Show COI CO NAILS AtiS SAIS A 1 UK Jm S Presented Irr to Ir Irs r Not ot In Iii Possession Keeper Washington Wn Pelt Jeb 21 Col lore superintendent of I building and anti grounds found IIRI hl mr an nn exhaustive Investigation int into tho the statement recently I ell published hel widely w throughout the time country that thaI a side sideboard de deboard board presented to Mr Alec Irl Lucy Luc Webb Hayes bt while she ehe was wan mistress ml tT of the tho White House loue by b 1 women of the te W Vt 0 C CT T U has ha pasted Passed p 0 Into the hands of ot n a 1 Washington saloon keeper Th TM state statement meat ment lent was u made that the te sideboard was a presented presente to Mrs Airs Hayes out of liC regard glud fur for hr hT not Riot to permit onner wine nine tt to t bo be IJ served sned nt at It tho the White House i vl 01 11 investigation die dis closes clo e clearly the time fact that the tha pub published i il l h 11 nan immis no foundation So Ho far tar oa as I the time records and amid anda amida and andI a I voluminous w with Ith Interested patties go so no imo 10 such inch tide side sideboard board ever was Wi presented to AIrs Hayes la es by b member of ot th the W IV C T I II IL 1 by U any ammy In oth vI hH r body of women or by I any ammy In officials Two w sideboards from frol the White House HOIe Welt Wele sold lold at a The Time offer offeror or these as U well wel as A of ot other articles from time tha White House wa was Wa made In lii accordance with the tue law The Tue Investigation gallon gation gaton has developed the fact that the time theone theone one which v wu was u purchased by u a saloon saloonkeeper keeper was tm bought for the Ie White WhiteHouse Whitehouse House loul during time the incumbency of ot Prell President President dent Arthur Time The other was wal bought for fur the time use tse 1 of ot the time mansion manalon at nt an a early date dale Where It now nutt Is II cannot be bv ascer oscer ascertained The only article presented to Airs Mr Hayes for us Ile tile In the White House wan waa wana a a carved cared frame fur for her imer portrait It Ilas was found unsuitable for tor Its purpose and Itt Is II I understood to lo be In the tha possession of ot tim Cincinnati Cincinnat school of design With Wih respect rl to the criticism that tho thu portraits of former mistresses of the this White House were hung In time the cellar celar of ot the time mansion It Is he stated by I the same authority that the tile are ll In lim II the time corridor or through which all al guests gUIt of ut the time have to lu pans nail and that that the tite portrait of or Mrs Airs lr Is 18 hung di directly opposite to that ot of Mrs Airs Hajes lael |