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Show Progress Despite Opposition Cache county is going to have good roads some day )ou can put that down for a fact. This deshed condition condi-tion may not come for some time, but Just as sine as you live the giowthof the countiy and nccessit) of the situation situa-tion will yet loice the matter upon j on. Since this is inevitably tine, why can jou not sec the advantage of Joining health) in the efloit to secuie a condition that is for )our own convenience, con-venience, and then enjoy It and pio-lit pio-lit b) It? To wait for such a time as the count) may be in a condition to constiuct loads without bonding or voting a tax Is to wait for a time that will nevei come, so why not construct mads now, and utillc them to the best advantage in fact, make them p.i) lor their constiuctlon while they aie being used. A gieat improvement was never made without opposition, and the greatei the linpioveinent, the mote strenuous the opposition. We believe the commissioners of Cache county should take little cognizance of the opposition recently cxpiessed when that body of officials made an eflort to get at the sentiment of the people. While there was consldei-able consldei-able opposition there was also consld-able consld-able sentiment In favor of construction construc-tion of good loads nt any cost, and In many instances It will be found that the opposition was largely the lesiilt of Individual selfishness rather than from a careful consideration of the leal value to the whole count). |