Show MISSING 1 THE POINT some of those who l appear ap- ap U LL pear to believe they are among the governors governor's governors governor's gov gov- most friendly supporters place him in inan an embarrassing and awkward position because because because be be- cause thc they have wholly missed the point in in controversy over the need for his th raging calling an extra session of f the thc leg legislature Perhaps it is is' by inadvertence but strangely strange strange- ly enough they present Governor Blood as a champion of prohibition being assailed from ev every evY ry quarter to surrender his defense of the dry cause This for him is most unfortunate It gs is manifestly unfair It overlooks the ines inescapable in- in es escapable fact that the governor of a sovereign st state stat t cannot be a r representative pl of class or faction In h him m is reposed the welfare of the whole people of the state He ie upon bythe basic theory tory ory of democratic government to pc be an impartial just mt and fair jair administrator and executive with an eye single to the b broad o d' d dint int interest rest of thc the commonwealth Governor Blood th throughout the v Ife months he has been in the chair of the chief executive of Utah has given ev every rv indication that he not only understands this nits full full well but that he be is minded to conduct hi bi his office with this fundamental consideration always before him The Telegram el gram takes this occasion to rep repeat at observation that there is only one question before the gover governor that that or-that that of recognizing the thc right of the people a constitutional ilee The attorney general has declared in in a formal opinion as the statutory legal adviser of Jh the governor t that at a call can for a special session session session ses ses- ses- ses sion is imperative in order that the thc state may maybe maybe maybe be given full lull legal warrant to levy lery taxes for forstate forstate forstate state purposes purposes The last regular session was wa was gr grossly in error when it adjourned without acting upon this vitally important matter If such special session is to be o called which appears to be inescapable if Utah is to forestall forestall forestall fore fore- stall tax tar s situations which have haye resulted in chaos elsewhere there is statewide clamor that the call for the special session shall ask the thc members to consider res resubmitting to the people people peo peo- pie the question of retaining or repealing the state constitutional amendment which proscribes proscribes pro pro- proscribes scribes beverages containing more than one- one half of one olie per cent alcohol The governor unquestionably recognizes recognize's tHat the electorate is demanding that its voice be heard The Thc demand is from so large a portion of f the voting population that clearly it is entitled to be heeded The demand is solely for an opportunity to vote vote upon a question question question ques ques- tion which has become in the past few months the livest issue in the state Under all these circumstances any effort to dissuade the governor from including recommendation rec ree- that resubmission have hae the attention attention attention atten atten- tion of f fa a special session of the tile legislature if it itis itis itis is called is an unwarranted infringement on the rights of the electorate and an attempt to tope pe persuade ade the governor to assume an cx ex parte position wholly out of df f harmony with his exalted exalted ex- ex alted office IThe IThee I f The There Thee c is no wet wee or r dry is issue ue before the governor He lie is being is-being being asked by a vast and representative portion of the voters oters of the state stat to submit t to them for a decision a paramount paramount paramount para para- mount q question estion |