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Show Diana Maxell's Mini Dairy If you think about it, dairj products probably account for more than 25 percent of your family's food budget. According to Diana Maxell, goats are a sensible way to economize. "They are perfect per-fect for a small time dairy operation," she says. It is obvious too that aside from the economic aspect, Diana enjoys her goats. There are also health reasons for preferring goat milk to cow's milk. Many infants who are allergic to store-bought milk products are not allergic to goat's milk. There is evidence also that goat milk is easier to digest because the fat ' molecules are smaller. Traditionally, Americans have shied away from goat milk assuming that it had a stronger flavor than the milk they were used to. Goat milk advocates, though, will say ' ' " .. r- . : ' - . ' : - ' 1 ' l ' v.V- I.' ' V . " ;S . r". , tV. - : ? - r. ; . 0- . : . f Y - . . " X. ' . x ? , t . ' "'A',. : 1.. - " 1 , If m .,. ' that properly handled, it is indistinguishable from cow's milk. On a larger scale, 60 percent of the milk consumed con-sumed throughout the world is goat milk. Diana's goats produce approximately 2-3 quarts of milk per day 10 months a year. One or two goats are perfect for filling a family's needs. 1 6th the size of a dairy cow, they are also easier to handle and to accommodate. Goat's also have beguiling personalities. They are more pets than livestock and for that reason too are appealing. appeal-ing. Owning a dairy animal, though, is a demanding responsibility. They must be milked twice a day but the rewards pay big dividends. Goats are perfect for a small time dairy operation. X r: r ' : v " r . r - (j v '7! Mi H V""1 It's been a long time since Diana has bought a quart of milk at the grocery store. |