Show s. s RACKET D DISTRICT ATTORNEY CALVIN W. W w RA RAWLINGS RAW RA y LINGS in his biennial report to Attorney General Joseph Chez again calls to notice practices practices tices on the part of certain professional bondsmen bonds bonds- men which constitute racketeering of the w worst sort By the actions referred d to the unscrupulous Ious Ions bondsmen not only profit from irom gross and deception but also defeat the tile ends o of justice and cause wholly unnecessary public pub pub- lie lic expense through delaying court pro pro- Tim Times s almost without number the evil of the straw bondsman has been aired by the courts prosecutors and enforcement officers wi without hout eradicating it Measures have been taken by all concerned to put puta a stop to flagrant flagrant flagrant fla fla- grant practices but through devious L wa ways s 's even cven those who have lave been denied the thc right to furnish furnish fur fur- nish Dish bail for accused persons manage to carry carryon on through gh dummies or various arious other fuges The district attorney recommends a specific specific ape ape- solution of this recurring and vexatious problem m the enactment of the model code of criminal procedure drawn by the thc American Bar association This is a situation in which the Utah state bar should be it vitally ally interested Searching study of the model code should be undertaken to establish its applicability in this Bt state te If it should promise a solution of the theil theil evil il th the bar blI owes g it to the people to pre press I Ii 4 j for its consideration by the legislature In Iii the thc meantime it should devote itself to wiping wiping wip vip ing out ont connivance between unethical members members mem mem- bers lier of the I legal profession and those in ill tho bond racket The ba bar should assist all public officers in combating the nefarious practices of all aU in involved in- in in the thc business Its very ery close connection connection tion tiou with Avith criminal court procedure makes it a matter with which reputable and ethical attorneys attorneys altar ners should feel deeply concern concerned cd Remedies ar are arc largely be beyond the reach of the thc ordinary citizen but he le will vill applaud every c effort put forth to stamp out this obstacle in the path of law enforcement and justice which is a potent potent po po- tent cause canse of confirmed criminality The Thc combination of technical loopholes in ill the thc law r larand lawand a and court procedure with the trickery conspired conspired conspired con con- in by hy criminals criminal and ind their bondsmen affords af af- for fords s evildoers pra practical immunity from front punishment punishment pun pun- in Iii altogether too many instances The Thc district attorneys attorney's s report as a whole reflects credit upon his office The rhe figures submitted show a gratifying number of convictions convictions cOIn in iii criminal cases brought to trial It is unfortunate that the record of felons after conviction con con- and sentence docs does not afford occasion for lor society to be le as well pleased with results |