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Show Indiana Roads. A few j ears ago the editor of this paper was a lesldent of Orleans, Orange county, Indiana, a count) and township possessing loads In as bad condition as Cache county's. Orleans township voted on the load pioposi-tlon pioposi-tlon and theic was an ovc whelming majority lu favor of good loads. Con-tiaets Con-tiaets weie let foi the constiuctlon of a certain number of miles of guided road to be built of crushed limestone. These loads have pioved a perrect success and each jear or so has seen more new and good loads built. Tlio following fiom the Orleans Heinle! of recent date shows the mind of tlio people: "The proposition for the building of several miles of gravel loads in Oi- aaBBaiaHaWaWNMMaVaMaMaWaaMaMaaaaaWaianHalaavaMMMMaW leans township was voted on last Thursday. The vote was not exceptionally excep-tionally heavy but sufficiently so to Indicate tl'at the majority of the voters vot-ers are In favor of good roads, When these roads are completed Orleans Township will then have excellent roads any direction from town. The few miles of giavel roads that tills township built a few years ago have added more to the convenience of the people than any Improvement that has been made at the public expense." |