OCR Text |
Show : i ft ' i i. n t M; ' rJ A FACT ;i ' v ti r of VTJil Jt l.k .' REAL ESTATE 8 That HU advertisement in Tin. Argus (wings results almost instantly, Are you looking fur resulls.' Then, he wise and use the remit-gettin- g medium. 4.000 jwople read The Argua ever; week. Not so bad, eh.' For s lie? Capitalists look lor Argus to furnish them with Imrgnins in Real Estate iu Iiavis county, If you wish to ell a furm, advertise iu The Argus, the pujier that will find you a buyer without delay. Tlu: Journal Devoted to the Unbuilding of Davis County. A VOLUME II. &UMUEK 37 UTAH, TUESDAY. FAKMIXGTON, in a peculiar manner, and when lie suddenly grew Inna sociable it was remarked by Ids associates that lie had another of his inmiiing that be oiiasiniially grew morose and sad. lie was doing well in hi work and MAN SWALLOWS CARBOLIC ACID Heber J. knowlton Meets a J. 8 PAGES THIS WEEK 190U COMMENCEMENT SUDDEN DEATH OF W. MAY 22, yl .2.7 A YEA II EXERCISES. Be Held in Centerville Next Monday, May 28. I'liliiiilciu'i'iin'iil exercise will In lu-lIt. .it . I'luii-iu ill,- imi'iin villi', m-Mmiil.i). M.iy JS. ut i p in Ail pr..yi;ml hits luvii piv piirvd. In iln- evening ;i ihii.ec in In" i ii m iln-hi the grade.: I cs Albcrin The foil-- " poigr.iiii will U- nnd-rrud : Will COOMBS - Living Expenses Reduced. r inii-ivtin- Prominent Resident of Farming lie ton Succumbs to Death after If you want to know why business in hur bring paid a fair salary, is steadily seldom went anywhere, and, altoGrocery Terrible Death A Hard Struggle gether, was one of the inot unpreask who buys tentious men in the world. Why he Isi-- I J. William Sunday evening, l I 1 A TRUSTED RAILROAD MAN should commit suicide ia a mystery ifooiulii, a jrfijmlnr man if Panning? all his Groceries from us. : : : : : In. in Sinker SclwKil ' CiiiTiih. InpiL Hint has not yet been explained. ton, iliiul from a complication of Welcome-- . X. T. I'nrii-din Jared Umun: resulting from rliouiuatir-Dl.- , fhnig Motive for the Rash Act thought Iris JacobDISCUSS U6HTIN6 PROJECT. A wifi: mill Jive cliUitreM remain to j Class To, in to be Despondency over Brown mourn the loss of a faithful husband bong - - 3 for 25c. Ituniiii, IickL quality, llio. I L'lasn Trivial Matters Clifford Strong Mb Uncle Essay ami father 7 for t'oru. gooil quality, 50c, 3 for 25c i Music (irchestm: Scotch Bountiful. Farmington, and Kays-vil10c. Hie fata attack began two weeks Oats, package per HI wood Slringhaui oril;iua, iS or, 8 best for Bart 25c. Commercial Cluba Hald Laundry Soap, Heber J. Knowlton, an employee anil since then he has slowly J Song Hazel Karnes ago, Joint Meeting. 6i'n grade been growing worse. The sudden Triass Alla Adams of the Oregon Short Line, committed Solllt& Violin Clyde White suicide Sunday morning by taking a deraiigemeiil of the kidnevs ' was . i Iteclamai i siHimlrniH-i Cooper Bit 'orri WE HAVE all the new Summer Fabrics. All sc moderlI Clyile imiiifdittlc cuiipi' of death. large done ot curbolie weld. lie liad W. M. Stewart Address Iiaduaics ately priced that you will readily note quite a saving by i onAn BOUNTIFUL, May 21. keen a trusted workman on the road s wants here. Not a waist want supplying your Music Orchestra we cannot satisfy. Black or white waists, nude of that for two years, and comes from a thusiantic meeting of the Bountiful, Presentai..jn ol Certiiicutea to Graduates good quality silk, tucked both front and back, with new and Ka sville Com-- ; K. M. Whitesides highly rccctutl family in Farmiug-ton- . Farmington, long cuffs, only $2.00. Other waists liotb silk aud cotton, ranging in price from 5Qc up to $5.00. The cause of his rash act is mcn-ia- l clubs was held lat evening j Public School Graduates ot 1906. not known, but it is thought In had in llie otliccs of Drs. Van Gott and Waist of all Kinds in Stock. See Them Killed ley, and aelion was lakcu look- W. Painin'. prla '. Hol'XII lMiCVTin i.. over various become despondent rliiiL Vina Kails, Muir SnluliUKi, Opnwr llnnrn. Lwiliroan, Irala liman, Del In Vniicy. Nralmn ing to the iiihtallation of an electric trital disappointment-- . Iithtd, Mnrf Haniuii, llarllia llulrb. llupal TheKaysvlIle via Da for Omirur Lukw. county. lighting ysteiu been lliran, Ael- Brown, Anil,i Mr. Knowltmi has never I 31 1 WKST nOlINTimi. IkiiM Miiiitli, iKincljpKl.-B- wt MERCHANT. were Two The proposed. plans with anyone, lie was very IMIIk, Ina Uapwiirtli, llaal Anorlc, Vara Mauril KlrlnehaiB, Tauiiw vafirst of acted one favor in upon CAST JSICVTIMII, quiet ami seldom said more than Muir, Kva Arburkla, lAnlr May BrlMt", WrtM- KawlniiFor the past the county commissioners taking the was AllirMI, Ini Jarnbwm, Mill. KMirnlay, IvaOar rat Own Iarkls. Mbw A.ImIowii, Iinrlaih two or three days how ever he has less matter up and calling a special elec- j TnHUi, lUllha MIlrMI, Itcriua lay, Myrlla Will, nnxiitijr, S2 1 liiSata Tnlliuan, Klla lliwarl. AItIo talkative than ever, evening tiou to auMuirizu tin. i nance of Mums Omw nprlRgs Nuwinn SmlUi, Kl(ar Tatll., William Kailh rhln. 1'iitnam, bonds electric for FMrnlry, the county. lighting he and John Mason, a fallow IwlMna, lkirlKtra Fallmwi, Clyde (Incorporated.) If this is not feasible, the opinion I'nnprr, llwlis Kaldna, i Twin Vlabry, l.ydla fiUU., retired William section, early, J comCKXTl.liV II.LF K. X. that a Davis county having a bed in the same room in the prevailed BawllnOl Mioch olio llawtill, Iortw, l. smltli, Aillinr lllaadHI. ArinMla llUkkarood, bunkhounu near the station. It was pany should lie immediately organrkartM sniuli, Addla WhIimi, Klhlyn Hmltb, sr Wayiuan, lloracv W or ley noticed that Knowlton lav onth e ized and franchises secured, so as to K ATM 11.11 II. 0. Barton, prLuripnl. OllTonl conthe of control the lighting lied witli his clothes on, and remain- keep Oalbiallli, lad Mm,, ilin BaNd ni, Lluh) (Hmim, Xwyl SayiUr, Howard Larkina, Wallla cessions in the hands of the people. ed so until late in the evening. Vlyrilo Hon., Ilaiioa, Barry IttmaK, Mil The beat supply aud most complete stock of .Building Sup - Jk . Balebrr, ClmrUnd Btrwart. Mini CrBldM, Oraea i lie discussion of the matDuring Mr. AMIwrt Burnett, Vara Ikmnwaort, plies to be found in the county. Onr prices always right. Deceased was Itorii iu Farniml CotMWlI, Upon waking in the morning MauaBarlU. ter to vv.r, tho It reported tooting ton Feb. 17, 18(17. On Dec. Mason saw Knowlton was awake, 'LAYTON, W. R. Hknao, irliieli. Arthur K In. n hiscs secured last year 12-- 4Ian, Irraa Lay too, Uuaai Buylwa. Zairlu Cur :: and in reply to the question as to that the married llobini he Kobe it Klllano, Clara V. laytoi, Hllaa Tor. 1892, Lucy IrUp, Howard Aonla BA Cook, and call, from Day, Dalpfea Oraau, Farmlujrfon, .i;fijlJ the time, he replied that it was n daughter of Oliver Robinson VA'jwmArchia Laylno, Lao ward. and Dayfe ountJf,,iildrpii KaysvithA it.es, k. wmumri mis' was a which ' f oclock, piowcvcr, " Tt-1- '., N. . -- Wd tliree 5l (fa-A. 7 two Hod.rb.i-oclock. about a vm aUITirviug MYNA!;!, glrisanu principal. take; it I Riiyal Wooil, Xtiaar Onnk, Barlow, Lon to the1 . vim sum, uai wmi, Kri Wad. arose at once and began have bech sold recently Funeral will be held from 14 I Mason 'Wad, wnliBDia, Jn.la('ook. Knowlton also got up Shoshone Tower company, contrary meeting house tomorrow, Wedfii pri.Wip.i.-wr- mi dressing. clintok, chart M...aim,, the lloilork, Jlarhaal ptw. BiihyBMroo, and drank a cup of water from a to what has been expected by Waller day, at 2 p. m. apclpjj' officials and people of the county Occasion tin cup. He returned to hi bunk rAKKINOTOX, II. W. flnnlr, principal. - llnrolrt wheu the franchises were lieing SUCCESSFUL SURPRISE PA R Ollnr u.irrSd Wll.iix, Clyile Cl.r. BjBa, he in pain. Undoubtedly mmasr writhing to Visit the Millie Alilmi, l.iuiaa llamiilim, and. because asked for, the claim having been had taken the arid IKOVIV'la stead, Mboda SnUB, I'hh I. lianoa-k- , Waller Haiuplon, Mar Chrltneawa, the mode tliat time at In by promoters fily. a of tho burning pain, drank that they were assured of backing Grandma Mary B. King lathe 8u? 0 ROBBED IN NEW YORK. cup of water. d n: a avis of Honor at a Birth Mason took no particular by local capitalists and that Ms. ; u Jen. W. O. Clark Meets Up With would In organized day Party. wj notice of Knowlton as be lay in bed comity romp iny Pickpocket on Street Car. ndi Some of to take over the frauchi-cthinking he was subject to cryiug XKW YOKK. M.iy 15- -In ihc not take kindly to tu i lm Argua. When the suffering mail those present (lid liush mi the t lie spells. ;is outou Huy SOUTH WK1IK1I. May 21. I this bartering of the iranci.cs to l;i night. Ceil. William li. dropped to the lloor, Mason ran to San hV wlm h:nl ;ii- side parties, and it was to protect the night at tire home of Ilyruni ids ahl. rubbing his arms anil doing niild ;i jilay witli lii gniiiiNnii. Clothes the interests that the (Jommer-a- l King a sitccsHful surprise party Jl yearn ;igc. nf thin eiiy. all ho knew how. lie rushed to the peoples "IS rubbed f a imckcibnuk o.ni:iin- clubs of the county took up the given by the children of Mrs. home of Waller Itcid. section forematter. A committee will at once S. King, and grand children joiil "riunks'i 1?" man, and enlisted his aid. Before while wedged cliildren of Mary !. gitibbed the ttie with a county great grand arrange meeting mist Gen. Clark in a anything could be done the man cnmmicsioners and investigate the King, in honor of her tiulh birthla ear. died. I lien the gramli'ailier called out and practicability of the The Hiirjirise incliidcd liofouly pi legality Dr. Dixon, Mayor J. it. Itoldiison, that lie iiad been robbed, young Clark uic and program, imt a.'taido (w is gat e chase to a man IN county installing the system. who was hurryJustice and UobinBon Marshal City off tile ear. lull the thief lo witli the ing tilings also get acted Auiithsr matter spread goal important the of i'oacc E. F. Itichurd were The young man reported escaped. J V- H the robbery at a poliee station. npon was the county air project, the earth. soon on the scene. A The great grand child vial containing only a small quann-tit- y which was agitated two mouths ago X i'.W OKK. May f. The ihn-S. King present lhcf.jwuli who 'robbed Gcii. William O. Clark of of acid was found at the head of by the Argus and Kaysvillc Coni llyruin San fhraucixco m a kitclicn ealiinct. The rrcat coil Tliere was unanimity the bunk used by Knowlton. Dr. tncrcial about $5 in uioiu-and $ tailing Grandma of cliildren to iu do.uts here Monday night, sent the Dixon, after making au examination of opinion favorable the propsition draftY by mail to the office oj Koiinlzc her a rocking chair. inwas gave of The loratiou dead question mans of the stomach, prolie drafts Uros.). bankers, on which 1C. Mr. Mrs. and Ucjniielt were iinade. (ieorg'K yesterday. nounced the death a suicide, earned formally discussed aud the Kaysvillc Til drafts were three in number site and the Sjagmin .grounds were are to lie given credit f havitig tiie from drinking carliolic acid. and ami SJrai. and were ' t(r $AH. but that matter was left affair in eliarge. Eve body pres- drawijl by the IJavis Comity hank of The remains were taken to the home mentioned, Farmington. Utah. Taviiieiii n them to tlic general committee which will ent bad a most cnjuyalil had b)'cn stopped. In ihc eiivelojie of Mrs. Miucrva Knowlton, a plural THE BIG WALL JAlER STORIi. meet next Monday at noon in Farmin whit'll they were sent to the hankIt has not wife of B. F. Knowlton. 4 THE TIME OF Ii ing hiAiSc was a newspaper clipping, ington. The committee will consist oil which was written in pencil a reyet been decided when the funeral of tliree members from caeli of the Editor of Argus Feasting on Califor- quest to return tlu- draft to their will he held. nia Delicacies Argus v ; rightfuf owner. Deseret New. three commercial duds, acting with ' Deceased was 27 years of age. W. O. Clark spent several weeks Force Envious . one parson chosen from each town in Farmington before leaving for New n all Ai't'ording tlierus enhail hecu and He was unmarried nlitur is linving the time' of hs life York. Mr. Clark intended taking curiu tliviinty with tiie Utah I'rrsa hssicialein in rency with Jiim. Imt his nephew . Cash4 gaged in railroad work lormany 4 Frenli picked California. ier A. - Clark, induced him to carry Varnishes, Paints, Stains, Calcomine, memtime one a at was He 4 years. lentous, peaches, peas, dates, bananas, drafts, which were duly drawn on A New Concern In Bountiful. Interior Decorations, Mouldings, 4 N. Cl. U., Bountiful, ber ofCo-K- . pineapples and figs. Ity hSA jtfnugtildc Kouute tiros.' hank in New York. Him ctiil Correspondence. Tainting, Tinting, Groining, etc. a quarter's wortii jit vigors from in and while wearing a uniform made 21. Tho Mexico; has sported at, at Mrs. Harry Jayne, of Ran Frauciaco May BOUNTIFUL, 35 KAST FIRST SOUTH ST. Phone 1656-- y His father died Coronado beach and has SALT LAKE CITY, IT All X many friends. of Mr. and Mis. E. W. Tatluck J33 Davis County IlMumhiug A Electric daughter sea iiass and Catacaught Ah&rk.if live years ayo. and shortly afterword borne last retmued g after , apeud-inFriday 4444444444444444444444444444444t4444444t Supply company have leased the lina inland: lias feast fl iithc palatial severs! weeks in Farmington. Mrs. lioicl at laKadciia: 10s rwaMlLoff nn Ids mother also died. tho telephone the niiow banks of building adjoining Jayau foituuately missed tbe great catasLOSTe A bay horse, white spot on FOUND. A sorrel marc branded ''R B. F. Knowlton, father of the de- exchange, now ready had various other fij and are trophe; Mr; Janye however was present, forehead marked with a box bar on the L. on , The-.right shoulder. Was once proceased. had three wives, and in for Inihiiiusst The new concern experiences. and succeeded iu saving all personal near aide expect to shoulder; weighs about 800: usually perty of the undersigned; present owner I failed to the sign is iu charge of local tncu. being pro- him when piopcrty dividing property. answers to the name of Jim. Fimler not known. Raimis iijk'tur Lund, Farmington 4 the deoils before ids death. A story prietors, and expect to obtain conTiie staff at In o please return and be rewarded. Travelobliged in worry was current hero today that since tracts in all parta of Davis county. iwneheally'f HERE'S MEAL BARB AIN. ing north when last seen. Projierty of A magnificent steel engraving of strawberries, an oseph Walker, Farmington, the division of real estate Heber oninl-iPuss, the most famous mountain blushing radishes feel especially cn cditfV' in Colorado, has been issued pass Knowlton had become dissatisfied beA Popular Store. by tbe To all Dai is county, patrons leaving varied expericne iniifd : FARM FOR SALE. At Syracuse Colorado Midland Railway. This encause of au unequal division, but Crowds of people arc saving money by when he returns Lake Cleaning Co., we office fofee brick house and other buildings, in- graving is 26 x 40 inches and suitable Slit Lake this story was emphatically denied patronizing Bartons great sale. Goods is going for n,foiewage one way. Call and good for framing. It will Ik- sent to and lu aityi'niunber leave expect any sold at exceptionally low prices ot codhsli. gotxls; we will send them to cluding 60, 80, or 120 acres of laud; three your on receipt of 15 cents in by E. F. Richards, administrator of are being ier inaes game. wells. stamps by A stock ol new sjiring goods to choose or W. flowing write II. and Enquire French For yon express. prepay L. H. Harding, SallLakc the estate. City. nd Dyeing of every des- Miller, Syracuse. from, It will pay you to lake advantage Dry Cleaning L. II. Ovialt t brand Xu one luows the motive for the this week ' We call your attention to of coffee which a Us. cription wc hqve no conipetitots. peck of Parlor Matches oose. suicide. The man bad always acted our ad. on page two for price list, Iike Cleaning Co., 7 1$, rd South St. First class job printing at this office. toe; a I letter bargain. 1.. If.Ovial for I, wu - I our i ii-- I - 1 Department your neighbor growing, IlClll-nlt.- i i i Note These MoneySavers: a-i- -h - i An-Ui- J p&rk.-igC- i la i ( - j j I Summer Fabrics in Abundance. . . - I Dicsa-good- j ! j inti-mat- -- e Patterns (ii-- H H- llfria-rlii- J- J H ILLiy, . . - -, j Ist ! Slrlnf-kiu- 'Bountiful Lumber Assn. Building u. Clan-iu- Pn-ki- -, LXMBEP -- ... . Phone r ' r",' 7 .. t t t Bountiful, Vtah. bu-jHT- i cnd-iie- 8- - & to mm PAWN SHOP 1 I s. , Fin'c-iii- i s ilic.-iirc-s y wen-Jusin- , at t" ifAt; rfj BQVJVTIFVL CO OT V BEST BARGAINS two-oun- - ce f -- BE CLOTHING TOFOUND COUNTY! I - Chas. fi. Bodel, -- WALL PAPER. : Jaji-a-f.a- c. Taper-Hangin- g Mmfi-ftgarh- ; . 1m- - 1 Hag-erin- an , t J - ss 1 $ ie One-ha- ftos lf set |