Show DEATH DEALS DEALSA AlS AlSA A STINGING BLOW Demise of Joseph Parry Brings Sorrow to Many Hearts WAS GENERALLY OEN BELOVED I OIl of Union After Iho at 01 tho Iho Not In years has n sorrow BO 10 Ml Fa I pervaded the homes hornea of tin Welsh people e of at this uly nj that Which fol ln lowed cd the announcement of ot the death of ot Dr Vr Joseph JO III countrymen everywhere and nd throughout the th civilized world honored him be e causa ius he u deserved d to bo bJ honored honorL Dr Vr wt s a II faithful a devoted husband n father a I splendid type Of ot citizen ami an Rn lOo Itle for the youth you Ih of ot all lilt Jill whole life II f with th the exception of ot the few fell yearn won A as a boy hoy with wit h poverty and R nd a II desire 11 ir to acquire a R musical education later to qualify for tor the decree of da tor of music na HI a tl man t tu his hll full share to 10 tho world lorld of 01 poetry He n mid Iud n II uce in all 1111 hili Kind n all u u uJ J was an on expression often heard of ot l VI r Joseph larf KUT IrOT l Vr r has been working on a 11 project which would caus him to the globe 1101 Ho He hili u six Mix month leave of at from the of or Wales hi 1 U Is ot music mUll 1 and had find leaving Cardiff In III Juno June nf ot year cur He Uti win to have been tor lor nt lit the th grand musical ral festival at Australia In then his would have III v him to the and ana Hawaiian Islands and 1 ho lieen In Salt City CUy for tor several In November of ut this year iad he lived to carry out hl hll cher cherished plane plan Tor l or Several months he h haa been lIe n hi In with Kvan John James and W JI U Kulland to Ills his appear nn c hero connection con with the Taber choir Preparations were almost com We red when the end en II news n wl ot Ills death wua received i Pd the of ot those who hud hAd In hand the arrange I con cun be lie littler belter Imagined than des described de erl bed Only recently Dr Parry lorry greatest hopes Vero more realized when his new DW opera the Maid of ot was produced In Wales and for tor forn torII n II whole holo week the people front nil parts of ot Wales to ic near hear Its rendition by the Ihl Moody Manner Opera company com pan In n recent letter to a n friend In Rait lako Jako the doctor state sinter It n was the If greatest success of my life lite Mr Man ManIt It rs hax hilI with my committee to jour our The Mahl with A In England and 11 n C lit hf Wales Mr Ir Joseph Josoph Dennett la Is so pleased that ho hus hilI offered to write for me another lib libretto libretto for tor n grand opera Bo So this It Is rill fur beyond our greatest hopes It Is In Indeed deed sad that now with tho very high highest est anticipations for the future on the topmost l rung run of ot tho lad Ind ladder der Ier of success the doctor be It called to the tho other uther ho he could enjoy enJo tho position he had struggled for to 10 attain Ho Ilo leaves 1110 a fer and ono one and n son lion In fit Rt Louis Mo 1110 It was the doctors hope to meet his fItO daughter and anel son lIOn nt lit St Rt Louis upon his trip trill around the Bio be beDr Dr was for tor many years a res resident ident of or Danville Montour county I Ill n During Durin th CIvil Ovll war he rendered pa service to his hili country by Jy contri buting of 01 bin hll means and talent to tho Iho cause enu o of or the Union With his hi mUsical inimical organisations It wai wal custom my with him to visit the soldiers In camp rl lu them with enlivening martial musical mu Of Ot the thousands of ot while who In that thai region during durin the war tow few thiro lire are who will not recall his many nets acts of 01 patriotism and his nature Mr Hurry P of ot the county clerks Ig Is one of those now living who ho wan all stationed at nt Van Dan Danville ville villI enforcing the In July and ixos 1 m In that county who Iho recalls with wih the frequent mu I treats given ghen the In blue In camp calp by bf Dr company cm pAn Joseph JOe h Tarry Mu Voc Doc antab or of ot mimic University college director South Wale Wale School of at Cardiff South Wale Wall was WI born bor at 11 rhy df am South WUI Hay 31 I 1811 ISU He educated nt at the I Honl Academy of or Music un der Sir W 8 Uennett Manu lalu l 1 Garcia Arcla and Ind Dr 1 I Hix J oln the I Sul of 01 Tarsus the cantatas cantata Tho and le Cambria I lUu Tho Prodigal Ron and I Jo Ir Sylv SY Arten nen n Arthur SOO 1 ilee ec the Or Cr Maid of 01 an anthems In The Maid of Ser r The of ff YdA tO tunes and many chorine comI Kin iiA hymn in II popular not only In Wale Wale ruid England but 1 II extensively used In Sn America uH The he following nong Ing Dr Parry Par com m I Vf 1 t d on board ship on his hil return to Wale after one o of ot his hi VIUM to this thin country some SUnt years car BRO a It 1 will wil be 1 re recalled called clel that he sang n It I with much fer fervor vor or at he l th His of lt IMS UK The none n Is I a popular one 11 In Utah and IB li frequently sung ung In III public others by Stephens and ad 1 MAKE IAm NEW HUT nU TiE OLD OD Make new nel friends but keep the old those thO are r these theM are ar old Rew made friendship like Ik new lne age Ile will wi mellow and refine that ha stood too the test tOt time and chance dum Kte surely surl best It B may mr wrinkle hair frow W urey Kr friendship never knows d w y n knows decay I Refrain Make new lew but kep the old are fl these Ule are ar gold Koll may ml wrinkle grow ney rey but lut never known kno decay deay I For mid old aie friends tried and true tre onte ont more morE we our youth But old friends aln may mr lie and new onea their place Cherish friendship In your ur Wast blut new newIs newIs Is good i d hut but old 01 the best ll Make friends Jut but keep the th old th ore ur these theu ar are gold toli In Fm ame aa ni first frt |