Show Recaptured Prisoner Locked in Sol Solitary ita ry In Utah Penitentiary I r 4 l i j 4 1111 I I U t V c Sc 2 cz c S 71 7 1 t 7 t i J I LI t 1 M LI k Robert E Earle at door of his cell Robert Earle Returned From Portland by Air to Frustrate Plot to Free Him Versatile Robert Earle 27 who made a a. sensational escape from Utah state prison last Armistice day occupied a solitary cell on the grade at the prison Thursday following his return from Portland where he was captured last Saturday Earle was rushed back to Salt Lake City by plane by Deputy Sheriffs J. J Wallace West Vest and P. P A A. Hanks to prevent a possible delivery of ot their prisoner en ea route Officers had feared confederates would try to board atrain at train carrying the deputies and their prisoner and attempt to spring Earle after alter thc they d discovered covered that the convict had acquired ac several ha hacksaw blades and a picklock and used a telephone in the Portland jail to call his girl friend iI in Los Angeles I He is now one of t two o pIson prisoners rs confined confined con con- fined on the grade grad a prison term for tor the cell block in which unruly or desperate convicts are arc kept kepl Apparently his only concern Thursday Thursday Thurs day was the condition of his grandmother grand mother who Earle said aid had both Continued on Putt PUt Two CONVICT HELD IN SOLITARY Utah Prisoner Put on Grade After His Recapture i In n Portland Continued from Pa PUt f One On c legs amputated the night before he hc hewa was wa captured In Portland I 11 was on my way to visit my mother moth er r and grandmother in Seattle when th they y picked me up Earle said The Thc night before I was caught I telephoned tele ide phoned honed my mother from Portland She told me of my grandmothers grandmother's condition This rap came at the wrong time I dont don't know whether my grandmother grand mother Is 13 alive all or dead and md the they mail in here wont won't Jet let me receive any Several times I thought of giving myself up and I lived Jived In constant fear the cops would grab rab me mc Attempted Escape The return of Earle to Salt Sall Lake City brought sighs of relief relict from Portland Port Port- land police During his hs brief incarceration incarceration in the Portland jail Earle had given officers many anxious mo meats ments He was arrested as 15 a a holdup suspect but was b held ld for Utah h authorities authorities authorities au au- au- au after fingerprint experts had identified him as an escaped fugitive from rom the Utah state prison On Tuesday the young oung convict attempted attempted at tempted to escape by knocking down a. a jailer in a courtroom and fleeing from the jail building He was re recaptured recap ap a half hill block away when he collided collided col with a policeman and md pursuers caught up to him before he could resume re sume zume his dash for freedom |