Show danger in I paint aint Roce recently till in liverpool an inquest was held oil cm a laborer named blayman II ayman who had been engaged in ili painting the tanks of 0 the steamship servia with bituminous paint the men lad had been to work alternately alternate li on oil the job in consequence of it tin the foul all air or fumes from the paint in 11 the tanks lad had a naked audio and by some means tile the fumes fulges from the paint became ignited and lie be ws badly burned the foreman took steps h saps to to lescue ill him but an hour and a I 1 la elapsed before gerore this was effected I 1 blayman ii ayn was terribly burned find and delirious several men gave evidence as to the effect of the fumes given off by be solution which roada them drunk bruni or delirious ind and unless a man mail was accustomed e cus to it he could not tolerate the fumes rimes more than a few minutes tile the jury found that hayman died from burns accidentally received and added hat lights used in similar tanks should be protected |