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Show Sill! Coughing? No matter how many medicines you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial irritation, you can get relief now with Creomulsion. Serious trouble may be brewing and you cannot afford to take a chance with, anything less than Creomulsion, Creomul-sion, which goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature to soothe and heal the inflamed membranes mem-branes as the germ-laden phlegm is loosened and expelled. Even if other remedies have failed, don't be discouraged, your druggist is authorized to guarantee Creomulsion and to refund your money if you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. Get Creomulsion right now. (AdvJ IIFEtE'S RELIEF 9 1 VSore, Irritated Skin Wherever it is however broken the siurfac6-f reely apply soothing Salt Lake City Directory l! U. S. Certified Pullorum j! Tested Chicks White Leghorns, Rhode Inland Reds, ; , Burred Plymouth Rocks, for immediate '! i delivery. Headquarter for Hart (ai 1 brooderu, for natural, artificial, or tank 'i gas, can be used anywhere. Also the' ! new Bol-Bot Radiant. Phone, write or i wire (or prices and complete Inform- 1 J1 ation. i '', RAMSHAW HATCHERIES 3687 So. State St. Salt Lake City, UL I! TIMPANOG08 HATCHERY 305 South 7 th East Pro to, Utah ! Streator-Smith CHEVROLET DEALER offers about 60 CHEVROLETS 40 FORDS AND ABOUT 20 OTHER CARS All Popular Makes '36 models to '28 models reconditioned and 3re backed by our Written Guarantee G. M. A. C. Terms Used Trucks Good Trucks Big Trucki Small Trucks Stakes Pickups and Hyd. Dump Bodies Prices and terms to suit you. When in Salt Lake City visit our BIG USED CAR DEPT. 505 SO.' MAIN i. ..,.. ... l.....-.J... , - .lain ,as-ml!j.)t.., jfe.j NOT Innp; ago I was like some friends I have... low In spirits... run-down. . .out of 6orts. . .tired easily and looked terrible I knew I had no serious organic trouble so I reasoned sensibly. . .ns my experience has since proven. . .that work, worry, colds anil whatnot had just worn me down. The confidence mother has always had in S.S.S. Tonic. . .which Is still her stand-by when she feels run-down. . .convinced rne I ouht to try this Treatment. . .1 started a course. The color beirrin to come hack to my skin. . .1 felt better. . .1 did not tire ensiiy and soon I felt 'Ibat those rcd-blood-cclls were back to so-called fighting strength. . .it is great to feel strong again and like my old self. Insist on S.S.S. Tonic in the blood-red CcHoplnne-wrnppcd package... pack-age... the big 20-oz. size is suQicicnt for two weeks' treatment. . .it's more economical, too. tr: S.S.S. Co. r.--7"y-v " " . . , - .yij-XS:' -forY?- Vyv f'.h; ''t-vinfit- |