Show FROM FLORIDA ANOTHER leun IETTER ruit OF 01 estling WILEY wilby or OF OUR olk ENERGETIC missionary E editor aitor ROUNDUP ROUND UP I 1 have been hoydn hoping that the other victims of box B lightning would bould occasionally favor us with a letter but us its they wont I 1 have dec idled d to gri grind nd out another epistle C if I 1 mistake not rub rih co has 0 elders ciders in the missionary field and probably even wore more it if each one would write occasionally I 1 w that tile the folks at homs as well as tile boys that are away would enjoy hearing hei iring iron irom them wake up tip boys and lot let us hear from you well about fifteen months have bave assed since I 1 left tho the land of 0 the aage lien hen and coyote by ahk time next year I 1 expect to be back there sa in paL hisil n you fellos fel lofts at horne home who are afraid to go to alie post effice for fear of receiving a friendly letter from box B I 1 it I 1 was quite interested in the account of the celebrations of the fourth of july I 1 spent the day in a different manner president joseph A west arid and elder 0 J brown visiting 0 us its and help in us to hobt soma meetings in taylor co we held ano two on that jay one in the morning and oue one in the afternoon in the morning I 1 preached about three quarters ot of an hour and then ball a chill and as quite sick for the rest ol of the day my partner elder jabez FAUX was tit in the same saine lix fix so the visiting brethren had to run elder blown bi own wan wag quite amu amused ted to asje se us out in the hot sun shivering n i tile he sat in tile the shade and linned fanned fillus himself elf Por perhaps liapi it t wi wil be our turn to laugh langli next elder brown wa formerly fori a clerk in the ogden branch of Z C 31 L 1 aal when he be heard tit til t I 1 was irom ach co he wanted to know it il I 1 kildew mentioning one of our most popular merchants I 1 told him yes ves elder brown then said our drummer says a ays that becan lie can rues measure sure out a aard ard of calleo calico sell bell a mug of tobacco charge an account ne count lick up tip a blot of ink tit and tell what effect the lahiff tat iff had on the price of a certain article all in one ile he filho said that waa wa aa a genius forgetting for getling ling out posters about trust and bait ill all in the josh billings style of L i gelbrig arjen he went on to repeat soine of the mottoes moi toiS that tile the drummer had stolen jr ir ni sad merchant and carried down to ogden till I 1 could shut my eyes and ini imagine agine iwas I 1 was back to tile the land ol of tha bear lake monster to bo be continued |