Show thunderstorm monday screen doors doon 12 at beeman cashin mer iller co t nw hew Pota potatoes tops for sale ealo ono one cent por ab clias cha s siuta huttl rich co script wanted at al mckinnon bros t wh att athe matter with our meadow ville correspondent home dinits missionary conary Satter thwaite did not show up sunday old newspapers for sale at this office 25 cents cenis per hundred side saddles 1000 and upward at al beeman cashau mer co t T foot oil 85 cents per gallon at al beeman cashin mer co t henry evans bought a wagon on monday from mckinnon urns bros barb wire at al deeman beeman Cash cashine lus cheaper thau than anywhere else t 55 reins cents per yard buys a handsome carpet at beeman A cashin mer aler co t born to mrs ephriam mcminn thursday morning a girl allwell all well wall wal paper 10 cents per roll ai and I 1 d upwards at beeman S cashin mer C co 0 t we are to hon aquila Aqui laNel net eker for particulars regarding saga sag station tio a canary bir biris birds Is imm born ch cherest stock will be for sae sale at mckinnon bros in a few days Corn cornelius elins evans and son eon henry bought 25 acres aar s of meadow land from 0 jacobson Alon monday dav no I 1 castor machine oil 40 cente cent per gall gallon n 5 gallons 18 cents per gallon at the old log store ike smith prop jno shelby who has bean laid up for or a few days with stomach troubles is around again with his same old smile why IT ily duy buy common crockery when you ran can buy handsome Decord decorated ted goods for or little liitle money at beeman it cashins mer co we sell furniture wall paper stoves carpets carpels etc pt cec pic cheaper than ihan adv furniture wore sore in tile lilt country mckinnon bros kennedy of argyle returned f froni evanston Wednes wednesday dav where lie he had taken mrs kennedy lor for medial advice have you seen our chairs at 75 cents each beeman cashin mer liler co head clu quarters arters for furniture carpets and drapl draperies t kettles 45 cents Wash boilers 65 6 cent granite ware area a prices lie never ver before made bee beerman Be man erran it fc cashin mer col co t fred voight and mr of Fv evanston anston ediin cred a party of 2 20 0 Evau eton people brough randolph to our beautiful lul lake thursday olof larson went to paris paria to atte attend riol day on his return he will ring bring mrs larson win who is staying with rela ivi livi 8 at act t Clial ilk S ida wr wo are ind bated to and thank ard II n frank J Ca carian Cann rinn iii for copies of official oTi ial congressional statistical ital A b atrat ol of the united slater and the genral general lin lan I 1 osrue circular we are a lay day late publishing lishing THE UP ais ances over wi which ich u we e ha hai had i no control piti arv vent d us getting to press earlier this is the oret first time and we me ii nill ill try and 1 revon tite it recurrence I 1 have plinty of money to loan on improved farm proper property tv low interest long time easy laments pa ments you can it back by installments inhere In tere t casing or on all amounts as paid apply to H R S spence montpelier ida guests at the tyson house during the week have been mr white ogden J JAnd andi irson and may of round bulley mrs ward and pon eon mrs ramsey mrs son find and daughter of evanston 11 E duffin of montpelier it you are eick or in pau fram any 0 the he following cramp cat arrah T earache Eara clip face ache rheumatics neuralgia or any odber ailment let a bottle of pain paint from E T randoph randolph price 25 50 cents and 81 pr bottle t I 1 have plenty of money to loan on improved farm prop ltv low interest ion conr I 1 time easy payments ts you can pay I 1 it back by install installments ments Int interest erect ceasing on all amounts ai paid apply to 11 S spence montpelier idia we wondered what caused the cessation of archie mckinnons hammer bandimer and on enquiry was told its a girl 1 IN mother Iother and haho babe doin doing nicely and archie well lie he says lie is strong nough bough to be around but v wishes it had been one of 0 the oth r ort fort f A blaze last sunday evening at the 10 lioan of walter norris start startled lel the residents identa of Itani randolph olph but fortunately it was wag not the homo homa only some soine of last years hay hav mr norris thinks thinka some of the boys had bad been smoking around find and throw threw away the en I 1 of a cigarette which started the blaze IV C smith of woodruff was wag a pleasant caller at this office ISIon monday day mr smith talks enthusiastically of the future of the gold mines near woodruff and believes tire mineral riches of rich co when developed will astonish all V U all air lie he reports everybody busy and tho alie crops tho hea heaviest ever known in I 1 nat section erf ion anil and of excellent quality A little of mr ion lawis ls dayton an old and much respected citizen of 0 barnitz pa occasionally hasi hai troubles with tier her sto loah aih which left gives her con bider ablo distress in speaking of it mr dayton said As soon as she has an attack we give her a dose of chamberlains colic cholera Cl olera and diarrhoea remedy and it has never failed to relieve her promptly we all use it in our family with the same good results for sale ale bv IKE SMITH crocker is out on ball the wife murderer will heng hang toda today y slight frost wednesday morning no dat damasa dama inage sr J al grant was commissioned collector for rich co thui thursday day bishop mckinnon clas chas mary mckinion McKi INIc Kinnon nuon aud and katie south are conference visitors I 1 on monday charles the 4 year old sort son of 0 J spencer r fell off his bis horse and dislocated ills his arm at the elbow I 1 ho 0 Is around again doing nicely mrs frank pickering and daughters jano and I 1 mary marv of the ward salt lake city are visit visiting iniz with their cousin mrs mr lib Nc beker they are delighted with tho the beautiful weather ani and cool nights of randolph the guests al atThe the randolph hotel this week have been W J Ci ishin of 0 evanston ed brook B Q ranch ten relatives and friends of tho the proprietor have also been staying at the hotel week tho the only prisoner in the jail here J crapo who ahio was serving a term tor for petit larceny escaped tuesday morning ile he had four more lays days to serve but feared there blits was another indictment pending therefore iii lie he took the first opportunity to skip bip |