICENSES GRANTED Marriage license were granted la- -t week In tile 1.. W aierln-iiM-- . Mniiti iiiu.t, X. Y.. aud Angelina G. Bray, Denver; D. Gust and llrrllia Sehwaitliz In ill nf Salt I.ake. A Surprise Party. Tin- Grade pupil gaxe a very plea-n- ut Mr. I.. J. Mtur. tu iln-ilast week. The pupils expressed llinr respect fur their teacher by presem . I'lm-- a mg him willi twu guml few Ilnurs witlt teaelier ami' pupils were pleasantly spun. Handsome Grave Stone. A liaint-- . 'nine piece nf - iiiniumieutal wnrk was; placed in tinj eeiuetery tin- - late last week ner tile gran- Mrs. G. It - a grave . t'levelaud. cover and lieadstnue aud was placed hy Alma Hardy, agent Mniiuui-.-utal the Wliite lirniic I!riilgepnrt. ('nitu. prise r From 5 to 12 Per Cent. Earnings on Deposits. Remnant Counter Laces, your choice 10c. A few Shoes are left on the Bargain Counter, at prices to beat competition. All Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., in proportion. 1 la J Co. MAY BARGAINS! d mill-abov- e BORN: ii .37.', CUSE. i ia alout three-eight- s of a the point where the Telluridc Power line crosaca the cuiynu. - wa-p- ut Our May Sale Cltt s plant . - Ii. H. OVIATT, Tlie engineers fur the Hawkeyr Light anil Fower Co. have completed the field work tor the aurvey for the line, auil located the aite for tin- - (tower house. Three or four days will lie required for the completion of the office work, maps, etc. after which the next sleis for active work will he taken. The Mle for the HI N ko-n- iiuili-igniu- ajqa-udiciti- I One full gallon the 11KT 1alnt, turned hnnie un Friday, alter a week in Fumington. Janie Froilshaui is building a inudcrli hrirk dwelling. It is last i..ar:ng coin pletioa, aud preneiiis favorable appearance, living ill the ct'iilernf town. K.ra Richard ol Bear Kivcr stnpk-in Farmington last week u Ins wav home after auccehfnlly an lor apmlicitis at the I H. S. hospital. Filler Iellrt Wilcox returned last alter tilling a siicccuslul Weilnead.iy, misaion in Holland. Elder Wilcox is looking well, and report III it In three year in Holland were very pleasantly pent. Mr. William Collcieli ha liecii doing a little decorating. His home now h.is a brand new coat of aiint, and the entire place look new. Willis now thinking of purchasing n marriage license. M. J. West left for Nevcda last week-li- e has lieen employed hy a iiumhi-- r of ball I.ake mining men, Davis, county raiitalist, to do piosjiecting and to purchase desirable mining properties. Jel Ablaut, who underwent an upci.i-tiofor at the Ogden General hospital, is now at home, and at present, is rapidly improving. Jed has a good aupply of grit, and tlieie is in, but he will soon lie around question again. And, by the way, lie must :,i. tend to 'them talers." I wlii-pere- CliriHtiun Haiist-- nl Farmingtuii and Amu Munson of Millville. Cache co'inly w nurrii-- l l ist Saturday. Si-p- proof of the -t the capital city. Mrs. There are many people who have mail Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and I liarrhoea Remedy with splendid re- -' suits, hut who are unknown liecaiuc they have hesitated about giving a, testimonial ul their experience .lor publication. Tliese people, however, arc uonc the less friend ot the remedy. They liave done much toward making' it a houseliuld word by their personal j recomendat ion to friends and neighbors. J It is a good medicine to have in the home and is widely known for it cures of diarrhoea and all tortus of bowel j sale by Farmiugton Co-oj trouble, H. J. Shellield, Kaysville, Centerville in the Gentle SprtnStinpe her linv preM-ntc- Friends. Farmington. you know that if you will bring this AdvertiseDo Patrons ment with you, when you want anything in the Drug or Prescription line, that you will be treated Better nan any one else? A , You Trv it. Z3" NEWS BUILDING, ITH THh PKOPLKS MOXl-.Y- , we li.i s fa tne p?nule, to be mstallmema. the. me :Mu,ig ren.. leulmii 1 borrower. Write or rail on P",l,Ul'.!; f.r ,n'vs "ua for further mso. 10 do y.i paid 11 neay nmuthly V'1 It. - - II. koberts. Presuleui; 1. . v .. tM?-n- u. Waieruun J William, re"er;11 Ator,,e-raveling Agent. UNION SAVINGS TAH oj- aoi 8 Con.mmlon Building Order takenKur making over ALL TUU NFAV mi l late Designa. FOR SALK. 30 acres of land, also 30 II yiair s(ni!i:i,-l-i troubles you do not share ut water right to sell with latul.i Conclude tiat there i no cure, lor a Goal location. Apply. J. J. Walker, great many luuv liven permanently cured Syracuse. Utah. hy Cliaiulml.im' Stomach ami I,iver Tablets. Try tln-uthey are certain to prove lnriii:ial. They only cw-Aa granite aupplantnl monumental a quarter. Seld by Farmington Co-O, work, an White Bronze is fast taking the II. J. Sheffield, txayaville, Centerville place of granite. Why? Because it ia Co-omore tiiiliiiing, prod ice more artistic work, and is less expensive. Alma "Bread, did you sav? Ohyea! ilardv, Bontiliful; ' ome for dinner at OviatU. i. g: 20 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET MNIPKTIwishesuPafadate to call liilllUiJ - C7 rj pX c7 of Salt Lake City the attention of the GOOD 1AIL0R DRESSERS of your City to the fact that he carries the Largest and most Complete stock of Woolens in the West, and solicits your CO-O- P - fY. Money Savers! at reasonable juices. WOMENS L.k. Clyi u,.h - Millinery Spring COMPANY. To the Co-o- p. A fletu and Complete Line teut .in 1 Man Treasurer; i b'.-l,!- mm Arsenate of JdCail for spraying. W . Miller of Syracuse, the great orchan recommends this as Ihc best ini market. 1, H. (Iviatt. -- l'r.--- & INVESTMENT il- - ! Tliis is the season of liMleni-fY- i IIoUi-uclies mid irilig dixnnli-- i Js: Kcwky Mountain Tea a sure prevciitanve. Makes vmi strong and vigorous, cents Tea or Tablet. I,. II. t iviatt. Women r Vice : t 1$ DRUG0By, WILLES- - ACCORDING TO THE TIME THE MONEY IS INVE8TED. SALT LaKEICITY. Im-ik-- Dont Worry! You TRAIN SERVICE.1 Lagoon Road Has Schedule Arranged for That City In Effect May 30. Tile Inllnwillg gnnd rnail will after May .HI: -- 4. Kay-viJI- h-- r It pours the oil of life into your system. It wanna vou up ami alarla the life blond circulating. Thai', what Ilollisteri Kockv Mountain docs. 35 cents, Tea nr Tafileta. I.. II. (Jviatt. 'HrwBHPMWMFvwr in- $30 to $50 Just bristling all over with Spring Newness at Poulton, Madsen, Owen&Co. 111-1- 13 MAIN STREET Suits to order for $20 To Measure and Fit 30 to 50 Overcoats to order for 20 To Measure and Fit 7 to 12 Trousers to order for 5 To Measure and Fit Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed the Best Our Motto No Fit No Sale Hats and Haberdashery p. in. FOR SALK. 13 acres land with com fortable house; two flowing wells: goal poultry ranch; also 1 milk cow, Reasonable terms, cash. Write or enquire ol Mra. Emma Manful, Farmington. you buy Weve done ail There were trimmings to pick o t; weve done that. There was the Tailoring to look after and lots of little kinks and things to see to that should not escape; weve looked after all of them. Now all is clear sailing for you. chl'dllll- nil tllC l., in mi ami In-- Leave Salt I.ake--t- i. , 11 a. in.; 2. 1, 7, and S p. 111. I. caw I .agnnii--7- . 1(1 a. 111 ; IJ111 ; .1. 5. 7. 11 ami I0:.K) Ml trains except 7 p. tu. and p. in. K p. 111. will run llimugli tn kaxsxille. Time frniu Sail Lake tn l.agnmi. .10 iniiiuli-- . i40 uiimites. Tn aeenmiiindate Kavsxille patrmi-- . a sn-eia- l train will Ic.ixc l.agnnn ruij niglit except Sunday at 1)1, Sundays. R Al. Fare Salt I.ake single trip. Kaysxilii-- . 5x' : trqi. 75 cent.. Round trip fare Kaysville in l.agnnn ami returii, nieludiiig admi-sin- n tn grounds, J.v. Train 7 Kaysville 0:50. 9:5(1. 11.50 a. m.; 50, 4:50. 6:50. if your Clothes here. the worrying for you. There were Spring Stuffs to Select; weve done that. There were Spring Styles to decide on? weve done that. h-- KAYSVILLE neednt worry a bit As a special inducement to start the ball rolling we offer all of our Send for Samples and Self-Measuri- ng Blanks to M. DANIELS, Artistic Tailor and Draper 57 West Second South St. Salt Lake City WHERE THE CLOTHES FIT. MR |