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Show Are You Tired, Nervous and Sleepless? AHTtB LOUISIANA TwroukDCM and ilmpItMunii are dua to the (art that the nerves are not (ad on pmiwrly uouriahiug blued ; they are tfarvtd nwra. Dr. 1'isroe't Golden Medical Dik'OVurjr tnakrt purt. tick blood, and thereby the nerves are properly nourished and all the organs of BY ths body are run aa smoothly aa machinery which rune in oil. lu thia way you WTM ILLUSTRATIONS Of DON C. WILSON feel dean, strong and atrrnuoua you are AA toned up aud invignrsifld, and you are (Cipyrxjtf, AMI Amg tfCatpony) 40 &g03 Akwvwey guod for a whole lot of physical or innutal work. Beet of all, the strength aud in vitality and health are lotting. Is she quite happy, Zeney? CHAPTER XV. The trouble with uniat tunica and Happy? How could a wild bird be which hare a large, buuming sals After the death of Taro a new and happy in a cage, even If its bars were for a ehurt time, ie that they are largely eompoard of aloohol holding the druga in somewhat lHier order of things pre- made of gold?" eolution. This aloohol ehriuka up the red She was about to continue, but Pirates of blood corpuaclea, aud In the long run vailed among the as If not caring to pursue the the Gulf." the One fad system. greatly Injures may Now under the direct leadership of subject, asked, Is your master here?" exhilarated and better fur the time being, yet in the end weakened and with vitality Lafitln alone, and with butter opporZeney nodded, and pointed to a decreased. Dr. Fierce's Oolden Medical 1x1m chivalrous naclosed tunities for door near them, He la It there, knowing no alcohol. Discovery eontaiue Every bottle of It bears upou its wrapper 7'Aa ture, the larger body of them followed and alone. Bodgt at Hunt tty. in a full Hat at all its his more merciful and Imfitte, turning from her. knocked several Ingredients. For the druggist to unquestloulngly less lawless snd not a few at the door, and I)e Cazeneau'a voice practices; Oder you something bs claims is Just as of the men actually relished the answered, Entrez. good' is to insult your intelligence. Ever luto the rhanged conditions in which they ingredient Thla the former did, leaving the entering world-mineDo Id so Medical Discovery" found themselves. door ajar. has the unanimous approval aud endorseGaronne, who had been given a vesment of the leading medical authorities Xalo. now a tall, wiry lad of of all the several schools of practice. Mo sel of his own, had gathered to himand devoted, body and soul, to medicine sold other through druggists for self the most unregenerate of I.aro'a his master, was the only one to aclike purposes has any such endorsement. The Doldun Medical Discovery" not followers, and entered upon a career company him to Grande Terre. He only produce all the good effects to bs In which he observed the same meth- had seated himself upon the steps, obtained from the use of Golden Seal od as his former commander, with conroot, in all stomach, liver and bowel the result that he was finally brought but too far away to catch the versation between iJifltte and Zeney, troubles, as in dyspepsia, bUllouaness, con- to ezecutlon, together with most of even bad they spoken In a language stipation, ulceration of stomach and bowels and kindred ailments, but the bis crew, in a South American port. ho understood. Oolden Seal root used in its compoundLife at the Ursullne convent waa, Hut he watched them with curious ing is greatly enhanced In Its curative ac- for many montha, a burden to Lazalie, tion by other ingredients such as Stone of Zeney; and her whlma and caprlcea made It eyes, having often beard root, Black Cherry bark, Blood root, Manand her served to powers reputed d drake root aud chemically pure suso to mother but little less the of awe and aver an make her object glycerine. The Common Sente Medical Adviser," perior and nuns. But they, with a slon to him. aa to most of hla class. is sent free in paper covers on receipt of lively remembrance of many generous It was, therefore, with a sigh of ret 21 stamps to pay the cost of mail- favors from iAfltte, felt that they lief that he saw her disappear, after ing only. iVir 81 stamps the cloth-bounmust bear patiently with the charge volume will be sent. Address Dr. H. V. his master had gone Inside. In he had left their keeping. Pieros, Buffalo, N. Y. He remained sitting on the steps, Dr. Iierce's 11008001 Iellots cure conLa Roche, as her banker and man biliousness and headache. stipation, of business, came often to see his bis chin supported by two yellow fair client, snd ended by falling In palms, while a group at young negroes Voted Frenchman. love with her a fact he was wise who had drawn near to gape curiously There baa just passed away in the enough to keep to himself. And, later at him, after the manner of their kind, person of M. Desprerher one of the on, he obtained Imfltte'a consent to proceeded to converse In a way evl pioneers of France In ocean cables. M. her removal from the convent and dently Intended to attract hla alter Deaprecher collaborated with Sir John taking a house of her own, where, tlon. Pender, Cyrus W. Field, George Elliott with Ma'am Brlglda and a retinue of Instinct, rather than any Round, and others in laying the first cables slaves, the beauty seemed made Nato realize that a presence was between Europe and America. He was more contented. near him; and glancing over his shoulone of the promoters of the Corsican form When the summer of 1812 had der, he saw a girlish, wliite-clacable, which was laid In 1861. In brought the Cazeneau household to standing In the doorway through 1894 he bought the island of Antloostl, their llaratarla home, there befell which I.afltto had passed a few min which now belongs to M. Menier. He something which struck Ialltte with utes before. Presently he saw one of has reached the age of 83. a new despair, and took from him all her little hands go to her side, as If hope of ever being asked to render she had been startled, or was experiBOY'S HEAD ONE 80LID SORE. little Roselle the smallest service. encing some strong emotion; and sbe gARY PEVEREUX mad-ein- La-fitt- alz-tee- triple-refine- one-cen- d high-strun- g d Hair All Came Out Under Doctor Three Monthe and No Better-Cutlc- ura Works Wonders. Mr. A. C. Barnett, proprietor of a general store in Arard, Oklahoma, tells In the following grateful letter how Cutlcura cured bis son of a terrible eczema. "My little boy had eczema His head was one solid sore, all over his scalp; his hair all came out, and he suffered very much, had a physician treat him, but at the end of three months be was no better, 1 remembered that the Cutlcura Remedies had cured me, and after giving him two bottles of Cutlcura Resolvent, according to directions, and using Cutlcura Soap and Ointment on him dally, his eczema left him, his hair grew again, and be has never had any eczema since. We use the Cutlcura Soap and Ointment, and they keep our skin soft and healthy. I cheerfully recommend the Cutlcura Remedies for all cases of eczema A. C. Barnett, Mar. 30, t said Jean lAfitte and associates, but do esll upon them to be aiding anil abetting in arresting him and said associates, ami all othera in like manner offending: and I do furthermore, In the name of the slate, offer a reward of five hundred dollars, which will be paid out of the treasury to any person delivering the said Jean Imfltte to the -beriff of ibe parish of Orleans, or to ny other sheriff in the state, so that may he brought .he said Jean to Justice." The Island Rose had heard the greater part of the document read In her grandfather's voice, low, to be sure, but with a clear enunciation which made each syllable as distinct as thf.i.ph she had been the reader inAnd when he stead of f listener. ended, she heard the voire of him heretofore known to her as Captain Jean." and Its tone was one of banter Well, M'sleur le Count, will you be the one to claim this five hundred dollars, snd do your governor and state brilliant service by delivering to them this hotly of mine." Then came her grandfather'! sternly cold reply: What have I ever done. Captain Jean Lafilte. that should lead you tc suppose I would stoop to traffic In the blood of my associates?'1 made the small Tt was this that band go fluttering toward the girls friguteued heart. It waa the revelation that her Captain Jean waa none other than Lafitte, the terrible pirate, of wtim she had heard such dreadful tales! He was the freebooter, smuggler and outlaw the leader of that fearful hand of men ahe had shuddered to hear the slaves mention! And not only waa her grandfather cognizant of this, but he was this mans abettor his associate and friend! Her brain in a whirl, her heart terrified by dread of an undeflnable terror, she fled from the house, and Into the woodi, wandering on, scarcely knowing or caring where, until her steps were arrested by the matted thicket Into which she had penetrated with unseeing eyes. Nov all was revealed to her. The of all others she trus'ed In this new, strange, and fettered worldinto which ahe had been brought from the peaceful Island home, where life hid been happy, and free from fear he was the notorious Lalltte, the Pirate of the Gulf," who scuttled ships, who murdered men and women, and whose hands were red with blood, shed that he might plunder his victims,. (To be continued.) man GRIAT AUTHOR AT PLAY. 1906." Zn Xiondou Courts. the London local courts have adopted the method of drawing jurors names from a box, lu the American The London Mall says the style. method has a distinctly novel, not to Boms of Her Oaptaln Jean" was none other than Lafitte, the terrible piratel even should the occasion or necessity stood with bended head, as If listening. arise. Nato was still staring at the girl Her childish trust In him became desay sporting character, about It" stroyed; he saw her shrink from him when she started Impetuously, and Write Garfield Tee To., Brooklyn. N. Y, In terror and abhorrence. And this went hurriedly down the hallway. Led liy curiosity, the hoy Jumped to for package Uarlu-lTea., the herb cure. awakened In him the knowledge that the aa he supposed paternal love he his feet, and saw her descend the Beneflcient Work. had been cherishing for the child of steps of the back gallery, and go The New York kitchen association, her who had always been his Ideal, was swiftly Into the woods, which seemed la its fight against consumption and rot the affection of a father for his to swallow up the snowy form and for the reduction of Infantile mortali- daughter, but the love of a man for glittering hair swullow them so suddenly as to leave In the hoys superstity, distributed from Its six kitchens a woman. In ths congested district last year The bitterest potion he had ever tious inlnd an uncomfortable sugges238,616 quarts of pure milk and swallowed was now working In his tion that she was not real flesh and veins. Yet no rate would have bus blood, but a spcrlt," or perhaps eggs to 28,897 patients. pected this, ns he went his way, and second voodoo priestess. Reduced Rates East for School Within the room, rear whose open for a time With greater recklessness Teachers. than before, although the rumor men- door the girl had stood, Lafitte and tioned by llerre had now become a I)o Cazeneau were haring a serious And the general public, via A. T. conversation. as the governor of 8. F. Ry. One fare plus 82 for the fact, Inasmuch Following the custom of the time, Issued a proclamation offerbad round trip from Utah, Wyoming and a reward for Lafiite's apprehen- De Cazeneau had reached out to ring ing a bell for refreshments, when Lafitte, other territories to Missouri river, 8L sion Louis, Memphis, Chicago, St. Paul and a with an expressive gesture, stayed his of reason come about had by This Dates of sale. Intermediate (mints. Imfourche. and hand. May 26th and 28th. Juno 1st. 3rd and melee In the bayou No. M'sleur le Comte. I can tarry the be to chip which which l!ofi. proved Oct. 16th. Return limit, 31st, a very short time only long but Inthe blaze a to s kindled Stop-overallowed. For further to Impart the very important enough fire of wrath against the formation apply to C. F. Warren. GenIntelligence I came to bring you.' eral Agent, 411 Dimly Block, Salt And he held out a paper he had Lake City. Utah. When the Information was brought drawn from his pocket. to Lafitte, accompanied by a copy of The count, haring put on his Rote of Waves. dewithout he had, the proclamation, It ! a favorite theory with fishing lay, taken a pinnace and set out for glasses, took the document; and his hands made the blue paper storm In a and people that the extreme southerly side of Grande wavering three waves are strong and violent Terre, upon which was the Count de quiver as If his own startled pulse-beat- s hnd stolen Into It while he read while the fourth is comparatively weak Cazenean's abode. the contents aloud. and lesa dangerous. This succession At the sound of Ijtfltto's feet upon Whereas the nefarious practice of they call a rote of waves. Fishermen the steps, a woman's weazened face, In contraband goods, which coffee-hurunning fishing-ground Its wrinkled and scowling. returning from their often prove by experience the truth o contrasting with wisps of gray, wiry hns hitherto prevailed In different their theory, and hang back an they wool showing from beneath a bright-colore- parts of the slate, to the great Injury diminution coma near the shore to take advantage bandanna, was projected from of the fair trader, and the Ibe revenue of the I nited States, of the lull that follows three big one of the numerous doors ocning Into various rooms bas of late much Increased; and breakers. from the hnllw-iwhereas it has been officially known In the two wings of the building. HowS This? It was apparent that she recognized to mo that, on the uth of last month Ws offer Cm Mumlmt Dolton Itrward ft say the visitor, for she came out into the a quantity of saincgled goods, seized Ilf Catarrh Max caaaut bo curod by llall I hall and. despite her ago. advanced by Walter Gilbert, on officer of the Lourrb L'uroy. J. HUSKY CO., Toledo. O revenue of the I'niPM States, were konwo f. J. Ctarwy briskly toward him. Wo. Mm aodanlsnnl, b forcibly taken from him in open day, are. r Iho last IS mn, aud Min a btiu pcrfrfffly looking there you Ah. Zeney, sad land ally In all hu.luen iniincd-'ii- . as young as ever," was his smilingly at ro croat distance from the city of 10 carry out aay .dillsailnaa niadn hy bla druu New Orb nn. by a arty of armed Maoris. Waxinsu Kiooax spoken greeting. WfeutoMto liruyiilata. Tulodn, 0. labi-to words. Caro arllnf Captain men, under the orders of a certain Internally, Bairs Catarrh "Always you say ut tin dlrarily ap-- ths Iiba4 and murooa aurfacoa even when one lean 1 Jifitto. who fired upon and grlevthat aauu please, Jean, aeat Irtae e.tlninolala fns. pai f hot 'la. RnMInr all DmiHlato. ously wounded one of the assistants of knows they are not true." Jail Hall's Family I'llto Sir soBMlpatiow. the said Waller Gilbert: f afltte laughed lightly. I have thought proper to Issue this, he mistress w!l?" young Is your I Starting Sim In. my proclamation; and I do solemnly Inunlred. New Clerk Good morning, air, I'm caution all and singular citizens of Yes, sha Is well." Zeney answered ready to go to work. What would you tone Implying that more might be ,' this state against giving any kind of a in Ilka me to do first? Btockaon Bonds said. siiceor. support or countenance to the The first fellow that calls. San Francisco CalL 16,-27- Iom-Islan- a Bara-tartan- .1 sea-fari- d j - ? 1 f whom Interest Reminiscences of One Who I Knew Hawthorne. M Sedgwick, In A Girl of Sixteen at Brook Farm," gives a little ket of Hawthorne which shows him In a aant and merry light, although the In geralj, she .acknowledges, great utlior was siient, almost taciturn. jbne day ahe was learning verses to re te at the evening class formed by ( tries A. Dana, when, seeing Haw Arne sitting immovable and sol ltary n the sofa, she daringly thrust the 1 ok in hla hands. V 1 you hear me aay my poetry, Mr. iwthorne?" I said. Hi rave me a sidelong glance from his ' ry shy eyes, took the book and moei ilndly heard me. After that he waa i the serfs every week to hear i Ite. Oi evening he was alone In the hallfttlng on a chair at the farther .hen my roommate and I were goln Upstairs. She whispered to me: Le .throw a sofa pillow at Mr. Hav ytae. PERISH WITH OF SAN THE BURNING FRANCISCO. Underground Passages Wherein Many Prisoners and Mysteries Were Reduced to Ashes and Oblivion. Los Cal. For the first a cent 'Ay the cptlis of Chinatown are open to the eyes of white men," said W. W. Overton, who reached Los Angeles among the refu- time Angeles, In half gees. No heap of smoking ruins marks the sight of the wooden warrens where the men of the Orient dwelt slat-eye- d In thousands. The place is pitted with deep holes and scared with dark passageways, from whose depths come smoke wreaths. All the wood has gone and the winds are streaking the ashes. Men, white men, never knew the underground depth of Chinatown's city," says Mr. Overton. They often talked of these subterranean runways. And many of them had gone beneath the street levels two and three stories. But now that Chinatown has been unmasked, for the destroyed buildings were only a mask, men from the hillside have looked on where its inner secrets lay. In places they can see passages 100 feet deep. The fire swept this Mongolian section clean. It left no shred of the painted wooden fabric. It ate down to the bare ground, and thla Ilea stark, for the breeze have taken away the light ashes. Joss bouses and mission schools, grocery stores and opium dens, gambling hells and theaters all of them went Th buildings blazed up like tissue paper lanterns when the gut terlng candle touched their aides. From this place I saw hundreds of frenzied yellow men flee. In their arms they bore their opium pipes, their money bags, their silks and their children. Beside them ran the baggy trousered women, and some of them hobbled painfully. These were men and women of the surface. Far beneath the streets In those cellars and passageways were other lives. Women who never saw the day from their darkened prisons and blinking Jailers were caught like rats in a huge trap. Their very bones were eaten by the flames. And now there remain only the holes. They pit the hillside like a mul titude of ground swallow nests. They shows depths which the police never knew. The secrets of those burrows will never be known, for Into them the hungry fire first sifted Its red coals and then licked eagerly In tongues of creeping flames, finally obliterating everything except the earth Itself." CHARM OF LONDON CONE. Lament of an Englishman lcently Returned from Long Sojourn Abroad. London. 'I am sorry I ever came back," said an Englishman who has Just returned after an absence of ten yean In Canada. The place I have thought about and dreamed of throughout my travels and which waa so dear to me before I quitted England has disappeared. Gone are the picturesque buildings, obliterated are the histori cal associations and perished is the peculiar charm which made London so dear to Its natives. In the place of It we have wide streets waiting for houses to border them; we have gigantic buildings with little claim to architectural beauty; we have tubes in all directions for the molelike population who love to burrow underground and we have a crowd of motor buses which make day and night alike hideous with their grunting, their screeching and their clatter. But the charm of London the poetry of our great city which was so Indescribably fascinating has depatred. Jng over the banisters, we tk a pillow and threw it. a flash he put out hla hand, Qui broom that was hanging near selz him irded off our cushions and thn aem back with sure aim. As fasi ,Jwe could throw them he with effect, hitting us tun evr ne, while we could only hit the ,fm. He must have been very qui vs his movements. 1 ,Jgh It all not a word was en 1 laughed and laughed, and his DID NOT FEEL A QUIVER. one and twinkled like stars, eyi went off to bed vanquished. un Not a Brick Moved on Thickly Built Island a Few Rods from Politeness Pays. 'Frisco. nly the man fell. He was a dlfntl person, but aa he reached a San Francisco. There is one place 'nrner his feet, set down with within pistol shot of ruined San Franfailed to stay set. They cisco that the earthquake did not high, and the result was sc touch, that did not lose a chimney nor that as the man hit the walb feel a tremor Alcatrstz Island. Dein silig posture observers expected spite the fact that the Island Is covered to st i spine protrude from the top with brick buildings, brick forts and of hlat. brick shlmneys, not a brick waa loosyouths had seen the episode. ened, not a crack made nor a quiver bad youth, and unwise Onet felt. When the scientist comes to write The other was a good he will have his hands full explaining rout vho knew a thing or two. He why Alcatraz did not have any phys1 to pick up the fallen man. ical knowledge of the event The scene I am Tftik you, said the man. from the Island was s ch ess millionaire, looking for an The crash of a falling city filled the heir.! i'ou're It. Meantime take this ears of the aroused Island, but no one rol ll blow yourself. Only one con understood what It was all about. There dittos attained. Don't spend a cent waa no earthquake that he knew about, onW laughing Jackass who la with yet the city, a few hundred yards yoil across the bay was crashing to ruin, Tiding over a $10,000 bundle, and No man on the Island knew what was givt his hote. address, the man went the matter until the boat landed at the Maly. wharves. limoral of this Is so obvious that shattered discern to Isn't it unade thelader Antwerp Art Exhibit. wotl botherlfc about. Washington Preparations are being made In AntTin' werp for an exhibition of the paint lngs of Willem Linnlg. who died 15 Nothin Sensational. years ago, practically unknown. The edltor-Vo- u got Mrs. Gassar exhibition is being organized by 1'Art V the Woman's Right! Contemporaln" to convince the artist's idnt yot? what did she say) native rlty that it let a great master R.rter OJ nothing worth print live and die unrecognized. R eacl eilltor-vh- she spoke tot y, ban an xnir. ! ; CHINATOWN' SECRKTS rter I quite l ow. but what she Vnslhle. said Philadelphia i wonien-- little Il A wise enough to ren .."i .1 ,nf -- Marseilles Exposition. A great colonial exposition will be opened In Marseilles this spring, and the summer. continued throughout It will mark the first attempt to or ganlze a comprehensive manifestation of French colonial work nnd la arousing much Inter On Tipping the Hat. New Yorkers still cling to the an- cient cuatom of tipping their hats when greeting a male friend or acquaintance. It Is a common sight to a aUld, prosperous looking business man as ha passes sn acquaintance tipping his hat, although the other la alone, and unaccompanied by a woman. It la the same after a party has been together somewhere, at dinner probably, or at the theater. You will notice that aa one separatee himself from the others he will say goodnight, or au revolr, and then tip hla hat Also, when one man la Introduced to another. It la dollars to a ubway ticket that he will lift hla chapeau. Wonder why It D? They don't do It In Pittsburg? Pittsburg Dispatch. Fatal Baluta. as a salute to a revolver a Firing wedding party, in accordance with an old Bavarian custom, a schoolmaster at Wuremburg used ball cartridges by mistake and killed one of the Cancer from Smoking. the result of official inquiry In Jamaica, It la stated that cancer of the tongue and lip Is curiously uncommon In a country In which smokAa among both ing is almost universal sexes. In a Pinch, Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASA powder. It cures pMnfol. smart- ing, nervous feet and Ingrowing nails. It's the grea'est comfort discovery of the age. Makes n?w shoes easy. A certain cure for westing feet Sold by all druggists. 25c. Trial package, FREE. Address A 8. Olmsted, Ik Roy, N. Y. Breaking Up Ships. Norwegians have a primitive way of wooden breaking up old, worn-oships. They take them to exposed rocky parte of the coast, and, after anchoring them, leave the breaker! of the next storm to smash them to pieces. After the storm the floating fragments are picked up and sold for firewood. ut Complexion Kul? Tongue coated? Liver deranged? Take Garliuld Tea. Only One Awake. The pastor paused In his discourse and looked over his congregation. Slater Smith," be said, will you kindly come up close to the pulpit? I can save my voice by repeating the rest of thla sermon to you In a conversational tone, and It will not disturb the slumbers of the others. Cleveland Leader. Mr. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, euftene the gune, redaeee to OnaiBietfaiB.elinjipaln. coree wind nolle. McahotUa. Mutual Add. At a banquet given to the delegates of mutual aid societies In Paris last week 25,000 bottles of red wine, 25,000 bottles of white wine, 25,000 bottles of beer and 10,000 bottles of champagne were provided, yet every delegate reached his home In safety. That shows what mutual aid can do. San Francisco News Letter. Garfield Tea overcomes constipation, sick headache, liver and kidney diseases. FRENCH INDUSTRIAL ARTS. The Application of Higher Training to Trade Is Everywhere Apparent. Consul Goldschmidt, of Nantes, con- tributes an extended article on industrial art education In France and Its influence upon French Industries. Ho saya In part: There are at present In France, aside from the national art schools, 300 provincial and municipal schools of fine arts, which are free to young men and women. While leaving to each school the development of the line of art suited to local needs, the state gives direction by annual visits of inspectors of drawing. The application to trade la practical and complete. The 'administration of fine arts' selects and sends the greater part of the models useful to Instruction, gives prizes, scholarships, purses and encouragement to pupila who have distinguished themselves during their course of studies. The Influence of artistic training upon the industries of France is paramount, and the ordinary observer Is struck at once when examining an article in the French shops of home manufacture of Its superiority over similar goods made in other countries, If one visits an art gallery or a museum In France on Sunday, the great Interest of the working people may be witnessed In the arts and sciences. A conversation with these workers reveals a general Interest of the masses in matters of art and Its general application." TRANSFORMATIONS. Curious Results When Coffee Drinking la Abandoned. It la almost aa hard for an old coffee toper to quit the use of coffee aa it la for a whisky or tobacco fiend to break off, exeept that the coffee user can quit coffee and take up Poetum Food Coffee without any feeling of a lots of the morning beverage, for when Poatum I well boiled and served with cream. It la really better In point of flavor than moat of the coffee served nowadays, and to the taste of the connoisseur It la like the flavor of fine Java. A great transformation takes place In the body within ten days or two weeks after coffee Is left off and Fostum Food Coffee used, for the reason that the poison to the nerves has been discontinued and in its place Is taken a liquid that sontalna the most powerful elements of nourishment It la easy to make thla teat and prove these statements by changing from o to Poatum Food Coffee. "Then's a reason.'' eof-ft- |