Show J it Outlaw hIM Asks fur Tor tir Money Gets It I anti Ills Ilg Lesuer Minn Mian Feb lam aged agel 22 for tor whom a reward of r WAS offered orter for Cor ap alt appeared last night at nt the tho home of ot Lewis LAWI IA ls 1 all a I farmer armer and nd demanded money mon mono gave him him 10 nil ni he had enraged at getting so 1 IH lit li to tb shot hOl Dalman In itt the tue eye uye anti and breast The farmer farner then lion knocked knocke bis Imis assailant down clown with Ith an In AX and with sith lh the time help of ot his wife wire and antt hired man bound bOUnI bund him Hallman can live lve but a II afew afew few tew hours houri atUt Is II In jilt Jail Jai here her |