Show r I The Weather I Ie e A Loci Local Lal office U S S. S weather bureau Salt Sal Lake City Utah August 9 1934 WEATHER SUMMARY A broad shallow depression of the ba barometer ba rometer overspreads the neat great basin bain this morning from tho the Needles heat heal low The Te northwestern hish bich of ot yesterday hoj hu divided the advance portion being charted over oyer North Dakota and South DAkota Da Us- kota this morning showers showe-s have oc occurred oc- oc red cut southeastern in southern ui Idaho Nevada Colorado fo d northern o southeastern a Utah Wyoming end and locally elsewhere else Including the central states Temperatures turcs continue over the Mississippi valley and the great buln basin but It U is moderately cool over oyer the northwestern north boundary states FORECASTS Nevada Partly Nevada Partly cloudy tonight ht and rl day local thunderstorms In mountains lit littie lit lit- tie tle change in temperature Idaho Idaho Generally Generally fair air tonight and Friday Frida but afternoon thunderstorms In mountains and southeast portion 1 no rio c change chanze anze In tem tern Local Wyoming Local showers and thunderstorms thunderstorms thunder thunder- storms tonight somewhat cooler conler north and west est portions Friday generally fair except probably thunder showers howers southeast por por- lion tion cooler copier east and find south portion portions WEATHER OBSERVATIONS TAKEN AT II 6 A. A Si M. TODAY 09 Temperature ug j Station g Max I Mm MIn today Dol Boise 93 60 3 00 Chicago ion 78 18 01 m Denver r 02 93 M 02 Grand rJ J Junction 92 S1 68 00 g Helena Heena g a 8 53 sa 00 oo Lander 18 Ca 62 03 oo Los 78 8 62 n CO 60 Modena Mode 86 6 6 62 00 OC Needles 08 on to 20 00 09 New York 78 s 8 s 's G C 00 CO Oklahoma City to 00 0 CC CO Omaha Omaha no EO co 0 M oo Phoenix s 84 8 03 OJ Pocatello 13 82 70 OC 03 Portland g 1 Ore re 84 52 58 CO 60 gg Reno 10 SO 62 00 SALT LAKE CITY CITy 92 65 85 02 Sin San Francisco 62 54 00 09 Santa Fe W 85 83 60 03 OJ I S Spokane 84 34 12 00 Tonopah r ra 63 J 5 00 Winnemucca 06 15 11 02 00 oo Yellowstone 54 68 00 TEMPERA TEMPERATURES TUrES Wednesday t 93 Lowest Wednesday ay rs c-a Thursday 10 a a. a m m. m 72 Thursday 12 noon 51 Sun xu zeta Thursday 1 Sun rIses rise Friday 4 2 |