Show in the coronation ot of tile the czar absolutism appears at its worst ys tile lille doubtless holding the opinion that it Is seen seel at its best no real benefit Is secured to a people who denied full personal persona liberty and the exercise of their own individualism for the earning of their own bread are made beneficiaries of 0 the bounty of a well nish nigh barbaric ruler whose unlimited accumulations of 0 wealth have come to him through the fruits of the toll of its his subjects who are entitled to that fruit of themselves the russian Ilus sian people ought not to be dependents pen peri dents upon imperial bounty tile the imperialist has inherited immense fortunes brud wrung from his big subjects there Is no repayment in the mere dole of alms or in magnificent barbaric displays to feed a quarter of a million people upon epou a plain Is a vast undertaking when conducted under the order and at the cost of 1 a I single individual but that multitude had better for itself find and better for humanity and for the czar do its own feasting to secure an earthen mug with a portrait alt of the imperial company fresh crowned nt it moscow hundreds of thousands of russians losing all self bolf respect became murderers of their fellow men they y trampled one another to death the czar was not lacking in humanity of oc the moment for ills his coffers wore were again freely opened to relieve the distresses of those who were wounded and to assist in the ilia burial of the dead bu but t lit his benevolence is upon tile the wrong piano every man ought to have opportunity to be his own broad bread winner enjoy the fruit of his own thrift and industry and self denial lie ile ought b have ive no guardian the government whether that of a republic or ab absolutism should be a government not ot of him but 1 a I government tor for him a government designed si s I ned to preserve the peace and protect life and property that there was no touch of real sympathy with lit ahr people among whom the czar scattered largess abo o self cir respect had been trampled out before their lives were is by the fact that after 1 hu I had agiou IN ell orders tor for tile the burial of 0 his vic victims tills ile he went cut to the french ambassadors sa dors there anion among the pomona persons of what wha t ho he doubtless rega ads as a superior caste this god anointed ruler treaded a mc measure asUre 1 chased the glowing hours with flying feet |