Show PROVIDENCE PROVI PRO VI DENCE Irrigation I Month or Un h I cig Ii I ii g Special Correspondence Providence Cliche Cache Co 0 Job Fob 83 33 For the first time tinte In several years yean ue We have 11 a 8 hud had nearly n a n of uninterrupted sleigh ins Inc The me Jingle of sleight sleigh bells Is heard by b night and day dRy and lint in keeping with the UIO white landscape land and the tho keen frosty aIr degrees decrees below helow zero I lias ha h been report reported 1 but we Wt are aN am Inclined to think the figure exaggerated Ten to K Ii 3 below II Is probably the limit of ot temperature we lie luire hall had A foot font of oC ofelton snow elton lira lies on the til level but bul the fie canyons and ravines r lne ar are quite full tull We look for foran or orAn oran an abundance of ot water net nest summer which lh will W lit a blenar to all aM anti and M I Mp p to those hour who wile have much land hind nd and ROIl little water waltr title The Providence and ing district which was In existence for tor tormore more than limn 40 years yearn was WOI dissolved list lut spring and out OUI of ot Its remains remain were w re or organised organised Irrigation Chief ChIli among these are lire the Spring Creek Water company the th Loan Lo an River JUver Irrl liri gallon cation and find the Ih Fork J ork Irrigation company There are I throe or four doer other companies of oe teas Importance There hod h d b been n great fric friction tion for tor many man years elul In the conduct of ot the old district owing to the fact tact that taxes were unequally un levied and It U Is Isreall really remarkable that the cohesion WM strong enough to hold bold the people Jl ople together The Inevitable watt was bound to happen however Mil And when It came cam me and the th unwieldy fell tell to piece every body wondered that It had bad existed so 0 long The new Incorporations Incorporation being business like and n conducted on a n cash basis aro giving the tho very er best of satisfaction s SYSTEM Until two years ago no the Kople tople r ot of Tiis village relied upon Ullon the mountain mount in stream m Spring Creek anti the water wit i of or the Fork canal Unal for tor their italy domestic supply and Imd this water ran In Inthe Inthe inthe the street ditches winter and summer r Only a n few tew tollS were ere In existence Al AI Although Although though a n remarkably healthy health such Bitch cases cages of lit typhoid fever t er etc elc oa Ill oc RO occurred currell were charged up III to the lie he Impure Im uro water waler of ot the ditches and It b lit t came a 11 matter ot or general solicitude to secure a n cleanor and purer supply Ac Accordingly Accordingly cordingly a 11 number of ot springs were re de do developed developer and the families living most meet m itt itta advantageously a under them organized themselves Into Inlo companies and an pro proceeded itt o tu to build reservoirs lay II pipes limes limesand and conduct the water vater to 10 their hOUft and coi corrals cOIral rain Four roul companies were In itt Incorporated Incorporated The me Crystal Water Waler ater com corn company party pany the Pioneer Plon r the Peerless a and the theLast Ih theLast Last Chance Many Mall thousands of ot dot dol dollars lars lara were wre spent In these Improvement and there Is scarcely a family In Proto Provi Providence thence dence but ul has haa h or II Is about to 10 get Iret the till spring sater In lit Its 1111 home h P One good result of or all alt thin this II In that water wal r Is kept out of or the ditches during durin the winter months and the streets am BrA tree free from the tite long stretches of ot glassy Ice Ie which used to make locomotion a menace to life and limb The people p ople feel very ery hap happy py hO I over oter the change and apart from I I wondering lion how ho got 1101 along so 10 many lIIn years under the tho old conditions declare they thy would not part with the new ne eye system tent tem for tor 10 times lines ita cost COlt Tho aru aro really rea II Incalculable One Olle result however which It was wa hoped to secure by b piping the has haa failed to materialise the typhoid cases have hn ve not nol been btu banished Their appearance alas al have been tn more than ever lver and with wilt increased mortality It Is ii I said laid that hat more Inore deaths have hlo occurred In III the last lort three Ihre years year In Providence than titan In ROY any An 20 previous years ears Certain It Is that the grim rIm reap reaper er or has visited us UI with dreadful I rapidity during the tits present century anti and haa has re removed removed moved many a loved one nO front from our midst The number of or first settlers Is la fast diminishing nud only un a 1 few tew remain of lit those gray gra eM haired pioneers who are Arc looked upon as AR the fathers father and mothers Of or the community co May MIlY time deal deil lightly with their remaining years earM I Old Folks FolIs day lIa Is 18 regularly re observed I by h feasting and cheering up all the lilt In Inhabitants Inhabitants I habitants v who lio have hale lived beyond 60 GO years roars and these celebration r result sult In good to old and young The lam lad on look took vise place about three weeks ago allO tint end WM was w a very err happy affair Feasting Fea singing dancing etc were Indulged In until all were wert tired PUl COAL Irom Front I Motion It ll lg is l prObable b ba able a lt we Khali soon noon have a t coal mine In inthe th the tbt Spring Greek Creek n A couple of ot miles from front town ton We have seen teen some ome samples which burn urn very well anti and have hae every of ot being the outcropping outcroppings of ot a great g t coal oal bed It I is II greatly to be it desired that thit the coal roal be I found tOT for our timber supply Is III almost almott gone lione and auth the railroad will wUl let Itt us have ha fuel only when hen It feels CHis like It and at Its own oun high price Irks 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