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Show DAYIS COUNTY ARGUS A. P. FELT FARMINGTON I SOM, IKE EMPEROR TRAGEDY AT THE rallUm - - - - GRANT j tl out of Halt taki The laying of City by the Western Pacific has begun Prospects now acorn good for sugar factories in Sevier anil Sanpetu conn lies. A iniialclans iiniini, with twenty menilx-ra- , has lcn organized in Park City. The crops in the vicinity of Pan gultch arc lute on iicconm of the tin usually wet aeaaon. Veterans of the lilackhawk war re siding in Summit county have perfect d an organization. Diphtheria Is again epidemic at Kph raim, while three smallpox cases were reported last week. The number of voting districts ir Salt take county are to be reduced to forty-one- . from fifty-thre- e of painters and papet hangeix of Suit take City are strike, demanding an Increase on in wages. William Sinks, a fanner residing t Muplctou, suicided hist week, tsklng strychnine. He leaves a wife and seven children. The report of the secretary of state shows forty-threstale and private banka in Utah. Last years report e All AT- - DEMANDS UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS A number Will. NOT Incurable Patient Kills One of the Inmates and Seriously Injures Another. William Myers Runs Amuck at the State Ineane Asylum and Scats William Savage to Death With a Club, Beaidee Injuring William Dilley. Provo. Villi;ii:i M.u to tin-ugf, cumiiiliii-IlciKjtll :il friilii Puu.'1'llft-- a fellow ih 41 si:-:- III 1 o' jojri i SMI. . i u: I. Hie il'n i Sun.l.iy cu:ri.; i l over tin1 lie id ,v ;h u of Tlio ili i'l ii'iui i Hfiiiiillng. plec't William Savage, 31 yeirs of are ci m milted from Murray lu IVJ9. Wilii;ii:i Dilley, a patient fr.uu Salt take, w:i, also struck and knocked down l,. Myers. He sustuineil a sev r.wound, but his Injuries are not fatal About 6 oclock, as the patients wi re leaving the dining room, Myers sc cured the stick from under a window frame, and as Dilley was coming out of the wash room he felled him to the floor. Clitff, an attendant, heard tin blow and railed to Myers to stop, at the same time start ing toward him At that moment Ravage stepped out from the bath risen, where ho liaii been sent liy ('luff, and wits struck by Myers before ('luff could prevent him. Savage's skull was crushed nnd he died about two hours after the blow was struck. striking him - 1, Partial Pardon for Political Offenders; Will be Granted, and the Other Demands Will bt Considered. St. Piiuvhurg. The prist we-- thirty-nin- e. Great Reduction "Bargains AWait You on EVery Counter. Sale jVo W On ! A. l' closed with suspense over what finest few days will bring forth, bu; l: already is rtTlniu Mint Mmpi'ror Kick olas and the government do not r.j gard ihe address nf ihe lower lici.s In reply to the speech from the Miron the deiiinn as an ultimatum beyi.-n.-l for amnesty, which the cr.ieeror wil. seek to satisfy. Partial pardon for p iltlcal offenders will b.i grume'!, an the other demands of the aildrcs. w be considered, ileelaratious of opinion upon which the emperor Is mA caP-- i to pass until they find oxpreon by legislative enactment. The trip of President Mouromtseil of the lower house to Peterhuf. as bui been anticipated, was productive o: no changes in the situation, although the leader of the house received tin Utmost consideration and was singled out by the emperor for special alien tloas, the aubject of the address was by tadt understanding, avoided. Mem bers of the cabinet who attrndedjhv gala luncheon, though greeting M Mouromtsrff with the fullest cordial Ity, also refrained from referring tc politics. 1 Rarton A Co. are offering the greatest bargains of tlie season. Men's, at gn-utlRoys' anti Children's Clothing, Hats ami Furnii-liiiireduced prices.. Crowds of buyers are taking advantage of tlie low prices. paTin-- niagnifiix-n- t bargains we give are winning for us liundrrds of to ciMMise trons. Here you liiul a large stork of High Class FOLLOWTHE ID with every article., lib from, uml a guarantee goes ING CLT JUICKS: NO AMMUNITION. Mason Says Dangerous Conditions Ex 1st In United States Navy. y g g Mm-handls- Mens and Young Mens High Class Spring Suits 1 Should war bri.i Washington. out within the next few years thr. condition nf the navy will be such ai Springvllli! Is to have a band, fluid-nes- s to lead to disaster. Such Is the state men of the city have agreed to ment made by Rear Admiral Mason, a liberal amount each month for pay FOUND STARK AND 8TIFF. chief of the bureau of ordnance, navy the support of the organization. Three Victims of a Shooting Matinee department, in a statement to the sec Mrs. M. raiilson of Lchl and her rotary of the navy, calling attention to at Lynnvllle, Ky. son were badly bruised as the reduction In the estimates of the result of a runaway, the horse being Mayfletd, Ky. A triple tragedy ocof ordinance made by the decurred Sunday night at Lynnvllle, this filgbleued by a passenger train. and the house committee on partment The report of tho county assessot county. A visitor to the warehouse naval affairs. shows that the value of Utah county owned by Mark Wilson, a prominent Admiral Mason shows that more property la 59.1196,753, nn Increase of merchant, found the proprietor, hls tlisn 913,000,000 has been cut out ol and Arthur the estimates and he describes the 9139,725 over tho assesment of last brother. West Wilson, West lying on the floor, shot to death. condition of the bureau as little short year. Revolvers were found beside the bod- of desperate for the comltw year. He The debate In Salt Lake City beays there Is not now and will not be ies of Arthur Went and West Wilson. reserve ammunition available for any tween representatives of ihe Univer- Two citizens reported that they had of the Important guns. It will be sity of Idaho and the University of ieep at the warehouse shortly before any . o'clock Sunday night gnd left the necessary probably to discontinuejar-Utah, resulted in a victory for thf new ships mnsi he and get practice, trio apparently on good terms. A- sent Into commission without ammuUtah boys. Tne nition or ordnance stores. lthough all. had been drinking. Utah may send between 850 and 400 supposition jls that West Wilson and Weid engaged In a shooting af TROUBLE THR&ATENE members of Its militia to Fort Russell ArthurklllPK each nher. Lthflt,on 1 mSTefc bullets struck Mark Wilson, ruuipu Gunboats Ordered From Porto Rico caput to bp held there during the com Santo Domingo. AUSTRALIA. WITH TRADE log summer. 8an Juan, P. R. The United i The iron moulder of Salt Lake CltJ .ateat Reports Show g Remirkable revenue cutter Algonquin has hi now out on strike are talking of start dered to watch the Mona Passage! Gain In Eleven Yezrs. between Santo Domingo channel fag Into the manufacturing buslnesi Washington. A report made public for themselves In opposition to the and to search Mona Isl Porto Rico, and commerce by the department of who struck shops, labor says: Trade between the Unit for Dominican revolutionists, ' Islai Danish o to left Wells-Fargthe have ex Hall Crossflcld, the ed States and Rrltlsh Australia In the reported T for Santo Thomas St. for 938,000,000. 1905 has recently at Iark City, disap fiscal year aggregated press ageut ai Oimi The In the Newport gunboats preceding mlngo. peared, and It Is claimed he is short against 924.500, in 1895. Imports Nashville have received orders to si In hls accounts, the amount missing year and 914,000,000 from British Australia have grown for Santo Domingo. being about $1,500. from 91,660.000 In 1893 to 912,000,000 Abuses of Memorial Day. 1905, and exports thereto in the Alexander McKay, G3 years of age. from 99,000,000 to same period Washington. A circular has an Inmate of the county Infirmary, stepissued Btreet In a by the Commanders asocla of front rapidly moving ped Union Labor Bank Open. tlon nf the department of the Potoinac, car In Halt take and was Instantly kill Aisef ed, hls neck being broken. Chicago. The Commonwealth Trust G. A. It., railing attention to the invlt Memorial first of and abuses and day The students of the Rrlghnm Young and Savings bank, Chicago's labor hanking Institution, lng all those In sympathy wit I the nnlveralty have erected a large "Y" union on the side of the mountain east of opened Its doors Saturday. The bank objects of the day to abstain fron detract fron Provo. The letter Is 300x500 feet and Is organized under the laws of Arizona demonstrations that wll of memories that alustei sacred the authorized an capital has 20 and seen miles be away. tan divided Into shares of 83 each. around the services of those fwhon The body of Mrs. Anna Keyes, The managing officers of the hank are graves we strew with flowera o;n tha drowned in Ogden river, has been re- practical bankers and men of long ex- one day of the year, which should hi of directors Is given over to the men that sjfferei covered, after ten days search. Airs perience. The board who are prominent that ire might be a happy and prosper men of composed Keyes was crossing the river on ous nation." labor world. foot brldgo, fell in and was drowned. In the Died to Save Hia Fathi VoHva Is Cutting Salaries. Albert Anderson foil underneath the W. O. the wheels of a heavily loaded wagon present Vollva, Naples. Two deaths have Chicago. In Salt take City, being seriously In head of the Christian Catholic church, corded as a result of the heady rains In Zion a man and a boy having been drowned Jnred, the scalp being torn off thf announced to hls follower The boy was 11 years old and thel right side of hls head until his skul' City Sunday that between Jan. 15 and In child of a reduced expenses had 19 he May peasant He had been was exposed. financial department of the church warned to fly front the danger, hut the Robert Chadwlch, a crippled beg- from $9,800 per month to $3,832 per insisted upon rushing in the direction said, had of the stream In an effort toreach hit gar, who struck William Short, a Sail month. This saving, hereduction ot father, who was in the torrents been brought about by a Lake butcher, across the arm with cut tn the and unconscious of hls danger. path a and force the working The eane because the latter had refused to salaries or those retained. In the succeeded in reaching hia father boy yield alms at hls solicitation, was sen same manner, he said, a saving had and both ran toward safety. They tenced to serve fifty days In the court' been made In the ecclesiastical de- were, however, overtaken by thf partment that would amount to $70, atream and swept downward. ty JalL 000 annually. For the first week of May the earn Baseball in England. Hungarian Crisis Imminent. ings of the Denver A Rio Grande were London. The British Baseball asso9374,200, an Increase of 958,300 over Vienna. A new Hungarian crisis Is which was formed here last ciation, same or last Em of the period the earnings Imminent, owing to the refusal month, formally opened ttje aeaaon at year. The weeks business referred peror Franels Joseph to approve the the Woolwich ursenal club Saturday. an for to is one of tho largest In the history Hungarian cabinet's demand tariff. Thf A game was played hy a picked team autonomous Hungarian of the company. Austrian jireniler holds thnt nn Inde from tarnlon and one from Oxford Dr. Lyman Skeen, who died recently with university. The Oxford team was pendent tariff Is incompatible n ens made up exclusively of American at Ogdon, while not quite 35 years of tho roninton Rhodes scholars, anil won by a score age. Is believed to have made greater toms area. Dr. Wekerle. the Hung 19 to 7. Two thousand of twice to Vienna been ha rlan premier, strides In pathology and In other In audience with hls mnjoBty, hut the witnessed the game andspectators quickly branches of medicine anil surgery that crown and the counrll of minister! grasped Us finer points., The Impress any man of the same or approximate have declared against the Hungarian slon prevails that the game will bJ come popular here. demands. age In the world. Private Oscar Smith of the Twelfth The Simplon Tunnel Opened. Jumped to Save Life and Wat Initant battery was shut by Private H. Hart Italy.-j-T- he ly Killed. Domodossola, Simplon Jet t while attempting to escape from O. Charles Weatlake ol tnnnel was Inaugurated Saturday hy Columbus, the guard bouse at Fort Douglas. Newark. O.. a graduate of Kenyon col King Victor Emmanuel, who left hen. mlth Is probably fatally wounded headlong out of the en for Brlque, on the Swiss side of the 4he bullet passing through hls body lege, plunged a of express on tha mountain. The royal train passed cab midnight gtne abeve the right hip. B. A O. train at midnight Saturday, through the twelve njilea of tunnel Engineer L. F. Zimmerman and Fire- when, after opening tho door to fir drawn by a at cant engine, the electric man M. 8. Irwin, both of Ogden, were up, he saw some excited people flag- motors not being ready. On reaching aa It was rushing the middle of the tntmol, at a height Instantly killed near Wells, Nevada, ging tbi?a train east of Cook's station of 2,200 feet above the sea level, the toward bridge Uielr boiler of by the explosion of the It la a court house. The King was heard to efxclalm: near Washington engine, attached to a Southern Pa- bridge was ca Are and the tritln was eycloplc work, the result ot half a century of study, seven i cara of work and cific passenger train. None of tha stopped last Pi Hme. Westlake wa tha expenditure of $15,100,000." passengers ware hurt killed. showed I A RARE OPPORTUNITY TO BUT ROTS' SPRING WEARABLES AT MONEY 8AVIXQ PRICES. Every Suit Guaranteed DONT DELAY This sale of Fine Clothing Is attrai-tlnwidespread attention. We show a large assortment in the latest and newest fabrics in single and Double breasted styles. Correct cut and perfectly tailored. There Boys' Knee Pants, 76c values, at 88c. Roys Felt Ilats, 11.25 kinds, at 95e. 92.26 11.60 81.00 12.60 84.00 84.50 85.00 85.50 86.00 86.50 87.00 85.00 Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values Values at at at at at at at at at at at BARTON $8.00 Suits, special at $1.95 $2.10 $2.80 82.00 82.05 $3.50 )3JtO at at 816.60 $.25 at $4.70 $5.10 $5.50 $0.25 & C0 a chance to buy your spring suit at a saving of dollars. la BOYS SPRING SUITS Suits, Special $8.00 $10.00 $12.50 .$13.50 $6.50 818.00 Suit, 820.00 Suits, Special 822.00 Suits, Special at st 825.00 Suits, Special $30.00 Suits, Special at Main St. 45-4- 7 Special . $14.75 $16.50 $18.50 $21.00 $25.00 CLOTHIERS MEN AND BOYS. POPULAR TO II All through May we aliall offer m Jliy yPftflt our Entire Stock of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens Ready-to-ear Goods at W r 4rS Austro-Hungaria- May Sale isNowOn One Thousand Garments Just Arrived Expressly For This Sale. Suits, Jackets, Rain Coats, Tourist Coats, etc., etc. hy the Hundreds. U TWWS An Iceberg that resembled a huge Ithedral dazzled the passengers ot Scandlnavlan-Amerlca- n steamship llg Olav when that vessel was pass-tl- a Bank of Newfoundland reports the New York Ameri- he Ielllg Olav at the time was cut-hway through a calm sea un-- a (oudless sky. The sun shining the tomes, spires and pinnacles ot a marvelous off the star-tha- n c- a Hamilton's SMART SPECIAL! SOAV sa LE I As a 8. NEW Bl 60AP8, tine. He poapk i " of Introducing our GRADE TOILET re offering Glyce-Elde- r, and Oatmeal SHOP-- We Give No Openings! mile ft waa fully 200 feet long, but the mah body of the great man of eijyatal wis not more than 50 feet high. Above tls rose what resembled a dome of ice, what might be termed the roof of the berg. There were soo res of liplrea and needle-lik- e points pointing tpward. So grealy did the form of the berg resemble i cathedral that one passenger remarked that he almost expected to hear the chime sound. The berg reflecting the rays of the setting sut in a thousand glittering points remained In sight until nightfall, fading astern to a small dot that was brought into relief through marine glasses. spray, DRY GOODS CD, OUR GOODS ARB VERT EXCLUSIVE STYLES, and wa eordlallr Invite tha Ladlea to oomt and inspect our line of IMPORTED GOWNS. WAISTS, WRAPS, and HATS. Tha most EXCLUSIVE MODISTES Of Faria repreaentad. Custom Tailor-Mad- e Suits a Specialty! Ws make great effort! to pleaeo our customers In a smart SUIT they will see wily tha latest productions and smart styles for Spring. Prices or gown, and $20,00 TO $100,00. Model Hats the F eature of Hamilton's Shop. THE DRESSY SUIT HATS and TOPPY UTILITY HATS are an WE DO NOT COPT OR MAKE HATS. New MOD-ET.- 8 exclusive styles. being received and are the late productions of tho CITIES SHOWN. WAISTS. Tho now MODB1A In CHURCH LACES, NETS, Lingerie. Mnlla ana Washable Taffetas are largely lu demand at praryW let Sa and State he Orpbeum end ters. 16 S0UTH nAIN.S6 |