Show MAYOR OF ST CHARLES one ine of the thousands whom paines celery compound has cured M sox the following long and explicit letter from hon A A bennet tells its own story atory read it mayor office city of st charles III march 4 1890 wells richardson co burling burlene ton vt gentlemen I 1 ta tafoi ch much mach pleasure in being able to add my mite to the great mass of testimony in praise of paines celery compound in november last I 1 found myself much run down by overwork for several weeks I 1 had been obliged to work beigh eighteen teen hours daily out of the twenty four and was in consequence in a state of physical and nervous exhaustion at the suggestion of a friend I 1 commenced the use of paines celery cora com pound with the result that my strength has steadily improved and I 1 find myself in tar far better health than I 1 have known tor for years I 1 believe also that it has enabled me to escape my periodical attack of rheumatism as every season reason since that time with the advent ot of the cold damp weather I 1 have suffered seTe severely jely from that disease in a chronic form so far this winter I 1 have escaped without a single twinge ot of my old enemy I 1 very cheerfully recommend it to any one in similar need in the full belief that it will be helpful in every case casa very sincerely yours A A bennett it if we all led out ont of door lives went to bed at sundown and had bad no consuming ca cares resnor nor hard bard work to bring down the health there might not be the tha urgent necessity that now exists fol fo taking this lest best of spring remedies re medie paines celery compound but as the great majority of lives are ordered with too much work too much anxiety too little sleep by the tha time winter is over the drain on the tha nervous energy has become excessive the nerves are in sad need of being strengthened and the blood of being purified i paines celery compound absolutely meets this great modern necessity paines celery compound will bring back nerve strength and replace poor thin pale blood with a ruddy health making stream f it is the one great practical remedy advocated by al it drives away that feeling of utter exhaustion that is so common in ill the spring but no less dangerously significant because it is ia so common it makes people well it is a thousand times superior to all the ordinary sarsaparilla a nerv ines and ana tonics ever made paines celery compound is tho th one real spring remedy known today that never fails to benefit get paines celery compound and only paines celery compound it you v ish to be vell |