Show r Centerville N Notes ot s r V The Sagamore camp Daughters of Utah Pioneers met at the home of Mrs Caroline Cherry Harris Monday afternoon to honor her on her eighty eighty- ninth birthday Mrs Harris is the thelast thelast last ast surviving pioneer of 1847 In Davis Davis Da vis county There are only 16 other survivors V Mary Major who has been visiting in n Centerville for lor several weeks returned returned returned re re- turned to her home borne in Omaha Tues day The third inoculation for typhoid lever fever will be given Tuesday from 9 to tD 10 a. a m. m in the C Centerville First ward chapel by Dr Sumner Glea Glea- son L Mr and Mrs l Fr red Fred d W W. Walton left Monday for Raymond Idaho to visit with their daughter Mrs Stanley Hall The Centerville First ward M. M I. I A. A I officers held an outing at Lagoon Monday evening E. E E. E Randall and Mary Steed had charge of ot arrange arrange- ments |