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Show BJFt ts. H if B v. s. .( ilSNICIC, President. A LLAN M. FLEMING, Cashier ! R JAMKSQUAYLE;vicolrc8. II, E. CROCKETT, Asst. " I THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, !H LOGAN, UTAH. I ' Under United States Government Supervision. ' CAPITAL AND PROMTS $70,000. H j Courteous Attention to All. S Interest Paid on Time Deposits. BJ rorelgn Drafts Issued Prompt. Conservative, Sale. H i HOAHD OF DIHECTOHS: W. S. McCoitNICK, JAMKSQl'AYI.K, JoSKfllF. SMITH '1 JOIINII. ANIJICIWON, TllM. SMAltT, SoilKN IlANSKN, ; 1 U. C. Goodwin, C. W. Niiu.kv, Allan M. Flkminq BB ' - I Give Your Boy I A KODAK Cardon Jewelry Co., LOGAN, UTAH i Odeirs Studio Hi i'"u I Photo's m BV,' Succev.orlo B I THOMAS & ODELL. HHi'i, I C. H. Baker H; Practical H j ; Shoe Dealer, i , Has just received a consignment of K FOOTWKAH. They arc positively H! ' tlie best goods ever (dieted for the Bt-' money In Logan. Men's Hand Sewed J Fine l!ox Calf Shoes, $2.r,o per pair, mid other shoes in proportion. Hl Logan Shoe Factory j 13 W. Center St., Logan, Utah i Bl Utah Mortgage Loan ' Corporation. ! Tlhlng Office corner, Logan, Utah 4 .. H I' has plentv of MONEY AT BBJj' ALL TIMES for Hli FARM AND CITY LOANS Bit BBf at lowest rates. No Comtnls- V I slons charged I I 1 li H Flowers by Express! BBJm Shipped same day order is received. BBV - FLOHAL DESIGNS aspeclaltv, BBB li. C. MOUUIS FLOHAL COMPANY BV McCornlck llldg., Salt Lake City, l I Harry Swinyard BBS ,t Is still at the old stand, next dooi BIB South of Logan Nursery. H , CAUIUAOE AND MUGGY H UEPA I HI NO O UR S P EO I A LT Y. BBS' Gl e us a call. Satisfaction Guaran-Bf: Oregon Short Line R. R. CACHE VALLEYTIME CAHD EiTect on Nov. 2Jiitl, ldo::. ' No. II. Dally. Ni, 1.1. Ilally MWed. I 1'h ati-llo SitS i. in -M a.!" Sail f.nkt 5:l." " Ilii.m '(lirdeii 7ll5 " li-' " Cnehn.let. ki.Vi aiMam 1 Mention UilII " "I'M " I.ti:ai ::n " "i " initlillHil lit It " "!00 " Itli'hmond IH.VI " Til.' " IraiiUIn lOtlt " fits ' AltlllVKS. I I'rsliin lOij " llilO.'a.in I SOUTH HOUND. ' I.KAVKS No. IS Dally. No. !, Dally Mixed , PreMou 7:10 a. 111 UsWa.in' I l'rankllii 7;'.'7 ", 10:00 " Itlclimuiid 7: " 10:10 " Smltlilli'Iil 7:5il " 11:10 " I.iran !:I5 v.li;Wp.m Mendon S:rH " 1:10 " Cache .lot. S:: " 1:K " AMIIVK. Oitdeti 10:30 " 5:30 " fait Lake II :55 " , n;K " I'ocatello .. " " r.urther Inforniatlon'aMily to V. W Wood-ddcAirent. Official Directory District Judge-Charles Hart. District Attorney Frank K. Nebeker COUNTY OKKICKItS. County Commissioners Hrigham A. Hendricks, C. L. Anderson, Win. H. Darley. County Clerk Jacob N. Larson. County I'ecorder Hebecca Eamcs. County Attorney W. W. Maugh;n. County Treasurer W. C. Parkinson. County Assessor Jos. J. Hichardson. County Sherilt George C. Hlgby. (bounty Surveyor K. C. Schaub. County Physician Dr. W. I!. Parkinson. Park-inson. County Supt. Schools G. M. Thompson. County Fisli and Game Warden--H.H. Thornley. Water Commissioner .lames Melkle. Hoail Supervisors Avon, .las. Jensen; ltensou, Samuel H.l!oundy;Claiks-ton, H.l!oundy;Claiks-ton, (ieorge Godfrey; College, Michael Johnson; Covevllle, John C. Latsen; Greenville, Jacob Wll-helm; Wll-helm; Hyde Park, Stephen Thurston: Thurs-ton: Hyrum, O. P. Olsen; Lewis-ton, Lewis-ton, II. M. Hawllns, Jr.; Logan, M. .1. Andrews; Mention, Mormon Hird; Millvllle, Ephraim Ycatcs; Mt. Sterling, Joseph K. Jlrown; Newton, 'icls Christiansen; Paradise, Para-dise, Thomas W. Ouray; Peter-loio, Peter-loio, James C. Jensen; Providence J. J. Frederick; Hlchmond, Fred-rich Fred-rich II. Whittle; Smlthlleld, Win. Winn; Trenton, John Hliigham; Wdlsvllle, Thos. Murray; Wheeler, Wheel-er, Win. E. Hlgby. Justices or the Peace Avon. Oliver F. Davis; Ilenson, S. II. Houndyi Clarkston, A. II. Archibald; College. Col-lege. W.IIawkins;Covcvllle, Fennel Collins; Greenville. Halph Smith; Hyde Park, George '.. Lamb; Hyrum. Hy-rum. C. F. Olsen; Lewlston, Peter E. Van Orden; Logan, Thomas X. Smith: Mendon. Andrew Sorenseu. Millvllle. John W. Scott; Mt. Sterling, Ster-ling, W. S. Maxtor; Newton. Marcus Mar-cus Cooley; Paradise. John P. James: Peterboro, C. W. Maugh-an; Maugh-an; Providence, Lorenzo E. Tib-lillts; Tib-lillts; Hlchmond, James W. Funk, Smlthlleld, Geo. V. Smith; Trenton, Tren-ton, Charles G. Wood; Wellsvllle, John S. Leatham; Wheeler, James Hodges. constable -tienson, uiiiam uatmuii; Clarkston, John Thompson; College, Col-lege, George Williams; Covevllle Mark II. lteese; Greenville, Emll Mose; Hyde Park, Fred Wohc; Hyrum, AndrewC. Nielson; Lewlston, Lew-lston, J. W. Leavltt; Logan, Jacob Johnson; Mendon, P. It. Mird; Millvllle. James P.OIsen; Mt. Sterling, Ster-ling, J. W. Lindlcy: Newton. John Mcuson; Paradise, John II. Glbbs; i'- 'erboio. O. F. Ny; Providence, Andrew Fuhrlman; Hlchmond, L. II. Mullen: Smlthlleld, Win. I'll-klnson; I'll-klnson; Trenton, Andrew Sim-monds, Sim-monds, Jr.; Wellsvllle, Joseph M. Woodward; Wheeler, Joseph Hansom. BBr . The Scenic Line I To Qlcnwood Springs, Aspen, Lcadvlllc. Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Bj Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago, and all points H East. Connecting at Ogden Union Depot with all Southern Pa- BJ cltlc and Oregon Short Line trains. The only Transcontinental H Line passing directly through Salt Lake City. H 3 Splendidly Equipped Trains between I OGDEN AND DENVER Via Throe Separate and Distinct Scenic Houtcs. B THROUGH PULLMAN and ORDINARY SLEEPING GARS ,1 tfB To Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago without B change. Free Hecllnlng Chair Cars. Personally Conducted Ex- I curslons. DININOOAHS, Service a la Carte on all through trains. I For rates, folders, free Illustrated booklets, etc., Inquire of your I I nearest ticket agent, specifying the Hlo Grande I B ....route, or address.... I H I. A. BENTON, GAPD, Salt Lake City tTTi CUMMINGS Commission Co., DKALKItS IN STOCKS. Bonds, Grain and Provisions. Stocks Hotight and Sold on Margin or for Cash., We have a .special department depart-ment for buying or selling stocks and bonds for Immediate delivery. Investors In-vestors and Mankeis will save time and money by giving us their orders In that line. Correspondence solicited. Local oillcc: Hoom r. COMMEHCIALMLOCK, W. H. Weaver, Agt. i We are Waiting to show you some of the handsomest furniture that ever graced a dining room. Handsome furniture docs not necessarily mean expensiveness, with us. So you arc included In our Invitation, Invita-tion, whethcryou have little or much money to spend. WM. EDWARDS -FUHN1TFHE DEALEH-South DEALEH-South Main Street. - - LOGAN We announce to the public that we are standing a Thorough Bred Jack MURRAY and PARKER, WELLSV1LLE, - - UTAH C T. Barrett Architect and Superintendent. Super-intendent. Union Mlock. No. 75 N. Main st. P. O. Mox ".Vl. The M. & L I Goal and Wood co. I Successor to J. Johnson .t M.Maurlt.en H M. Mauritzen, I James Larsen, I Proprietors. I Dealers in all kinds of Coal and Kin- H dllng wood. Oillcc 589 West Center H street BJ TELEPHONE 1D8K. H Prompt delivery and 2,000 pounds to BJ every ton, guaranteed. BJ WALLPAPER I HEMEMMEH-We sell all our papers, H with the exception or Ingrains, at the ' PS Hat price borders go at the same B price as the walls and ceilings. Sec to K It that you do not pay more. Wc have BJ an Immense stock of l!)0t patterns. BJ Good Pipers from BJ 10c to 25c per Double Roll. Most Papers from jH 25c to 50c per Double Roll. It Is to your interest to examine them BJ before placing your orders; we know H that we can save you money. BJ Wilkinson & Son I OITOSITK POST OKKIOK. BJ Logan Real Estate I and Loan Company I has a number of First-class Dry H and Irrigated BJ Farms For sale y E on terms or for Cash. City proper- BJ ty in all parts of town. Long time H Farm loans a specialty. I Optional payment. Local money BJ money placed. A No. 1 Security LOUIS S. CARDON, Mgr., I Dr. P. M. Poulsen, I DENTIST. I Host Set of Teeth, - - $10.00 B Filling Teeth, ... - 1.00 B Cleaning Teeth, - - - 1.00 Highest class Crown and Hrldge Work I at most reasonable prices. All work guaranteed. Teeth extracted without I pain. Olilcc over U. O. Store. I L. J. GOODRICH, I OSTEOPATH. ( I Olllce and Hcsldence, Hoom 4, Hick's Mlock, Main Street. . Op |