Show STARS LINKED TO RED MOVE Hollywood Police Officer Tells of Film i Figures' Figures Activities V LOS ANGELES Aug 9 W P Holly Hollywood's Hollywoods woods wood's motion picture colony was drawn rawn today Into a congressional Investigation investigation in in- of oC communist and silver shirt hirt activities In southern California Several prominent motion picture tars stars and directors said Police Captain Cap Cap- tam tain am William Hynes are arc supporting an n asserted a. communist movement here Hynes' Hynes statement was was' made after he ic had left the congressional sub sub- subcommittees subcommittee's committees ommittee's rooms where he dc dc- scribed the growth of communistic activities in southern California princIpally prin prin- in Los Angeles At the conclusion con con- elusion lusion of the he hearing yesterday Representative Rep Rep- Charles Kramer committee commit commit- tee ee chairman said economy forced a discontinuance of further sessions Hynes who is head of the Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles police intelligence squa squad said he ic possessed the names of the Hie co contributors con con- and would present them atthe at atthe the ic proper time V Most of those who have contributed contrib- contrib ted thousands o of dollars to advance the he red cause in America believe they arc are re guided by philanthropy he de de- dared lared He said most of oC the donors were once poor and felt obligated to help out ut the poor man We have taken up the matter of the he financial support to the communist com communist movement from stars with their heir studios and the studios have promised to cooperate with us he added While there is no definite plan lan on foot toot to attempt to boycott picures pic pie tures ures of those who have contributed to p the communistic cause drastic acion action action ac- ac tion ion may be necessary |