Show MORE OF IT weather changeable A little rain a littly little suns itle tie and quite a little wind the it passed very quietly a ball in in t the lie evenin evening beme being tho only reminder of ill ahr holiday the rainy weather is ia detrimental to having but kolody much v at ilont ion t know now long tile good nature will last if it continues to be wet ifor if mr john frost will delay his visit to 10 our burg for a tim i we will he be grateful for wo we a asure assure sure him and liia his relatives that we prefer their room to their company this tithe of the year tile the was waa the date of our relief belief society mo eting when a right good ta time in was vas had in honor oi sister bosby who ip is visiting us mrs mary hyden of round hound valley late or oi almy aimy where her linahan I lost lik liis life in the tha great mine ir was among the guests we feet ju tilled in giving the follow iniz advice if in any settlement pett Fett lement in rich county th thare pre is it a spirit of contention or dissatisfaction apt act t i and bather to bellier the aged and give thera a few hours pleasure show ti cro cm on oil love and honor them by aside sf self if and living for them just list tor for a little ahil and we can promise you yon in the nnnie of 0 tile relief society of laketown Lake town atiat your cup of f happiness will bu be fillen to tio tile brim W know this tor for wo we have proved it to be tho the truth this ha has lilen ben a week of social events last monday invitations were issued by IN misses naomi and clara our bishops daughters to tile the p koplo tn 0 att nd i i ixon party on tile the but the interfered although it was very wt wet outside out bide the spirits of our young p people ople were not dampened a pit particle pari icle in tile the pleasant rooms tinder the treO of the father of our ward with songs recitations games and bobial chat our girls anil and boys spent a very pleasant evening slay may they meet thui often mr and Mrs oluf larson of Randolph were among tile the guests laketown Lake town july 8 1890 |