Show CAPT BENSONS STATEMENT A remarkable AND INTER interesting EST CAREER A member Mer olier of the first kentucky bit tery who was wa in twenty seven hard fought battles Bt tle from the Capit alJournal salem oregon salem or can boast of no better known private citizen than captain william benson to the old residents as well as to the school children his figure is as familiar as that of mt hood or the state capital captain denson benson of the first kentucky battery detached from the illinois infantry is now seventy four years old and has taken part in awen ty seven en hard bard fought battles besides a great many interesting skirmishes ho is pensioned for injury in the breast from concussion of a shell and for a wound in the right shoulder caused by leaping from a car while being taken as a prisoner from anderson ville to pine forest for the past twenty years he has suffered almost continually from malaria and shortness of breath and has been afflicted with rheumatism in the logs aud and shoulders to such an extent that he had bad not seen a well day in all that time he was also afflicted with constipation and piles eighteen years ago mr benson removed from illinois to oregon on account of his failing health and since the close of the war has not been able to support himself by manual labor and has had almost constant medical attendance by physicians of all the different schools of practice to see him now tipping the scales at pounds enjoying regular health his cheeks mantled with a fresh rosy complexion walking off proud and erect with a fresh firm vigorous step for a man in jis his seventy fourth year is enough to make one believe in the possibility of ponce do de leons fabled fountain of youth captain benson is not only a hero bero of the civil war but a man worth considerable sid erable property he says bays he would part art willingly with his interest in all lis his earthly possessions rather than be placed back in the debilitated condition where he lingered tor for a score of years 1 I suppose said he be laughing that what you are after is an advertisement ti for pink pills but I 1 want to say that I 1 am very glad to give you this his testimonial as I 1 am convinced it will relieve a great deal of suffering buffering it if it can become widely known I 1 am firmly convinced after an experience of over fifty years with both patent medicines and physicians that if every family amily could keep these pink pills in the he house they would never need a doctor 1 I have paid out over 1000 for doo oring with the best at salem but not a cent for myself since a year and a half ago it was then that I 1 first heard beard of pink pills I 1 got the he first box at a drug store and had not much confidence in them when I 1 began to take them I 1 took one box lefore before I 1 got much benefit but by the middle of the second box the pain in my breast began to disappear and the rheumatism in my shoulder went W ent away the shortness of breath was alleviated and I 1 began to sleep like an infant for the first time in twenty years I 1 realized the luxury of sound ele slee epand my system began to recuperate by the tha end of the third box it had taken away all my rheumatism and stiffness in the muscles and joints and I 1 began to feel as nimble as a boy and could do as good a days work as ever but for my wounds I 1 enjoy the best aest health I 1 ever enjoyed in my life my natural weight increased from ten to twenty pounds my flesh li is solid rod and my is as clean and fresh its aa a babas I 1 had tried every remedy under the sun bun for piles but without relief at times they were near killing me sciatica rheumatism bad laid we me up in bed bea for mouths months at a time tima pink pills have bave cured all these things and I 1 have hare not nit an indication of piles ox 01 rheumatism for eight months people who see me now can not believe that I 1 iam am the same man my face looked drawn my eyes were bloodshot my skin was and I 1 could not have had bad a worse appearance if iliad I 1 had undergone starvation onan on an artio expedition I 1 can now eat whatever I 1 have a relish for and all I 1 want of it and it dont hurt me 1 I used to be constipated continually 41 ly and I 1 have taken wheelbarrow loads of other pills but never got perfect relief until I 1 tried pink pills I 1 am now taking two pills a week and alid sometimes I 1 go without them for a month and as I 1 said aid I 1 enjoy continuous good health I 1 have got rid of rheumatism and everything else pink pills pilla perform won wonders dors they go to work and fix up the kidneys and back and the whole system three days after first taking them you feel the effect all over the worst trouble with me was I 1 bad got so BO I 1 could not remember anything my mind was clouded A month after I 1 began taking pink pilla I 1 first began to notice my mind become clear and active and my memory is perfectly restored a d a happy change from the feeling of stupidity I 1 had suffered this medicine haf ha fixed me up and made a new man of me it is only the other day that dr reynolds dean of the salem medical college remarked to me that I 1 was looking hale and hearty I 1 said yes and no thanks to you doctors it is pink pills that have done it he poo booed bloed at it but I 1 know what I 1 am talking about and he had to admit what I 1 said signed wm benson state of 0 oregon marion ilarion county t J Ss 68 subscribed and sworn to before me this day of november 1895 E hoier hofer notary public in and for the state of oregon dr williams pink pills contain in a condensed form all the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves they are an unfailing specific for such diseases as aa ataxia partial paralysis st vitus dance sciatica neuralgia nen ralgia rheumatism nervous headache the after effect of la grippe palpitation of the heart pale and sallow all forms forma of weakness either in male or female pink pills are sold by all dealers or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price 60 cents a box or six air boxes for they ars never sold in bulk or by the by addressing dr williams medicine company schenectady N Y |