Show 4 Scouts to Assist In Monument Fete Pete Vanguard Boy Scouts of f the L. L D. D S. S church will join members of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks assocIation asso asso- elation in erecting a monument on the Mormon pioneer trail at the to toof top of Big mountain 16 miles mUes cast of S Salt Sal lt Lake John Giles secretary of the ossa- ossa asso- asso elation clation said Friday that plans are be beIng being be- be ing made for unveiling ceremonies o on July 24 The Vanguards plan a B three three- day encampment at the site ite of th the monument climaxing their ceremonies ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- monies wi with h the unveiling ing The monument will be partly partly con constructed constructed con con- from stones used for ress by the e pioneers when 0 they s sue retarded the the advance e o of Johnstons Johnston's army in 1851 Mr Giles said the association will furnish a abronze abronze bronze plaque for for |