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Show 1 W. L. Douglas Mrs. Mittie HuffflLer. &r' RACE SENATE PASSES 3i? &3SH OES',1", 94.00 Gilt Lina WAR STARTED IN STAID OLD NEW YORK W. L. Douglas Edge cannot bo equalled at any price. TIE SATE BILL Llttls Town on the Hudson Under Martial Law as Result of War Between Whites and Negroes. Only Three Votes Against the Measure When it Came to Coe? Buns. N. Y. What Is practically marital law reigns in this little town on the west bunk of the Hudson a Showdown. river, twelve miles south of Albany The strike of the bnrkinakers, in force all along the limlsou. broke lute riot hero early Wednesday morning gnd after a pitched bailie between tbe S00 union striker and nearly ax men. in which otic many man was wounded, four Albany companies of niilTa. iilmiit 230 strong, weiv oideied (o ('oeymanx, arriving here early in tho evening. Negroes are imported annually in the spring for extra work and they refuse, as a rule, to join the union for ilio short time they are here. The main demand of the slrthotx is for recognition of Ihe v.uion by the. employment of only Its members. After Seventy Days of Deliberation, Bill io Pasted, Senators Foraker, Morgan and Pettuc Being the Only Ones to Vote Againct It. W. I . DOUGLAS MAKES A SELLS MOM MFM SJSH.SI SHOES THAK AHYOT MAMUEAGIURER IK THE WORLD. A nnn inyoiii oho can UUUU (jitprova (hit autamnt. Ml could ULr you Into mv three large factoriee t Bracklua, jliart., end show you the intinitr care with which evrry pair'd ahnei la nude, you would reullee why W. L. Douglas S3. so ahoe. coat mora to make, why they hold tlielr ehape. lit better, wear longer, and are ol greater Intrinalc value than any other f .1.50 .hoe, HUL- Douptma Strong Made Shmem tor Mam, 02.BO. $2.00. Boym School A SR. $1.1 5, SI. BU fhoma.t2.BO. lUfiHt ujh.ii hHuiiK W.le.lh.uis-CAUTION iwnn. Take no suhMitnt. Nmw kciiuIiiv Without hi iimiiia mul prU-- e utmiiptwl on bottom. foat Coior EptltUs rtMHf ; Ihep nvt Htor bfosau. Writ! for llliintrHtMl ('Aixlng. . We lae ltrorkiunf Mail. tl HAD GIVEN UP ALL HOPE, CONFINED TO HER BED WITH DYSPEPSIA. You Cannot CUR I Owe My Life to Says Mrs. Huffaker. Pe-ru-n- a," Mrs. Mittie Columbia, nasal catarrh ,uteri ne catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. lluffnkcr, R. R. No. S, writes: hss afflicted with dyspepsia fot several years and at last a as conflnea to my bed, unable to sit up. We tried several different doctors Faxtinc Toilet Antiseptic lief and was almost dead w hen my husband bought me a bottle of all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal conditions of the mucous membrane such as But you surelv can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Send for Free Trial Box C- O- without relief. I had given up all hope of any re. ft-run- s. which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness, laxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. THE K. PAXTON Ti-nn- At first I could not notice any ben- efit, but after talcing several bottles 1 whs cured sound and well. It Is to Perutta I owe my life to day. I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers. Boston. Mass. HOWARD E. BURTON, Specimen prim: linld. silver. Lead. (I ; Gold. Bib rer.7te;Uiill.3ur; Zinc or Copper. si. cyanide luu. Jutting mvelupv. mil full price llal eent appllcw hue. 'Unit rut aud I'mplre work ullclled. Laid Villa, Colo, lie f sreuca. Carlwaaia Ksiluul Baulk PATENTS Trade Mark, JlATIAX Bicsrunn, Ml F Si. Oupyriphia Do-11- and I.ahala procured. U. c. Waihiuzluu, Union Assay Office Ms P. O. BO 144ft SALT LAM CITY UTAH ft. HANAUM. ft. V. SAOLBAa PATENTS for PROFIT aiuat tally protort an lurentloa. Booklet aad . Peek Calendar t'RKR. Blgliaat rrfaraat-ea1M1. CoanBaalrailuai eon Hdra till. Eaiahltataed ltaaaa, Faawick A lowraaaa Waakiagtaa, S. a MAIL ORDERS -- in Send for anything. If we haven't it in stock, wo will get for you. You can depend upon our prices and goods. WLL GRANT AMNESTY. Czar Evidently Determined to Avoid a Breach. St Petersburg. In fplie of the fear that the addresses in reply to tho speech from the throne Tuesday In the lower house of parliament would precipitate an immediate runilict between the rrown and parliament, il is said that Emperor Nicholas is determined to avoid a breach if (Kissihie. Not only will political amnesty bo grafitej. but ihe emperor is ready to replace Hie Goremykin ministry with a cabinet chosen limn among the conservative members in tin- lower house in the l.ejie of efTecling a compromise. He Is not willing, however, to permit the majority Li sold t the premier, but once such a concession is made ft is difficult to under:-- and how the and refuse emperor can halt lrtif-wna full const ii militia I monarchy, which magovernment by parliamentary jority involves. Practically parliament already has won a great victory. fifty-eigh- Cold from Electricity. The direct production of cold from electricity Is a problem that electrical engineers are considering. Something may be done by connecting a motor to an sir compressor and expanding tbe compressed air into a cold storago chamber, but this Is costly and cumbrous. Wa may expect the electro-chemi- st to refrigerate by energy from the electrle supply mains through some such direct method as a reversed battery abstracting heat from the air. African Bold lets. "Make soldiers of them, Is the London Standard's plan of keeping the lioubletume tribes of South Afrira lu order. It saya the men now giving trouble to the Natal authorities would make a powerful tores of trained soldiers, whose bravery end marksmanship would be equal to those of the best European troops, while their marching powers e.nu hardihood would be far superior." Women's Dexterity. In some employments, requiring dexterity and quickuess, women are far more valuable than men. For Instance, where the folding of large quantities of books or magazines is required, two women can do as much as three uieu. Missed. Fred And you mean to say that Jack has not married Miss Payn? Why the girl was just throwing herself at him the last time I saw them. Ted My dear fellow, did you ever know a woman who could throw straight? Stray Stories. .ree Milk for Travelers. Strong Nerve. "I underi.uud that yuii advertised A curious custom bill! holds good In the village of WaddesOon, lu Bucking- for a stenographer and typewriter St hamshire. where on any morning or three dollars a wick." "1 did. evening of the year a person can claim "Hours nine to six?" a free drtuk of new milk from a cow "Yes. Are you an applicant? specially kept for the benefit of thirsty This animal is known wayfarers. "No, hut my nerves are run down, lo- cally as the alms cow," and when fche and I just wanted to Inquire what dies another has to be provided by tbe nerve food you used." Philadelphia parish authorities. Ledger. When Most Accidents Occur. It li.it been obs; rvcil that the number cl increases progressively from hour to hoar dnriiia the first half of the day, lay an English utter the midday rest, in Ihe first hours ol the afternoon, the iiuni-he- r is notably It.-- a than in the lust hour of the moniii'j:. Barnacles in England. The real ruler of England lx the permanent official, an person whose Is'rth is secure and whose pension awaits him wLen he has put lo the fewest number of days that the law allows doing ax little in that Unit, as is conriai ihh with keeping awake. The only real pas.--. km of Ills life is s hatred of all reformers. London Idler. , CORDIAL lilTATIUN eusy-gtdn- .osr Tolls How Mrs. Advice Helps Working litrls. Barrows Pink-ham'- Girls are Tvli. s it (lid Jewelry oi a ore. Wo furnish you the host goods only, at a reasonable prlco, with ample guarantee. ADDRESSED TO WOHICENS GIRLS from Miss g The Bad Things in You not come - work particularly susceptible to foJ nt a e disorders, those especially who are obtiged to stand on their feet from morn-lin- g AGAINST THE PRESIDENT. bait Laks City, Vsh Senate Committee Votes In Favor of until night in stores or factoSea Level Canal. ries. Washington. The senate commit-e- e Day in and day c out the girl toils canals voted on qn DOUBLE TRAGEDY. I of and she is often the hreud-winnydtjcxday in favor of constructing a the family. Whether she is sick or Jack of All Trailes Miner Shoots His Wife and is Shot by g. level canal. Senator Carmaeka well, whether it rains or shines, uhe UUi Gasoline. Engines. Officer- -, turn from Tennessee broke the must get to her place of employment, ox 1 duties exacted her the perforin 4 Krw tiunnllrai a former mile fe What Oar Coldfield. Nev nhyilite. the firing jfcMlrili Ti llr1 and be agreeable. Natali trrlleal Will Da. gof class eipa town in Bullfro- tllsiHci,' was" Voting. tills the symptoms Aiming aad la (hr Dairy t'nrm (be (la on vote was female are had diseases a renolutlon manifest the scene on Friday of a double tragearly niiii'liincM, cream ly Hun weak and aching backs, pain in the fodder cutter, eriiiriiliirH. 'resented by Senator Kittredge , edy. Steve OBrien, a miner, shot and Krliidi-rcorn liiutiH tlic lotvor of ami loner part slieep nhaar-InIt to he the sense of the com- Btomxch. killed his wife. Deputy Sheriff Mcpump emery wheel, of In consequence frequent mittee that the const met ion of a sea wiiter. uml oilier kinds of work become of the feet, Donald attempted to disarm and arwetting Is where light power level canal be recommended. On morequired. and irregular, and frequently la (be Uachlar Shop aad lllark-Mmli- b rest O'Brien, who drew a revolver and tion the affirmative votes were painful s kup i are faint and dizzy spells, with there Will run blowers, Platt. Kittredge, Ankeny, loss of appetite, until life is a burden. forge. Iiitlii-H- . grtmlMmu-- , pipe cutwas about to shoot when McDonald Messrs. ole. ler. Iiiirxe All these symptoms point to a defired and O'Brien dropped dead. The Morgan, Carmack and Taliaferro. la (be Carpealer Khupi Will run Chairman Millard voted in the neg- rangement of the female organism mid cirriiliir :iw, hi the, emery shooting occurred at the Hotel Golden ative. which cun !e easily anil promptly Hhi-i-lon Goldfield street. Steve O'Brien Senators Knox. Hopkins. Simmons rnred by Lydia E. Piukham'a VegetaIhe lloleli Will run ecllln la fmi. Hertrii- light uni Dryden were not present. All of ble foiipniind. plant. wuHldng had been on bad terms with his fami etc. inai'liiiies, li e freezer, furnll-ilortrlF. Barrows, Kclsonville, .hcxo niv nipo!tcrs of tho look type. MiNsAhby was wife and bis time for Will sonic ily Ciiiiniry llaiei tells tvliat this great AthensCo.Oliln, nlMn unit power foi light, about to proceed to gel a divorce. He medicine did for iter. She writes : water iipily. GREENER IS INNOCENT. la (hr 1rlullna OHIm Will rile M rx. I'inkliuin : entered the 'house and after a few elei (retype fold I feel it mv duty tn tell you the pmd heated words shot his wife in the face. Victim of Assistant Secretary Peirce IT, tulilo (.'mujxiuiid a Lydia K. I'inknam's YWell an ml he Pari drill lard to a was 1 carried She luritii-- liavx dmc fur me. and ilk drug store, Will Be Reinstated. anil n fug. rmiuiiiK meat 1 took them 1 was had dull hundred otlier thing. very where she died. lnn satisfied ami were the in Washington. Having k, fa(wluihi, 1)miiiH Write (or ('alaliigue h'a. Mill. O'Brien came out of the lodging state irregular, bud I cento several doctors, and officials that the they department S. West Temple SI., Sill Lake City uw no did bouse where he lived. In the meanYour nmliciiin Ims uinde me well anil charges against him contained tn As 1 do must any kind of work time people had heard of the shooting distant Secretary lVirces confiden- group. w itlsiut complaint, and my period, are all and a great crowd surrounded the tial were without sufficient report rightam In better health than ever waa. I I place and preparations were made to foundation and that he was the vlo and I know it i all due to your remedies. I Sheriff: flm of mistaken Identity in some meas- rranmim-nimob and hang him. Deputy i advice aiul medicine to all who suirer."jrour McDonald and Justice of the Peace ure. Richard T. Greener, late comat mercial As will ltc agent an Vladivostok, Siberia, It is to such girls that Mrs. Pink-haiDonnelly rushed to the scene. given appointment in tbe holds out a helping hand and exO'Brien was attempting to make his consular service when a suitable opentends a cordial invitation to correspond escape, carrying a pistol in one hand ing is found. of with her. Fbe is dniighter-in-laand a miners candlestick In the other. Lydia E. linkham and for twenty-fiv- e tandard Oil Company Boosta Price of years has been advising sick women Deputy Sheriff McDonald arrived and free of charge. Her long record ol Gasoline. In a melee O'Brien stabbed him JuBt niece kb in treating womans ills makes com-yxny Cleveland. The Standard Oil her letters of advice of untold value to below the heart with the aharp end has announced an additional ad- every ailing working girl. Address, of the miners candlestick, Just breaking the akin. When McDonald ordered vance in the selling price of all high Mrs. Piukham, Lynn, Mass. O'Brien to drop the pistol and candleof gasoline. Seventy to 72 B. C. MORRIS FLORAL CO. stick he refused and made an effort to grades test gasoline is advanced hall atlMfhrtinn jriirtritfd or mono? refunded, cfgrees shoot. McDonald anticipated him and FLORAL DS8IONS AND DiCORATIONS Nine hofll mull rull 7ft cent. only ty 1111111-CHO'Ca cut flowbrs A (Ui Are llnvee shot him through the heart. O'Brien rent per gallon, while all other high SALT LARS OITV TNOS. HOBDAT. MAMSSBN grades are put up 1 cent per gallon dropped dead in his tracks. When Answering Advertisements An official of the Standard Oil comW. N. U.. Salt Lake No. 21. 1906. Kindly Mention This Paper. pany said that the demand fur high CANADIAN TOWN BURNED. grade gasoline is unpivrcdcnted owing to its heavy consumption in con8everal People Reported Killed by nection with automobiles. an Explosion. Body Found in Cesspool. North Bay, Out. A report has reached here that the town of Cobalt, Granite City, 111. The headless one of the mining renters in New On- body of a man was found in a cesspool tario. has been completely destroyed In the rear of a Madison saloon, not by fire. It is also stated that several far front where John Hickey, an over land traveler to Oklahoma, was sandpeople were killed by an explosion. The town of Cobalt is tbe center o! bagged and killed last week. The ah Canada's newly developed silver min- sense of the head, It Is believed, indithat the ntan was murdered by It Is south of Hudson cates ing dixtriet. an injury to the head and it was re 300 anil almut miles of north bay moved to prevent identification. No Tun ml n. There were about twenty stores In other marks of violence were found the town. About ttfenty mines in the on the lody. Tho body evidently had lain In tbe cesspool for several dlslriet are now in operation. months. FOREST FIRES IN MICHIGAN. Suspect Arrested. Inter-oenani- rr Pn wouil-miwlii- Keith O'Brien Co., Salt Lake City, the finest Department Store and Mail Order West. House in the Inter-Mounta- non-unio- n Washington. After seventy dayo of almost iiiuoiis the deliberation oenute at 4:33 p. m., on Friday, passed the railroad rule bill by tbo practically uuanimous vote of 1 to S. The three negative votes were east by Senators Foraker (llep.) of Ohio, and Morgan and l'ettu (Denis.) of Alabama. The bill has received more attention from the senate ami from the country at large than any measure that has been before congress since tbe repeal of the purchasing eia-H- O of the Sherman act in 1 SS:l. It was reported to the senate on February 2G. and was made the unfinished business on March 12. From March 12 to May 4 the bill wax under general discussion without limitation on the durat of which tion of speeches, were delivered. Many or these were prepared with gn-n- t care, uml two of them consumed mure than a days time in delivery. Senator front Wisconsin, the juitiur spoke for three days, and Senator Daniel of Virginia for two days. Senators Dailey, Foraker, lalgo, Rainey, Dolliver and others each spoke for an entire day. For twelve days the hill lias hern under consideration under a rule limminutes each. iting speeches to fifti-eThe senate has at all limes been earnest and animated, but for the most part devoid of iierxonality as between senators, the last few days, however, having railed out some caustic criticisms of the president and of some newspaper correspondents by Senator Bailey. Sunlight for All tho Leaves. The telegraph plant of ludla boa a method all Its own fur catching the sunshine. Each of lu leaves is composed of three leaflets. The larger terminal one erects Itself during the day and turns sharply down at night, ahile the other two smaller leaflets move constantly, day and night, describing complete circles with a peculiar jerking motion Ilka the second hand of a watch. Occasionally they rest for a period and then go on again, thus bringing every part of every leaf to the Bill action or the sunlight. Telegraph Age. fc K s ' . - m-mi- Lanins' IIli.ts cent ones for 33c. Black, brown, blue, gray. Call, seal or Morocco leather. 75 MaKNKS'S ( EI.EIIIIATF.il BORATEO Tai.com IHiwuElt irularly 3 for ball price two fur 33 rents. 1 Lames' Wash Ubi.t8-.- 10 cent ones for 81 rents. Ladies' Hand llaii and Pusses flail Price. price from (l.M lf tn of these priura. AU sly lea r.3u-Hu- of leather. Ik-n- r . . - r 218-22- 0 BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. THE OLD RELIABLE LARGIIT IPORTINI HOODH MOUftft IN TNN UNlYftD TATII BROWNING BROS. Co., Ogden, Utah ALLENS A FOOT-EAS- E niastgnamrs Ctrtaln Curs for Tlrtd, Hoi, Aching Foot DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. oc vrery box. Tnr TrlafickagS, Addrrce, Alva S. I Mauled, La Koy, Ji. X, n I R HEUMATIC CURE ; Reported That Three Towns Have Been Destroyed. Detroit, Mich. Fragmentary reports have reached the Detroit News and Free Press from Kxcanaba and Gladstone. Mich., stating that a disastrous forest fire Is raging In the upper peninsula in the neighborhood of the two rlties mentioned. Il is renried that three towns have been destroyed; that thirty square miles of territory have been devastated, and that several persons have been burned to death. Bingham, Me. Jerry Hayes, alias J. Moulton, was arrested here on the Mabel charge of haring murdered Page, for whoso death Charles I Tucker has been sentenced to die next month. Hayes, who was at work at a railroad construction camp, was taken to the county jail at Skowhcgan. Ho was tsken into custody on a warrant Issued from the municipal court on a complaint sworn to by Henry 1. Hatfield, a clerk in tho office of the attorney for Tucker. The new buildings of tho Hewlett Brothers Manufacturing Company, manufacturer of Three Crown Duking Iowder, and dealers in coffee, spices and extract, one of I'tnh's most success! til business lirmx. Orson Hewlett, president of the eoniiiiitiy, is also president of the Merchants ami Manufacturers' Association, which is doing u great work toward the unbuilding of Utah. |