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Show yi I ii r i mu mi n w-- hi iiunmiiniiiiiiiiU'Wj WANT NEW h WHY PAY MORE? Poet You Money. OUll 6PICIAL REDUCED PRICE. ... 00 Hat of Teeth (Beat Bed Hubheri ?g Gold frown. (!Ul g f.e.-Brlde Work (Beau . 5 Open till I p. Other Filling PROTECTIVE GUARANTEED. ; Ball, 10 to 1 'Phonea. Ind. a 34 MAIN T.. A. ZIMMERMAN, I 1 1 Ml I'H 1 III I I 111 I I I YEAR m.. Sunday. I Examination free. I -H-H Do You 10 1 H "' 1 Intend to Build? STORE FRONT HOME BARN OR DO YOU WANT A SHOW CASE OR ANYTHING IN THE BUILDING LINET A f 4 ! Lake Building & Manufactur- - PARALLEL DISCOVER RARE NEW OEM. BLUE TOPAZ FOUND IN AFRICA. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. When a man Is In love he thinks he is entitled to a liar's license. Many men are more anxious to save y d -I NO TRISCO DISASTER UNEQUALED IV MODERN TIMES. h-- J If-fi aaner" I In Banaparta has begun to from the composer who feel sure that he will adopt the suggestion of Julius I. Lyons of New York ami offer a prize for a new national hymn. Mr. Uonaparte still beDanlieves that The ner is a good enough national hymn and evermore shall he ao. But thut make no difference to the writer of new national hymns. They want prlxe money, but. more than that, they are hungry for fame. Trusty agents cf the navy department at the various iioctry headquarters and of America report that the spring poets have their coats off end are working like beavers on the new hymn. The most voluminous producer thW far reported Is Blooilgool H. Cuttar, the Long Island farmer poet. He M small and very old. but full of energf When he mounts Pegasus the old hoN Just flaps his wings and trots two . stanzas a minute far limitless Mr. Cutter wa thinking aboil the prize hymn while driving a load f cabbage to market when K suffered a mishap. Instead of repaying the damage he enthul&tlaca& blade drew forth a large black-backebook and began to work on the hymi Th product thus far Is In narratiw form only, but the hortatory and In catory parts will come later. The SiV I' verse le: As forth I drove along the road My wheel come off; down went ff Wiislilir-tnii.-Sivniar- HAS SUi adeqt ate. The moet reliable dcntlat Teel h extruded wiihuul pain by our method. Fire with wi ia Oold HYMN. Think and Composer Spangled Utah Dental Co.. 234in Main national song-souree- a Greater in Extent and Fatalitiea Than Recent Announcement Causes ConsidThat Which Overwhelmed Chierable Stir Among Expert cago In 1871 Some ComNumerous Varieties of parisons. the Stone. San Francisco' disaster will prub-abl- y prove to be without modern pur allel In history. Heretofore the great Chicago Are has been generally regarded In that light, but a riiiupuriKiui of the facts uvalluhle so far tend t,; ahow this reeeut catastrophe as the most awful visitatlou of recent times aays the Washington Star. When Chicago was burned in 187u it had a population of alsuit ::no.iMxi. San Francisco at this time must have 450,000 people in its gales, not countallecteil in oihei ing the towns near by. In the Chicago Hr 70,007 people were made homeless, in the California city, If the estimate-- , are reliable, the number will reach 300,000. iandon. The public interest manifested In tbe discovery In llluideBla of what la believed to be a blue topai has revealed some confusion In regard to this class of gem. In addition to the true tupaz, sometime called Brazilian1' topaz, there are the yelUiw variety of sapphire, sometimes called Oriental" topaz, a most lustrous gent of considerable value, und the yellow and brown quartz, known a Scutch" or cairngorm" topaz, which la obtained in large quantities, and is of little value. The true topaz, however, resembles thest stones only tn color, aud can be easily distinguished by difference of bard lieu and specific gravity, says n loopold Claremont, the It is a transparent gem lapidary. crystallizing in the rhombic eystem, generally occurring In right rhombic prisms, and la to be found In many different shades of yellow and brown, green, white, blue, and, rarely, pink and pale red. Some of the dark yellow and brown specimens can be altered to a dell-ra- te of pink by careful application heat Nearly all the pink topazes upon the market have been altered, or, to ure the technical term, "pinked" In this way. Next to the pink variety In value cornea the blue and greenish topaz. Although aumewhet reaembllng the aquamarine In color and general effect, these varieties art much more brilliant owing to their greater hardness. The localities In which the topaz occurs are, among others, Brazil, Siberia, Asia Minor, Pegu, Ceylon, Victoria, Bohemia, Saxony, Connecticut (C. S. A.) and Japan. The finest specimens. however, are derived from Brazil and Siberia. The chief sources of the topaz in Brazil are Minas Geras, Villa Kira and Nevas mines, the laat named being generally used In connection with the white variety. In Siberia the topaz ncrura In many districts. notably the Altai and Ural mountains, near Nertchinsk, and also In Kamchatka. ir the recent announcement of the discovery ot the blue topaz upon the property of the African Option syndicate In Rhodesia be duly confirmed, yet another source of supply of this variety of the gem la available. well-know- their money than their honor. Economy lz the road to wealth and it's a hard road to travel. At the age of 60 a man may not look to be more than 40 but whats the use? It might be well for parents to remember that spoiled children come home to roost. Among other lost arts le that of keeping one's mouth closed when theres nothing more to say. The wise old hen chuckles to her self when she sees a man trying to make a fortune with an Incubator. If a woman says This Is so sudden" when a man proposes, he knows she is a pernicious fabricator, but naturally he la too polite to say eo. Chicago News. In addition to this, the kication ami environment of the two cities were such that Chicago s problem of what to do with her homeless was sltnplt BUSINESS ADVICE. Office end Yard. 20 to 40 N. and West St. In comparison with that facing tht $ far western city. Chicago was almost Venture suggestions cautiously. .444.44444444444A surrounded by open country to which the people turned for refuge. San Find the weak spot In your man, Francisco is practically surrounded then attack it by water the ocean on one side and the bay on two other sides. a Never practice deception It's al- for the most part send their waya found out. paeaengera Into the city by ferries, and many of the docks were ago Indifference Is not to be mistaken WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES I made helpless by earthquake long load. and Are. for Independence. I I eat and munched a big banana Bo, for the moat part, the thousands ON ALL CUSSES OF DENTAL " And eclipsed The of people without shelter had to stay Thera Is only one way to succeed, C WORK FOR THIRTY DAYS. In the confines between sea and bay and that la the honest way. J. Gordon Kugleman, the poet of te und were confronted with awful posoon with loaded a bateau has sibilities. Santee, The Are rushing along unA clean, vigorous, healthy life is a pone, fried chicken, fried hominy gd checked waa pursuing them relentlessI CALL. GET PRICES AND SEE SAMPLES mighty good side line to carry. a puncheon of Juleps, and with tie ly. Fortunately, San Franrlaeo is a b fountain pen precious cargo and a city of hills, and on top of some of it Is well to talk when one has Office 26 1 Main At., K. of P. Hall. has retired to the headwaters 'f these many refugees found shelter. that la worth the saying. -something . 12. 10 le lo I579-k5. 9 flour her can Sunday Tel. he Peachtree where The Bit." creek, "'it Didn't Hurt a beach, too, offered a spot of comthe nightingale sing and ruminate, parative safety. It is every man's business to see the new national hymn. In area covered by the disaster and that he gets out of his hours all there Mr. Kugleman has developed me In probable lose of life and la In them. property thought thus far to the Juleps thano the San Francisco catastrophe is greatthe hymn, yet he has had time, o er than that of Chicago. The loss ot There la always plenty of room dash off the following the latter was about (190,000,000. and on top. The higher one climbs the Rise, crowned with fire, Amelia considering that in San Francisco less crowded It gets to be. rise! f eagle, larger and more coetly buildings were See what an empire lies before tb ruined, the probable loss will exceed A kindly word costs nothing and fn- - even that enormous figure. So fax eyes. a long way. goes most and scream in Soar, shriek any estimate of the loss would be J mere guess work. A half dozen hotels perial manner, Jnmp at conclusions only when the and buildings alone would make up don't, we lieg you. shriek conclusion ia In sight. Banner.' several millions, and the wide sweep of the fire makes It altogether probIt Is well to admit hard competiable that all records for financial loss but to ouraelf only. OFF FOR THE PHILIPPI tion, will be broken. The lose of life during the Chicago fire was 200. That of SEIZE RARE OLD PICTURES. Talk courage, act courage, and give Party of Railway Men Fully EquJ Sa Francisco la estimated at from 30C Go to Build S 12,000,000 courage. Remember that after failto 1,000. Customs Officers Descend Upon Vain-abl- e ure in battle the Indians Road. kept up Truly It la a disaster without par pow-woof triumph to make the Paintings in Maine in allel modern From Denver, Colorado Spring and i co history. Town. o Kansas City, Mo. Tb first enemy believe they were invincible and to restore their own conragm Pueblo to Kansas City, St. Joe, Chicago, M j unite? SutMvef i?U pERS TAKE POSSESSION Bangor. United States customs auroad for the the and El ) Paso Galveston, thorities at Vanceboro made one of the moat important seizures in years Ration Under Con- on December 30, and the matter has a few days ago, whence they will been kept dark until now. The artroverzy. The party i i for the Philippines. Abstracter of Title ticles seized were four rare old painteluded doctor, stenographer, offl. have taken ings, with an appraised value of men and In fact an entire railroad oSjlpul,pa' sad Conveys ear. possession of nearly every lot in the The first known in Bangor connizaiton Lake Blk Salt City of Devi Cue lift Licensed Abstracter G. F. WARREN, 6m. Agt., Dooley allotment, which Joint cerning the pictures was an advertisePhilippine native labor le to be uvuhtoI1!I1 there ment preliminary to the sale of the for the actual work of construction NOTARY PUBLIC , paintings by the United States mar- Oflae ap stair. Fsmlngtea C. AM. Ml shal, which appeared in a Bangor " morning paper. VARULSGTON, UTAH was received from Muskogee Two of the pictures are about four across the Islands named yiU 5iat the secretary of the Interior had feet square each, and represent alleso located that the connectirfcVjsa gories. They are valued by the local cofitf islly customs authorities at 250 each. The IUi th. rtllwiy termini ot '! OI th, ot. , third is a beautifully done landscape coat duo ,nt lsluids, thn, m.kln, akwl l0 niPBI1 tilnt th land no vrea with a cathedral for the principal -. feature. This is appraised at f600. ty, and that the government would The fourth la a very old portrait of a ipralae it, and every person who had gentleman in velvet and neck ruff and improvements on a lot would get the la appraised at (1,000. t at one-ha- lf the governments The paintings undoubtedly came price, which is the rule in the from Pari to St. John. They were TO ivernment townaltea. THE SOENIO LINE sent from there to MacAdam and That night there were many CAPITAL 25,000 8URPLU from thence brought across the line GLENWOOD SPRINGS, ASPEN, LEADVILLE, PUEBLO, who, not being able to get any-- by team to Lambert AND UNDIVIDED where Lake, T PROFIT, substantial on the lots In the they were found and seized : COLORADO SPRINGS, DENVER, OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, by the be cut by native labor. The road v of improvements, slept on the customs officers. The EAST POINTS ALL 40,000. AND CHICAGO are pictures ST. LOUIS, completed will be modern in every groun( t0 prevpnt some one else now In custody of United States Mar.1 4 spect. ICirlC IOCTHZRZ ,mP,n wit the during Cain Depot night. shal JOHM R. Baxnxs, President and will be sold by auction it The party, which inctadts 50 next morning tents were put up and on Mayo27. OBKOON SHORT LIME THAINS. Tbs 011 TnuunaUMaW Um April LiwiaS. Hills, over to travel will tie Labs neers, City. Billing jumpers commenced to build an IB Dlmtlr Throne toll R. W. Baa Mas, Cashier American Bulls for Bullfights. Burlington, thence vl ther Northepening of an Oklahoma town in the ; Jomm R. Gailxy, Awt Cashier. Pacific via Seattle. This party to Texas bulls have never before been days. SFLBMDIDLY BQCIPFED VAST T MAIMS DAILY BMTWBMM to be followed by another contalnl The aH haB not In the arena, but Felix Robert used de flnay OGDEN AND I)KNVEK DIREOTORS 100 men. .ded upon yet. and the land may be has selected a few for a trial, and AMD DISTINCT BOOTH l VIA TH: G. M. John Barnet, Peter Barton, ' nnlly awarded to Noah Frank, the the fight will be held Sunday, i'hls Slxe of Army Officers. ; John W. will lan id be who In first the time allotted It sevand las. H. Urklaa, I the of Galley. fought htatory Kansas 1 contests Throe h Mira sad Ordinary lltspHig Cars to Dtnmr, Omaha, President Roosevelt has issued to prove his prior right bullfighting that American bulls have William Blood Chair Cart. been entered for the bull ring, and order fixing the minimum height it City. SL Louis sad Chicago wllhoid chan go, Fret Itocllntag aficionados are anxiously awaiting for army officers at five feet five lnchi Personally Conducted Excursions. KAYSVILLI, UTAH the corrida. Perhaps the day may The order, of course, will apply oitaic im CONTt5T' is o officers. It not be far distant when the American to future pointed SERVICE A LA CARTS ON ALL THROUGH TRAINS DINING that the enforcement of Ahls ordnn(ng Xeam of Four Leghorns Pro-ma- y ganaderlas may furnish bulls for exclude many West Point cadi , Mexican rings. ete.. Inquire of yer In Pour dac, 851 E fbr istsa, folders, free Ulutrated booklets, fi a of For Off GddrMi service. POUl the from height GABA Hlo BgGBlg iptOUyllC Mnnfhx. mml tloktt Woman Mineral Surveyor. feet three Inches le enough to adn' Mias PTAII May Bradford, of Tonopah, If LA fall KE the CITY, to SALT they them academy. it A. BENTON, G. A. P. D., Z Cal., is believed to be the only deputy gam an additional two lnchea mineral surveyor in the United States. ffnst c She will, no matter what their other qui7 r at the Lady filed a (10,000 bond and by provto faH lflcatlons may be, colege Bt stU(llpy castle. Xha ing her fitness has been given a comTO THE -a 75 mission by Surveyor General GODBE. a man oTatnra? ph P,on- t buff Orpington-l- aid Kyle, of donbtedly Reno. She has several contracts for The only place in Farmington slque, but there eeems to be no rcJ he should be five feet d,;ided, ,,"to pe""' surveying targe mining properties In son why where the travelling man stop. PRESCRIPTION inches tall. Napoleon was only S? of,th the mountains near Tonopah and yder that ! Goldfield. DRUGGISTS, .te when he Inches UTAH. two jbecame fir feet FARMINGTON to the beet laying strain might be lOl MAIN ST. I consiil. The Oregon's Long Pennant. , plied. When the Oregon went Into San The team" constated Dismal of winning the In Swamp. BYROK L KESLER,- " Francisco harbor recently from Manila, Minima hav beei a pant bp th Chios As a further proof of Volcanic d,r wh,t LeKhorn. which laid pAtino in tti improTninMit of it tin, tbem 221 esgs. A buff Orplng-itlguou- s she flew a homeward-boun- d pennant the swai"11 turbances through nd nil human inKMinitj bni bra adoptPHYSICIAN, 8URGBON, AMD tee111" was "econd, with 23G eggs. from her masthead !i.r3 feet long. Her 1 ed to protect it patron asnfnit acciund along territory niR'l OBSTETRICIAN prramW far In th dent. The line ia rcuownod for it feat repairs will call for virtual I'ike Drummond, It Is ported tb a Hieani" f be same breed, among necessary and th senerel luporiority of it train living, IM im ran and Office ever Telephone Exchange nd quimnL romidr th 1KAl). loMrvic not be5 th champion bird was third, reconstruction. Jericho canal, which li Miifltiburn as. UMilnjc Sump of the eggs Telephone Number waterless for many ye: had gotb 222 CRRH. nunt thut In tuor midur THE " Broncho to Bust. UTAH ounces. ln lhatt Mtm.c try tit Houn Tirol. dry. Jericho canal la a der for fished two and Is alleged that the president's secIt I UNION PACIFIC take and Its dryness wil mean a at WHITE BRONZE retary, Mr. Loch, was recently thrown ntltp A Hareock RUNS of the lake. Long Distance Wireless. Hiding a As soon as the president Tt la far nnra irtlatlr, 1 wireless telegraph message which by broncho. Train Thrnush Daily to th Eait, It (hi ia MMBtlfnl and hair THOMAS AND MAYCOCK train arriving mum hour ahead Woman Rural Mai 'airier. tveled a distance of 2,080 miles was gets time, remarks the same authority, lira 'turn ta Best all of comprtitora. will broncho be the Vermont Marble properly "busted. Mattie M. Marshall, a jandnleca wived at sea by the steamer Moltke, If III BtMHl of Chief Justice M hall, of tlch arrived In New York the other LA HaadMH.aa, Harkara, former Fall Information rheeifnllr fumlihad m Fir Engines in Australia. Oraaa Slomn, nr StatuUnited States supreme c irt, is one y. The message was sent Friday application u writs ft a Ureulara. Chemical fire ary, are used in engines Newo 5 Building CistRt Butt or ekll on the three women rural i II carrlereun the Poldhu wireless station, on Sydney, Australia, and E. BURLEY D. likeare they ALMA HARDY, freedae la HI Mete Mere! ObuW 83 America. She Is conne d with and T. G. P. A coast, contained English A., (). S. I R. R. to be used largely hereafter to check ly 0 AmwtM (M aeeer Bountiful, Cm Granite City (111.) post Ice. rds. Salt Luke City. Utah. amp Oe. el See I era. bush fires during the summer months. mil-utes- ins Company. pit-kep- t Dr. West Kail-road- Be-ner.- Star-Spangle- d WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY Star-Spangle- d TRAINS DAILY 3 w 1 sTcMtfSSLfcisrsssiY u J. E. ROBINSON Arizona Mining Camps of New Mexico T.-Ju- mpers "hh - 0 , y , BARJ4ES t- BANKING COmPANY ap-als- ed per-1-u- lt f 0dn Kiy . hZ. Through Train Service .... I. ROBINSON HOUSE gtV tils: FITTS. i th, be-am-al Lest We Forget one-eight- h WTERS om-3-- |