Show REPRIEVE FOR OSTEOPATH BILL Senator Barbor Scores tho Doctors Says They Are Arc Jealous INITIATIVE In It u of or lUll Kill KillI I III UK II It fiu A now record for tor the Introduction ol ot new MW bills at It one all sitting was established by vy tho senate yesterday 16 measures having l Jeen e n munched launched Hut It la III not the coming In but tho out of at a abill abill bill that creates nativity In III the sen un senate ate ala chamber The Th livelier Interest therefore round those thole bills bill bat were ere up tar far dual passage Pale among which were the osteopath th and Initia Initiative the tive and measures W AH The file former bill hll cin very ver nearly losing tta IU but with a short having been laid upon ullon th ta table table ble to tu cume up In III Its It I regular or ur order der Tb ablest champion the uto osteopaths paths have In the Is Senator Benator Harber who delivered one of ot the most malt 1 of ot the He Ie Mid 1 1 tho doctors s mild med to 10 be Je very ory much nuch In the bill Of ot ill lI the jealous and sensitive people on onearth onearth earth said he the Ih doctors I think are Me war worse than any class cia I know of Thuy can hardly orM with one olle There Is more backbiting and disparage disparagement ment among th them m than any Mn other peo 1110 people pili In the world And this U III to show their great love for tor the dear public I am old to remember that they the this thin name kind of or light the th homeopaths the only reason for It heinK that It wn was an Innovation I have n letters before me which came from fr tome of the th good people of at Ioann inking me In to vote for rUI tills this bill I 1 know that people been lIeen benefited by 11 oa treatment Thure Thore IH If an 11 difference between these thelle two to schools Why should thao bo ho required to pass pall th same examination as liB the tho You might ns well II ask Illk a to to a I for tor the right to preach Ir Senator Burdock spoke oke In behalf of the bill lilli an IW amendment allowing the osteopaths to minor surgery This precipitated u dis discussion on minor major surgery tile the former seeming to 10 be to 10 the hands and Ind reel feet said Urn th osteopaths did not wish to practise Jut but they would like to b lie able to extract a sliver silver from a 1 mans hand without being pro l Senator Ham Hamberger berger for Hopping and Senator Hum larger said Ihl he had the error of ot his Was which the other uther would do cia If It they cave the mutter careful thought AND After Atter a somewhat lively debate this measure Willi win Milt back to 10 tho commit committee tee t on judicial y for tor the covert pur 1101 mid Senator of ut 1111 me It Senator Sherman was wall the leader of ot the tho and he accomplished Ills hIs end by declaring there th re were several Ople Il In III the city clU who wanted to be lie heard This Is III a n radical rad I Oil I measure Ii fd he It changes chan ell tile the mode mo e of ot preparing ing for legislation le I for one have hare not hall had time to Ima it And there are several others ulio would like to be lie heard and I 1 therefore move that the bill be he recommitted to the 1111 committee objected strenuously urs ur that It the same HIlme bill as the senate two years ears ago that It was wason one on of ot the drat measures Introduced at nt this session lon and everyone had harl been ln given ut en a hearing on the bill both pro and oon The majority ty of at the people of ot the state teem poem to want U It said laid he and It Is not my In right to try and th will of 01 the The vote vot wan taken and 1111 Shermans motion prevailed Till fm Senate Renate bill No UJ HI by pipes within the application of the Irrigation law which permit nn owner of ot a water right to enlarge the or flume nume pasting through the land landof landor of or a neighbor Senate bill No by the arbitration of water right disputes Senat bill 1111 No US liS by IJ an all l ue by h corporations of ot preferred or other classes of ot stock Pro Pre stock ha hAt been Issued under the present corporation law Jut but there lias been heen some BOme doubt as liS to the legality Senate bill No by lIy Ix a R county Munt sheep r Inspector to be lie under bond and entitled to 3 3 n a day and 10 cents a Il mile mil mileage to be hi paid by the person rellon whose dl p are Inspected the Inspector to be lit authorized authorised to quarantine antine for cab c b or other contagious dis disease ease nl to dip and to give a II clean clenn bill of ot health owners made mille liable for tor dam dnn damage I age aile by failure to keep keell diseased sheep http In 8 S B 8 Itt HS by tho liquor license law so 10 as to require a license to b be paid by association club and porting portilla houses 8 H n by b to ex exemptions tram from garnishment proceed I In 8 n n ISO by Lewis Is to compel cor to 10 nIP flip complete statements with the secretary of ot state att Senator Lewis also allO Introduced bill which r n ldes a fee of or 10 cents per 1000 for filing The Mid the of ot these the two Iwo bills win will In an In tho thoI I revenue Ue 01 the tate of ot from HW t to annually Senate Bill No by IJ Judge chamber with their Senate BUI No 1 by b Itt ait establishing the bu hu bureau reau of n According to Sen sn Senator itt ator the thO bureau has hili found unable to 10 accomplish results JJ lug to III the failure Allure of ot property own er cr to Ho schedules printing the data nl d ll for n The bureau wa wall created cr n I d by Iy the lat lant of or the lature Inato bill hili No 0 HI by b Tor I r of ot decedents decedent funds through th tate Iu Senate bill hili No by For the of or owners l fore till the tiling filing of ot n lien Hen against a II building Senate bill No by II r the practise pra with reference U Uthe to the tho transfer of ot original documents win to the tho supreme court Senate bill No IK by the practise with to the transfer of original documents with appeals tr tN the supreme court Senate Renate bill No N U 1511 by Bamberger For t Wn tho school census In Goto bur In of or July fur the renton tha fewer absent from home Mm at tho latter date Senator mines Introduced 8 Joint resolution No petitioning Con Congress gress to Ill cell A national convention to consider an providing for tor Ih popular election 91 o of United Staled senators IUS BILLS BIlIS Four pasted tho senate nate yes fea one of ut them b 8 I U m by b Allison fixing a line limit of ot to ao upon motion of nt new trill trial In cues cafes The present admits ol ola at ata a motion for new trill at every eer bit of ot evidence which condition caused Mr Hamlet while musing upon the evils that reconcile a limn mun to sudden Iud en Incorporated the laws JI Other bills pawed by hy the state Kin elm Kinate elmate ate were an ail follows 8 H 11 79 by Jy for tor versed ried n law lawS 8 S B n 10 by Sherman for tor II In proceedings for tOI tho revocation of ot a II saloon license licenseS S IJ D l 1211 by br I residence In the state ne al a 11 condition of admittance to the bar i THURn HILLS The senate yesterday decapitated three bills and two Wire were reported upon the following notion being taken H II I n Gl Cl for 1110 fees tm to Ju court with 80 SO cent one aile 11 killed by the committee and senate 8 li U lOG defining need publicly for ton years as aa highways killed by lIy committee and senate senateS S 11 H permitting the operation nf ot under bone bond during Injunction I lion tion proceedings reported favorably 8 S II 11 US for registration r of notaries I with county clerks cl favor ubly S B D for tor appointment of ot killed by committee bUt nit recommitted by b senate for tor further consideration lion lionA A petition for tor the lon of ot WO for tor roads road In III Davis county waft referred to the appropriation committee |