Show to bo be Married New York Feb 85 H that the wedding of ot lilies I Cathilene Nell Neil Neilson Nel Nellson son daughter of oC Mrs I Nell Nellson Nel Nellson son to Mr Reginald 1 C 0 Vanderbilt Yan Is ig to tobo tobe bo be celebrated on 01 Saturday Iii 10 Master Baster week seek April Apri IS 18 soya the time Herald today at the brides home 10 Fifth 1 avenue Xo No l O details have been ben given out nor Is III time the date admitted by the time relatives of oftie tIle tie couple Mr 1 r Vanderbilt anti and lila his bride brie will wi pass the time early corl part of ot their honeymoon honeymon at It new flew le farm tarm at n r Newport and an 1 later they lh y will 1 go tJ ti Eu Europe Europe Europe rope returning to pass hose asi the Its summer at Newport |