Show SILVER ORDER ROOSTS BOOSTS BOOST GRAINS Prices Leap Upward at News of Roosevelt's Proclamation Proclamation Proc Proc- CHICAGO Aug 9 OP New P-New New high prices for forthe the year for all grains were written on the Chicago markets market's huge blackboards today the fourth consecutive consecutive con con- trading a session ess Ion in which bread broad speculative buying has hoisted quotations quotation above previous peaks Floundering below yesterdays yesterday's close the market near was electrified b by announcement of presidential presidential presidential nationalization of ot silver anc and wheat prices bounded up 2 z cents almost instantly Wheat closed from 1 8 to 1 cents higher than yesterdays yesterday's finish h. December De cember deliveries ended the session at Corn which showed power throughout through through- out most of the sc session lon finished 3 to 3 g cents up Oats EXits ts gained 1 H to 2 8 cents Rye was up fractions to a cent and barley gained almost almo t 3 cents I I |