Show I 1 milk anil and butter ter the following advice is given by vis the I 1 massachusetts ploughman IJ B milk regularly t keep the cows quiet and comfortable I 1 daiter bitter butter Is a result of overripe over ripe scream cream i ifor it Is the good cows that make money I 1 it i for their owner the poor ones are kept ept i I 1 tor for fun evidently it the cow that holds out well ten or J releven eleven mouths months in the year Is the mail j ir to keep i like a factory a cow pays best when ix q run to full 1111 capacity that means high S 1 arun feadin feeding to make the best cow out of the st growing helfer heifer it Is important during 4 4 growth that her feeding and cira care C should ito u id b be e s uch such as will secure the best r sev I 1 development elopement elop ment |